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Mythological References

Ice Dragon

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I guess this thread goes here...

I started this project some forever ago, and Vincent has been kind enough to post it under the Articles directory on the main site... and update it every time I pulled a new list out of the gutter. So, now I've been getting too lazy to use my email, and I've been trying out random other ways to organize this mess... and here's what I now have. Clearly, it is no longer just a mythological references list, but I'll call it that anyways. Feel free to do whatever you want with the new list, Vincent.

As I get more motivated, descriptions might get longer, and new items will get added. There are also a lot of placeholders for things that I am going to add soon but am too lazy to add at the moment or that I have yet to find a reference for (namely Ereb's place names). Feel free to contribute or correct any of my mistakes (be sure to include a source for either).

Notes to self

- Fix order problems.

- Standardize article.

- Finish placeholders.

- Urudia.a.raguraado ticks me off.


- JP: old official Japanese romanization

- NA: North American

- EU: European, all languages unless otherwise noted

- DE: German

- FR: French

- ES: Spanish

- IT: Italian

- geo: geography

- hist: history

- lang: language

- lit: literature


Falchion (JP: Falcion)

- Falchion: (hist) a type of medieval European sword.



- Mars: (Roman) god of war.


- Abel: (Biblical) one of the twin sons of Adam and Eve.

Kain (EU: Cain)

- Cain: (Biblical) one of the twin sons of Adam and Eve.

Oguma (EU: Ogma)

- Ogma: (Celtic) god of scholars and education.


- Nabal: (Biblical) a man killed by God for defying King David of Israel.

Minerba (EU: Minerva)

- Minerva: (Roman) goddess of wisdom and tactical warfare.




Norn (EU: Norne)


- Athena: (Greek) goddess of wisdom and tactical warfare.

Hymir (EU: Ymir)


- Naga: (Fire Emblem) Goddess Dragon from the Akaneia-Barencia and Jugdral continents [1].

Moses (EU: Morzas)


- Artemis: (Greek) goddess of the hunt; in some accounts, Orion's lover.

Eins (EU: Zas)

- Eins: (lang) German for "one".

Zwei (EU: Ida)

- Zwei: (lang) German for "two".

Drei (EU: Ossa)

- Drei: (lang) German for "three".

Vier (EU: Aenos)

- Vier: (lang) German for "four".

Fuenf (EU: Athos)

- Fünf: (lang) German for "five".

Sechs (EU: Kerkis)

- Sechs: (lang) German for "six".

Sieben (EU: Foloi)

- Sieben: (lang) German for "seven".

Acht (EU: Giona)

- Acht: (lang) German for "eight".

Neun (EU: Kalon)

- Neun: (lang) German for "nine".

Zehn (EU: Divri)

- Zehn: (lang) German for "ten".

Elf (EU: Voras)

- Elf: (lang) German for "eleven".

Zwoelf (EU: Movri)

- Zwölf: (lang) German for "twelve".

Montag (EU: Dirfys)

- Montag: (lang) German for "Monday".

Dienstag (EU: Delos)

- Dienstag: (lang) German for "Tuesday".

Mittwoch (EU: Verno)

- Mittwoch: (lang) German for "Wednesday".

Donnerstag (EU: Chasia)

- Donnerstag: (lang) German for "Thursday".

Freitag (EU: Gramos)

- Freitag: (lang) German for "Friday".

Samstag (EU: Ithome)

- Samstag: (lang) German for "Saturday".

Sonntag (EU: Lyrkia)

- Sonntag: (lang) German for "Sunday".

Januar (EU: Lakmos)

- Januar: (lang) German for "January".

Februar (EU: Othrys)

- Februar: (lang) German for "February".

Maerz (EU: Parnon)

- März: (lang) German for "March".

April (EU: Pelion)

- April: (lang) German for "April".

Mai (EU: Pindus)

- Mai: (lang) German for "May".

Juni (EU: Skarpa)

- Juni: (lang) German for "June".

Juli (EU: Kofinas)

- Juli: (lang) German for "July".

August (EU: Kythnos)

- August: (lang) German for "August".

September (EU: Merenta)

- September: (lang) German for "September".

Oktober (EU: Cynthus)

- Oktober: (lang) German for "October".

November (EU: Kypariss)

- November: (lang) German for "November".

Dezember (EU: Cholomon)

- Dezember: (lang) German for "December".



- Valencia: (geo) a city in modern-day Spain.

Cashmere (EU: Chiasmir)

- Kashmir: (geo) a region in Asia containing parts of modern-day India, Pakistan, and China.

Macedonia (EU: Medon)

- Macedonia: (geo) a modern-day country in Europe.

Orleans (EU: Aurelis)

- Orléans: (geo) a city in modern-day France.


