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This year's Christmas

Esau of Isaac

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So, on this fine coming Christmas of 2008, what are you expecting, and what would you like? Keep in mind that they sadly are not always one and the same.

Myself, I am expecting some brand spankin' new nylon strings for my guitar and a new capo in place of the shitty one I have (who the hell likes the strips more than the easy clamps?), and a few bucks from various relatives. What I would like is an external hard drive because at this point I have under a gigabyte of total hard drive space left in my computer. I am also quite wanting to play a few games out right now, such as Prince of Persia and Dead Space.

And how about you guys?

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Fallout 3 and Armored Core For Answer. I hate this holiday, but people bug me about getting me something, so fuck it.
Why hate the holiday? Just because it has a Christian origin doesn't mean Atheists shouldn't enjoy it, besides, most Christian parts of it have been eliminated over the years, except to Christian families.

But, that being said, I never really celebrated this holiday...however people, as Death said, bug me about getting be something.

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I never really get any presents, but money and chocolates are always good.

However, I would like to get my hands on another NIS game.

*Gives Vincent some chocolate and money*


Oh...I should make this post not COMPLETELY Spam... Uh...

I...Uh... Well, I'm not expecting anything. So I win. How does that make me win? I dunno.

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Why hate the holiday? Just because it has a Christian origin doesn't mean Atheists shouldn't enjoy it, besides, most Christian parts of it have been eliminated over the years, except to Christian families.

But, that being said, I never really celebrated this holiday...however people, as Death said, bug me about getting be something.

1. I do not celebrate the birthdays of fictional characters.

2. I do not partake in attempts by the rich of the world to make more money by encouraging a holiday to be all about buying things.

3. I do not find any day more significant than another, they are all the same.

4. I do not want to celebrate it "just cuz" like other atheists and such.

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1. I do not celebrate the birthdays of fictional characters.

2. I do not partake in attempts by the rich of the world to make more money by encouraging a holiday to be all about buying things.

3. I do not find any day more significant than another, they are all the same.

4. I do not want to celebrate it "just cuz" like other atheists and such.

Good point...Erh...Good...four points.
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I'd like to get some new clothes and maybe a few books. That's about it. Come to think of it, I still haven't gotten anything for anyone. I do hate this holiday.

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1. I do not celebrate the birthdays of fictional characters.

2. I do not partake in attempts by the rich of the world to make more money by encouraging a holiday to be all about buying things.

3. I do not find any day more significant than another, they are all the same.

4. I do not want to celebrate it "just cuz" like other atheists and such.

No, those are not very good points. I know I'm not supposed to be posting for a few days due to finals, but I must make a few quick comments because critiquing Christmas naysayers for their nonsensical opinions is a hobby of mine.

1. This is an irrelevant reason. This is mostly because the true spirit of Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, but with spending time with friends and family. I suppose you do not celebrate Halloween because Ghosts and Demons are fictional as well, yes? Or maybe you do celebrate Halloween because the true spirit of Halloween is about wearing masks and eating junk food while having fun with friends and family.

2. Stupid, irrelevant reason. Why aspiring atheists find the need to have an illogical hate of wealthy entrepreneurs is a mystery to me. But surely, these individuals do not purchase clothes from the rich of the world, and buy videogames from the rich of the world, and eat food prepared by the rich of the world, while living in houses that their parents bought from the rich of the world.

3. This would be relevant if you were telling the truth, but in all likelyhood you are not. Your birthday is of significance to you, and your need to mention how insignificant December 25th is shows that in your mind it has more significance than March 2nd, as you did not find March 2nd significant enough to mention its insignificance.

4. 'just cuz' is not a reason in and of itself. The 'because' must be followed by an actual reason, as the word 'because' is a transitional word that connects a statement of 'something' followed by the reason explaining why that 'something' is the way it is. Most atheists claim to appeal to logic, yet there is nothing logical about claiming a statement without a reason as the reason itself.

What's my point? Christmas is a great holiday, and I make this statement based on the premise that being with friends and family is an important thing. Since we can all agree that this is true, then by logical association we can conclude that Christmas is an important thing. No, that's not an opinion, that's a fact grounded in strong evidence. Or at least, it's a theory that Sociologists and Philosophers everywhere should agree has a great deal of merit.

And as chance would have it, I am an atheist who claims to appeal to logic.

Now, what am I getting for Christmas? Well, rumor has it my parents are getting me my first handgun for Christmas, a Ruger Blackhawk. I don't know much about guns yet, but I've been doing some reasearch and I think taking a gun to a range would be a lot of fun.

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You make that point based on your opinion, which is not mine. Good job wasting minutes of your life.

You will be wasting more than minutes if blow off Christmas 'just cuz'.

I have made several reasoned points that you have failed to answer. As an atheist who claims to appeal to logic, surely you have formed reasoned arguments in the past. Unless we deal with reasoned arguments, then our opinions, even if they are correct, have not been created through a logical process. This of course leads to differentiating the atheists who are so just because they want to be cool and different from their parents and the atheists who have looked at the arguments and used the gift of rational thought to come up with the most likely answer.

Disregarding all of my points as opinion and therefore not worth attempting to answer in any way is just running away from the argument. Will you even try to address what I have said?

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Disregarding all of my points as opinion and therefore not worth attempting to answer in any way is just running away from the argument. Will you even try to address what I have said?

This topic isn't supposed to be some sort of debate, so don't worry about whether or not he's going to address what you said.

Edited by Gustave
Had to fix a typo.
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Well, basically, just the remain 25 pounds of weight for my exercise machine. Since Fire Emblem DS isn't in a America yet, I'm not in the wanty mood. Still, might get some Wii points to get stuff on the virtual console!

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My parents ask me for a big wishlist, since both Christmas and my birthday are less than a month apart from each other.

I've got a few games on there, but the big one is currently Sonic Unleashed for the Wii. The rest of my list is a hodgepodge of stuff. Some Bon Jovi CD's (yes, I still get CD's), Indiana Jones and Wall-E on DVD, Brisingr, a pair of dumbells (gotta stay in shape, after all), and a variety of giftcards.

I've done some shopping for my family as well. Dad's always easy to shop for; this year it's Pikmin for the Gamecube.

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I'm not really expecting anything in particular, and I'll be happy with pretty much anything I end up getting. It'll be more than I started off with, after all. I'll probably be looking at recent PC game releases for ideas, but I'm lukewarm on most of what's out there. GTA IV is poorly optimized and has DRM pouring out of its asshole, Dead Space doesn't really draw me in, Mass Effect (in b4 old) looks okay...

Edited by Der Kommissar
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