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What if Engage had Three Houses Styled paralogues

Etrurian emperor

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These sort of topics are always fun. Engage Paralogues are all about the Emblem rings and a greatest hits of Fire Emblem stages, but what if the paralogues focused on the playable cast? What sort of wacky hijinks would they get up with? 

The ultimate Party: Vander, Pandreo and Fogado

Fogado and Pandreo host the ultimate party in Solm's palace but when this results in increasingly drunk and obnoxious party guests refusing to leave Vander must step in and beat some sense into everyone. For a fun gimmick the playable cast could play various roles. A completely drunk Pandreo and Fogado serving as a boss, Framme trying to escape the stage so Vander won't punish her for attending the party and needing to be chased down, or Alcryst needing to be saved from getting dragged to the party. 

To be a fan: Clanne and Framme

Clanne and Framme go to promote their fanclub in Elusia but run into a rival fanclub of the fell dragon. In the paralogue the two clubs must battle out to determine who's the truest fanclub.

The Perils of beauty: Hortensia and Rosado.

Rosado's village is pretty interesting. Apparently its an elf village where everyone stays effortlessly pretty. Seems a tempting target for slavers and when Hortensia learns of this she insists the party drop everything to help out her bestie's home town.

Turmoil in Brodia: Diamant, Alcryst and Citrinne

Through her contacts Citrinne learns of a planned rebellion within Brodia which leads to the cousins going on a mission to stop it. A good chance to explore their family relationship.

Trouble in Firene: Alfred and Celine.

In the aftermath of the second Elusion invasion the royal family decides to tour the country to see if their subjects are okay. The siblings must escort their mom to several villages on the map to complete the mission. Because of the chaos in the country they need to fight off bandits as they do so.




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Hmm, this sounds interesting. Let's see...

I think a good idea could be one where the focus characters are Ivy and Veyle. It would be centered on the nature of Fell Dragon worship. We know from her ending that Ivy gets Elusia to convert to Divine Dragon worship, but also Veyle's ending has her becoming Queen of Gradlon. Which means people moved there. We also know from Mauvier that people moved to Elusia if they were Fell Dragon worshipers, so I wonder if perhaps some of the people that would move to Gradlon were the same. Not accepting the changes Ivy was doing, so they gravitated to Veyle instead, as the only Fell Dragon left (DLC notwithstanding). So the paralogue could serve as a prelude to that. About them dealing with the fact there will be some people that will keep worshipping the Fell Dragons. Perhaps Veyle could be made to be a Maera parallel in wanting to reform the doctrine as an alternative.

As for the paralogue itself, I was thinking it could be that the group receives word that a group of Elusians have made a journey to the newly risen Gradlon. So they go to investigate, and find them under attack by Corrupted. So the objective would be to protect them.

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I am genuinely jealous I didn't come up with this thread. I'm pretty sure I made one after 3H released asking about past games in the series, but the thought just never strick me about Engage. I don't think I have any ideas in me right this second, but if this were a thing I'd much rather characters went outside the bounds of their kingdom for it so we can see them interact with pairs other than their retainers.


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This is a really cool thread idea! I really liked those character specific Paralogues in Three Houses too! You suggested some really cool ideas yourself, Etrurian! Some ideas of the top of my head would be:

  • Diamant and Ivy hear about another border dispute between their countries and go to resolve it. This could use the "three armies" mechanic again with your army knocking the other twow unconscious as they fight.
  • Ivy and Hortensia trying to recover Hyacinth's remains for a funeral.
  • The Four Winds needing to go back to their world to fetch a memento(s) of some sort. Maybe they want to show "prime" Mauvier how his alternate self lived?
  • The Dragon Twins wanting to get closure regarding their Alear or Sombron, in a similar vein to the above. The skirmishes on the Fell Xenologue map are from a third Elyos that just happens to resemble theirs, according to their dialogue after battles there.
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What if there was a paralogue involving Pandreo and Panette? This scenario might not be the best I’ve came up with nor does it have any impact on the main plot but I might as well try.


Since they are brother and sister this would make sense. They both could rumor sightings of their parents returning to a church but that church is being raided by the corrupted. Pandreo would hear this rumor from the citizens of Solm and bring this news to Panette who would talking to Alear.


Panette would at first show disinterest since she hates both of her parents but enough convincing from Alear gets her to go with both Alear and Pandreo to find out what’s really going on. 

Afterwards rewards for beating the paralogue would include money, a stat booster (probably goddess icon or angelic robe which would make sense) and a second seal.

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55 minutes ago, Jotari said:

They are? Huh, I used Panette extensively and that just never came up.

That is strange so I don’t blame you for not knowing. I remember seeing that they had a support during my hard mode run because I wanted to see how they interacted. Next thing you know I find out that they are related.


I do wish the game acknowledged this before you started chapter 13. Like Pandreo chiming in that he has a sister or something.

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