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Pre Banner Discussion Thread: New Heroes Banner February 2024

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16 minutes ago, Jotari said:

If we do get the Grust twins then I hope someone has the good sense to fix their localized names. Unlike my recent thread about Legion's localization where I speculated someone had played new Mystery, Yulia and Jubelo look painfully like they were translated from a list of names with no context. Come on guys, they're twins. They're obviously meant to be alliterative. I don't really care if you go with the Y or the J, but be consistent! And, for what it's worth, they have changed GHB localization before...it's been about six years since Ulster became Scatach and Thite became Thea, but that still shows some willingness to go back on characters who haven't actually been in any localized games yet. If they're translating an actual banner and forging bonds and realize these two characters are related than I hope they have the good sense to give me two names that will actually be near each other when sorted alphabetically.

According to the wiki, Thite>Thea happened 7 years ago when Heroes launched, while Ulster>Scathach happened three and a half years ago in the Aug 2020 update.

Yulia and Jubelo getting a fix would be nice, and if they do make them and Cecil the main pool units, I think it'd be really odd to not have Lorenz as the GHB.

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In the case of an Elusia banner it would be funny and kinda tragic if IS does Rosado dirty under the assumption that he's not very popular when CYL reveals he's among the most popular Engage characters while his boss and Ivy's retainers are much less so.

Inevitable bad treatment aside it be a great chance to introduce Forrest to the forging Bonds. Either as a playful rival in cuteness or Rosado's biggest cheerleader.  

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Yulia and Jubelo getting a fix would be nice, and if they do make them and Cecil the main pool units, I think it'd be really odd to not have Lorenz as the GHB.

They didn't give us Jedah as a GHB to pair with Rearmed Sonya and just flat out refuse to add Raydrik at all. They also waited until nearly the bitter end to add Validar (Excellus is pretty much the only remaining candidate for an Awakening GHB at this point).

IS has always just done whatever with GHBs. They clearly don't care that much about their choices making sense.

1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

In the case of an Elusia banner it would be funny and kinda tragic if IS does Rosado dirty under the assumption that he's not very popular when CYL reveals he's among the most popular Engage characters while his boss and Ivy's retainers are much less so.

Inevitable bad treatment aside it be a great chance to introduce Forrest to the forging Bonds. Either as a playful rival in cuteness or Rosado's biggest cheerleader.  

Rosado wouldn't even be the first male wyvern rider who got screwed over.

Haar's CYL peak was 37th with 6,520 votes in CYL3. He was not only made into a (at the time) mediocre GHB unit, but they also dropped him alongside a group of characters (the Gallians) that Haar has pretty much nothing to do with.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Because I have nothing else to do right now, these are my sure to be incorrect predictions for the banner:

If it's Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery:

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Attuned Katarina (B Tome Inf)
Yuliya (Staff Inf)
Cecil (Sword Cav)
Jubelo (G Tome Inf; Demote)

Arlen (B Tome Inf; GHB)


  • For reference, these are Katarina's voice actresses: Kana Yuuki in JP (also voices Nino, who was last seen in Nov 2023), Kira Buckland (also voices Eirika, who literally just showed up on a Special Heroes banner). So yeah, I feel Katarina is a fairly safe bet for the Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned slot.
  • My second pick for the Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned character would be Navarre. Yes, a male I know but his JP voice actor (Takehito Koyasu) just voiced Validar in December.
  • Yuliya got 161st in CYL7 but dropped to 304th in CYL8, oops, which made her the highest ranking missing Archanean character. By proxy, her brother Jubelo is also included to serve as both the banner's lone male and demote.
  • Cecil is here more or less just to be another girl, since IS has clearly shown they don't care about preserving females for future banners. She is also a member of Altea's 7th Platoon alongside Katarina and Kris, so there's also that.
  • Arlen is the second highest ranking missing Archanean character in CYL7 (174th) and is the highest ranked one in CYL8 (275th). He also practically has the letters "GHB" stamped on his forehead, so that's where he goes.

