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The oldest PM in your Inbox


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is meteor really banned just from posting in that topic?

some sort of script, or maybe you banned him because he posted there, when you asked everyone not to? lol


Don't worry, he's not really banned... I think XD

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I've never deleted a PM, so here:

Ah, cool. I have no idea how the FC system works, but I think I added you. My Brawl FC is:


Would you mind sharing your Wii FC? Ya can never have enough people in your address book. :P

My first PM was the day I came back from my 2 week hiatus. In March.

Damn I'm uncool. V_v

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Note to self: Avoid Fox for the rest of... forever.


Are there any restrictions on the use of a foreign language in one's signature? I do not currently intend to expand my signature but, in the event that I do in the future, it might be useful to know your take on the matter. I do not believe that this concern has yet been addressed on the forum (if it has, and I missed it, I apologize).

Thank you for considering my question,

~ Wist

You're free to use foreign languages, as long the content doesn't offend anyone (if they could read it) ^^

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Sorry to bother you, oh noble Webmaster, but would it be too much trouble for me to ask of you for a link to a "clean" FE5 ROM, and also the Link to the most up-to-date translation patch. Forgive me for any inconvenience this may cause you.



I only gave out the patch BTW.

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lol mine is an infraction form Metal Arc

here, you're only allowed to have one pic in your sig. (not my rule)

so you're going to have to make a choice unless you can find a way to fit them all together and not exceed the limit of 550x550.

You either need to pick one or combine them into one.

I can pick for you if you'd prefer.

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Since I really don't have any "old" PM's here, I decided to find the oldest I had still archived anywhere. This is from Jul 28 2006, sent on FESS4.

Hi! ^_^

About the announcement in the restaurant. It didn't go exactly to you. I put it because of SPM's incident in the ninja guild. You have done nothing wrong (I tell you just in case you thought so or something :sweatdrop:).

Edited by Admrial Daala
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Destiny Hero,

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