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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Wait this is hilarious also rip princess kilvas having the highest profile views of all time
  3. maybe Lester will actually do something with his life and join the beige ritter instead of celice's shitty army
  4. hey its hard for me to memorize ten strokes think about how much the SNES must struggle
  5. but brazil vs. germany happened on a tuesday
  6. it is, but i can see how its not for everyone also the hype and BASED TRIGGER moments don't really start until episode 16 or something
  7. it doesn't git gud until at least 12 episodes in so be ready to climb a mountain of bullshit lol
  8. also like 1000000000% sure mk404 did Linda that just looks like his quintessential spriting style YO BUT TRABANT DOE wow what a trooper
  9. gen 2 mugs were a drop in quality tbh
  10. remember FE4 Advance https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19964863/newfe4acomp.png omfg holyn had a sexy mug
  11. why do they jump between kana and gana
  12. corrin looks like an espurr omg
  13. i read the script now i am happy
  14. wait what is this translation patch and why does the font look so crisp
  15. man what Astra went to one of those Miku concerts in toronto and is pressuring me to go to the one in new york which i could totally see before I leave but just like ohgod I really want to but do i want to
  16. what was there a synchysis or chiasmus because im too dumb and i didn't see it
  17. thanks it really means so much to me to hear that thank you
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