If it's Fates:

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Ascended Felicia (Staff Cav)
Scarlet (Axe Fly)
Mozu (Lance Inf)
Hayato (R Tome Inf; Demote)

Shura (C Bow Inf; GHB)


  • Felicia getting the Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned slot is honestly just a biased pick from me. But given that her last two CYL ranks were 75th (7) and 89th (8), she definitely should have more than just one alt and no Resplendent.
  • I would certainly accept Azura or Sakura as the Ascended / Rearmed / Attuned character instead, though. The former hasn't gotten an alt since Jan 2022 and the latter hasn't gotten a stand alone alt since Jan 2019.
  • Scarlet is the highest ranking missing Fates character in both CYL7 (79th) and CYL8 (112th), so she should definitely be here.
  • Mozu is the third highest ranking missing Fates character in CYL7 (116th, is behind Mitama who got 102nd) but passed Mitama to get second in CYL8 (Mozu got 142nd, Mitama got 152nd). I wanted to just stick with Gen 1 characters and also, I quite like Mozu.
  • Hayato is here out of pity since in addition to his daughter being in the game since Dec 2017, his adoptive dad also somehow got in before Hayato did.
  • Shura is a pretty easy choice for the GHB since it doesn't matter which route you take, you always face him as an enemy (and you do need to defeat him in both Birthright and Conquest).

If it's Engage:

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Rearmed Hortensia (Staff Fly)
Ivy (B Tome Fly)
Kagetsu (Sword Inf)
Rosado (Axe Fly; Demote)

Griss (G Tome Inf; GHB)


  • Hortensia is an easy and expected choice to be the provider of the first Arcane Staff. Now, whether IS is actually merciful enough to give an Arcane weapon to staff units is anyone's guess.
  • I don't need to justify Ivy being here, right?
  • If IS is smart they probably won't be smart despite their company name, we get Kagetsu here instead of Goldmary. Besides, surely we can't go another month without getting a new god sword unit right? Oh, and Takehito Koyasu (again, he just voiced Validar in December) also voices Kagetsu.
  • Being a popular fem boy didn't save Forrest from being the demote of his banner, so I don't why Rosado should be spared from the same fate regardless of whether we get Kagetsu or Goldmary in the third banner slot.
  • Griss should hopefully be the next Hound on tap for GHB duty, mostly because I really want the funny masochist. He's also a green tome specifically because there actually aren't that many green tome infantry GHB units (the list is literally just F!Robin and Limstella). Actually, there are also just six green tome Grail units in general. The others are Adrift Azura (Inf), Picnic Leo (Cav), Winter Bruno (Arm) and Tea Tailtiu (Inf).


Gee, I wasn't thinking too much about the ascendant/rearmed, I'd actually go crazy over the banner if it was Navarre, regardless of who are the other units.


1 hour ago, Jotari said:

If we do get the Grust twins then I hope someone has the good sense to fix their localized names. Unlike my recent thread about Legion's localization where I speculated someone had played new Mystery, Yulia and Jubelo look painfully like they were translated from a list of names with no context. Come on guys, they're twins. They're obviously meant to be alliterative. I don't really care if you go with the Y or the J, but be consistent! And, for what it's worth, they have changed GHB localization before...it's been about six years since Ulster became Scatach and Thite became Thea, but that still shows some willingness to go back on characters who haven't actually been in any localized games yet. If they're translating an actual banner and forging bonds and realize these two characters are related than I hope they have the good sense to give me two names that will actually be near each other when sorted alphabetically.

 Are their names written like this on the CYL ballot? As far as I know, they already decided how the names are gonna look like there, though I guess there's nothing stopping them from changing it if they want to. If they do, I think they'll go with Y (then making them Yulia/Yuliya and Yubelo) to avoid Yuli(y)a's name from being too similar to Julia's (who also has a twin that matches his name to hers lol).

