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I think it's time for me to say this

Magical CC

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Sf is my first forum. and after being a part of Sf for some months, I can say that I have a great time here. And you guys are the reason why I can said that

This is what I think about you

_Masu: ok, you are the first name in my mind when I was doing this. You are totally hax! You are always awesome! Meet you here is my best experience! Next time, let's share more H-pic.

_Metal rabbit: Once upon a time in SF, you are my most favorite mod and now, you are my most favorite rabbit. (Have I told you that I love to eat rabbit meat?)

_Redfox: Rightnow, you are my favorite mod!(and fox, too)

_CGV: when I steped my first step in fftf, I was always image that you are a super cool member (Althought, I dont know why).

_Raven: I didnt think I can stay in this place for a long time untill I meet you. A Haruhi theme user! It's must be a fan of Haruhi! You teach me that although we come from the others place, we still understand each other through *cough* anime and manga

_Emerald: As first, I think you must be younger but okay, you were so cute! I save all of the trickster sprite you gave me and one day, I will post them here just to remind about the great time we have! (And, I am not pedo!)

_Freoh: What can I say? Talk with you make me feel refresh! Hope we have more time talking to each other.

_Bianchi: Ah! my Goddess! You and your supreme power dominate fftf!

_Rei: A mecha genre fan? a dota player? Even if you are a guy, I still say that you are my most favorite member in SF!

_Cynthia: I wont change my first thought about you.

_Princess: What a pity, I come too late!

_Knife: When you were absent, I hear a lot of your legend and now, I understand why they always talk so high about you.

_Fireman: You are always kind to me! Love you so much

_Songbird: Where are you!? I swear by the star and the moon on the sky that I wont use Fireman to cook you!

_Bizz: sorry, I dont know much about you although I usually meet you in fftf.

_Phoenix and the other guys:.....

Edited by Sol
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_Rei: A mecha genre fan? a dota player? Even if you are a guy, I still say that you are my most favorite member in SF!

:o. I is what I is. I just don't fit the stereotype which really doesn't fit anyone anymore. Plus, just because I use pictures of Jun Watarase to trick people doesn't mean I'm a guy. <3 Jun.

Edited by Rei
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