 I'll be honest and say I hope they don't make their names match (unless if their names come from some mythological/literary/etc figures that had matching names or something like this). As someone that has a twin (so yes, my opinion is biased) I always found it silly when they make twins with matchy names. Not that I'll HATE IT and go around my house screaming and breaking stuff if they do, the franchise already has my respect for not making most of their twins get matchy names (I mean, I think most of them actually do, in terms of being based on mythological figures or something, I mean I'm glad that most of the pairs of twins on are not like Julia and Julius), but I'll apreciate it if they kept it like that unless it's some must-have reference. I know that twins with matching names exist in real life, but I can't remember I single pair I've met that actually had their names match (and I'll always be grateful to my mother for not doing this to us), for me it'll always feel a bit stupid.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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2 hours ago, Othin said:

According to the wiki, Thite>Thea happened 7 years ago when Heroes launched, while Ulster>Scathach happened three and a half years ago in the Aug 2020 update.

Yulia and Jubelo getting a fix would be nice, and if they do make them and Cecil the main pool units, I think it'd be really odd to not have Lorenz as the GHB.

Scathach is more recent than I thought. From the looks of it they did it because of Miranda's Kingdom. Which was blaringly obvious to any Irish man who has ever played Jugdral and then saw Scathach's old name.

39 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Gee, I wasn't thinking too much about the ascendant/rearmed, I'd actually go crazy over the banner if it was Navarre, regardless of who are the other units.


 Are their names written like this on the CYL ballot? As far as I know, they already decided how the names are gonna look like there, though I guess there's nothing stopping them from changing it if they want to. If they do, I think they'll go with Y (then making them Yulia/Yuliya and Yubelo) to avoid Yuli(y)a's name from being too similar to Julia's (who also has a twin that matches his name to hers lol).

 I'll be honest and say I hope they don't make their names match (unless if their names come from some mythological/literary/etc figures that had matching names or something like this). As someone that has a twin (so yes, my opinion is biased) I always found it silly when they make twins with matchy names. Not that I'll HATE IT and go around my house screaming and breaking stuff if they do, the franchise already has my respect for not making most of their twins get matchy names (I mean, I think most of them actually do, in terms of being based on mythological figures or something, I mean I'm glad that most of the pairs of twins on are not like Julia and Julius), but I'll apreciate it if they kept it like that unless it's some must-have reference. I know that twins with matching names exist in real life, but I can't remember I single pair I've met that actually had their names match (and I'll always be grateful to my mother for not doing this to us), for me it'll always feel a bit stupid.

The names still match though. That's one of those German Js. Jubelo's name is meant to be pronounced Yubelo. Like Johann Sebastian Bach. In other words they have names that match and if Heroes is accurate to pronuncation (which they have been less authentic than their previous spellings) then the characters will be referred to as Yubelo and Yulia. Their spelling just won't match. If they're authentic, that is. Julia and Julius are meant to be using that German J sound as well, that's why early fan translations had their names as Yulia and Yurius. Though the Grust twin princess and the Jugdral twin princess were never meant to have the same name. Yuliya of Grust is actually meant to be Yumina, so it's the localizationi that bizarrely made her name way closer to Julia's but also in a form where someone would pronounce it differently.

52 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

They didn't give us Jedah as a GHB to pair with Rearmed Sonya and just flat out refuse to add Raydrik at all. They also waited until nearly the bitter end to add Validar (Excellus is pretty much the only remaining candidate for an Awakening GHB at this point).

IS has always just done whatever with GHBs. They clearly don't care that much about their choices making sense.

Rosado wouldn't even be the first male wyvern rider who got screwed over.

Haar's CYL peak was 37th with 6,520 votes in CYL3. He was not only made into a (at the time) mediocre GHB unit, but they also dropped him alongside a group of characters (the Gallians) that Haar has pretty much nothing to do with.

If we can permit ourselves the fantasy that they would go for a themed banner, and we get GHB Lorenz, then I think a rearmed Ogma would be a better choice than Navarre (or as I sometimes still call him, Nabarl, though I don't think my fantasy name change stands a chance there, RIP European names).

Edited by Jotari
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I haven't made any actual predictions yet, so...

If the banner is Engage: Rearmed/Attuned/Ascended/whatever Hortensia (staff, flyer), Ivy (green/blue tome, flyer), Goldmary (sword, infantry), Rosado (axe, flyer, demote), Griss (blue tome, infantry, GHB)

If the banner is Archanea: R/Att/Asc/whatever Caeda (lance, flyer), Yuliya (staff, infantry), Jubelo (red tome, infantry), Castor (green/colorless bow, infantry, demote), Lorenz (sword/lance, armor, GHB)

If the banner is Fates: R/Att/Asc/whatever Leo (red tome, cavalry), Mozu (lance, infantry), Scarlet (axe, flyer), Reina (colorless bow, flyer, demote), Shura (colorless bow, infantry, GHB)

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On 2/9/2024 at 1:39 AM, Jotari said:

The names still match though. That's one of those German Js. Jubelo's name is meant to be pronounced Yubelo. Like Johann Sebastian Bach. In other words they have names that match and if Heroes is accurate to pronuncation (which they have been less authentic than their previous spellings) then the characters will be referred to as Yubelo and Yulia. Their spelling just won't match. If they're authentic, that is. Julia and Julius are meant to be using that German J sound as well, that's why early fan translations had their names as Yulia and Yurius. Though the Grust twin princess and the Jugdral twin princess were never meant to have the same name. Yuliya of Grust is actually meant to be Yumina, so it's the localizationi that bizarrely made her name way closer to Julia's but also in a form where someone would pronounce it differently.

If we can permit ourselves the fantasy that they would go for a themed banner, and we get GHB Lorenz, then I think a rearmed Ogma would be a better choice than Navarre (or as I sometimes still call him, Nabarl, though I don't think my fantasy name change stands a chance there, RIP European names).

 Oh so they still match, ok. I already saw Julia and Julius as Yuria and Yurius (not Yulia and Yurius though, so still matched) so I suspected that that's how their names were supposed to be spelled (in my head I spell it as Yuria/Yurius half of the time and Julia/Julius the other half, I alternate between a bunch spellings in my head for the Jugdral characters, two of the few I absolutely refuse to use though are "Sigludo" and "Diadora"). I wonder why they wouldn't keep Yumina instead of Yuliya in the official translation if that's what is was supposed to be.

I also prefer Nabarl, or Nabari, or literally every other pronunciation I've seen for his name, except for "Navarre", because it's spelled in a very ridiculous way in my language so I have to say it like an american would and it feels weird. In my language, one R is (usually) pronounced as the R in spanish or japanese, while two consecutive Rs are spelled as the H in English, so Navarre with two Rs is spelled as Na-Va-He instead of Na-Va-Re and it feels hella stupid to say it... 



1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I haven't made any actual predictions yet, so...

If the banner is Engage: Rearmed/Attuned/Ascended/whatever Hortensia (staff, flyer), Ivy (green/blue tome, flyer), Goldmary (sword, infantry), Rosado (axe, flyer, demote), Griss (blue tome, infantry, GHB)

If the banner is Archanea: R/Att/Asc/whatever Caeda (lance, flyer), Yuliya (staff, infantry), Jubelo (red tome, infantry), Castor (green/colorless bow, infantry, demote), Lorenz (sword/lance, armor, GHB)

If the banner is Fates: R/Att/Asc/whatever Leo (red tome, cavalry), Mozu (lance, infantry), Scarlet (axe, flyer), Reina (colorless bow, flyer, demote), Shura (colorless bow, infantry, GHB)

 Oh yeah, they could absolutely do an Asset Hero Caeda too, specially if one of the remaining Archanea characters left to add is one of the units she recruits, that'd be a pretty good excuse to use her (not that they tend of thinking of excuses to make the Asset To related to the others on the banner, but anyway).

 Asset Hero Fates siblings (or Azura) are the most likely options too, and there's so many of them that I doubt they'll ever give any other Fates character an Asset Hero.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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Yeah, should be either tomorrow (depending on where you live, to simplify it should be in around 19 hours as of this post) or the day after tomorrow.

 Man, I'm pretty excited for it already.

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