- Thebai [Thebes]: (geo) the capital of ancient Upper Egypt.

- Thebai [Thebes]: (geo) the capital of Boeotia in ancient Greece.



- Paladin: (hist) the Twelve Peers of La Chanson de Roland.

Pegasus Knight

- Pégasos [Pegasus]: (Greek) a winged horse; son of the god Poseidon.

Shooter (EU: Ballistician)

- Ballista: (hist) a crossbow-styled siege weapon.

Swordfighter (EU: Myrmidon)

- Murmidones [Myrmidons]: (Greek) an ancient race of people descended of ants from the island of Aigina.


- Berserkr [berserker]: (hist) Norse warriors with allegiance to Óðinn who fought in a frenzied rage.


Watou (EU: Wo Dao)

- Watou: (lang) Japanese for "Japanese sword".

- Wo dao: (lang) Chinese for "Japanese sword".

Mercury (EU: Mercurius)

- Mercurius [Mercury]: (Roman) god of commerce.

Gladius (EU: Gradivus)

- Gladius: (hist) a short sword used by Roman legionaries.

- Gladius: (lang) Latin for "sword".

Halteclere (EU: Hauteclere)

- Halteclere [Hauteclere]: (La Chanson de Roland the sword wielded by Oliver.


- Parthia: (hist) an ancient civilization centered in present-day Iran famed for its cataphracts and mounted archers.

Quincrane (EU: Arrowspate)

- Cranequin: (hist) a device used to span heavy crossbows.


- Excalibur: (Arthurian) the sword wielded by King Arthur.

Mafu (EU: Imhullu)


- Médousa [Medusa]: (Greek) a female monster whose gaze turns onlookers into stone.

Om Rod (EU: Aum)

- Aum [Om]: (religion) the most sacred symbol of Hinduism.

Angel Robe (EU: Seraph Robe)

- Seraph: (Biblical) the highest order of angels.

Empyreal Whip (EU: Elysian Whip)

- Elysion [Elysium]: (Greek) the portion of the underworld for the virtuous

Orion Arrow

- Orion: (Greek) a famed hunter and Titan.

Star Aries

- Aries: (Zodiac) the first sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "ram".

Star Taurus

- Taurus: (Zodiac) the second sign of the Zodiac, Latin of "bull".

Star Gemini

- Gemini: (Zodiac) the third sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "twins".

Star Cancer

- Cancer: (Zodiac) the fourth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "crab".

Star Leo

- Leo: (Zodiac) the fifth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "lion".

Star Virgo

- Virgo: (Zodiac) the sixth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "virgin".

Star Libra

- Libra: (Zodiac) the seventh sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "balance".

Star Scorpio

- Scorpio: (Zodiac) the eighth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "scorpion".

Star Sagittarius

- Sagittarius: (Zodiac) the ninth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "archer".

Star Capricorn

- Capricornus [Capricorn]: (Zodiac) the tenth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "horned goat".

Star Aquarius

- Aquarius: (Zodiac) the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "water-bearer".

Star Pisces

- Pisces: (Zodiac) the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, Latin for "fish".

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- Höðr [Hodr]: (Norse) a blind god, tricked into killing the god Baldr.

Mystletainn (JP: Mistolteen)

- Mistellteinn: (Norse) mistletoe, the weapon used to kill the god Baldr.

Gae Bolg (JP: Gayborg)

- Gáe Bulg: (Celtic) a barbed spear wielded by the hero Cúchulainn.


- Ullr: (Norse) god of bows, hunting, and shields.

Ichii-Bal (JP: Ichaival)

- Ydalir [ichii no tani]: (Norse) the home of the god Ullr.


- Bragi: (Norse) god of poetry.

Valkyrie (JP: Valkilli)

- Valkyrja [Valkyrie]: (Norse) subjects of Óðinn who presided over battle.


- Forseti: (Norse) god of justice.


- Forseti: (Norse) see above.


- Baldr: (Norse) god of light.

Tyrhung (JP: Tailfing)

- Tyrfing: (Norse) a sword forged and cursed by the dwarves.


Thor Hammer (JP: Torhammer)

- Mjolnir [Thor's hammer]: (Norse) a warhammer wielded by Þórr.


- Óðr [Odr]: (Norse) an alternate name of the god Óðinn.

Balmunc (JP: Balmunk)

- Balmung: (Norse) a sword used by Siegfried to slay the dragon Fafnir.


- Dainn: (Norse) one of the stags wandering Yggdrasill's branches.

Gungnir (JP: Gunguneel)

- Gungnir: (Norse) a spear wielded by Óðinn.


- Völva [Vala]: (Norse) a priestess or shaman.

Falaflame (JP: Faraflame)

- Fala: (Fire Emblem) one of the Twelve Crusaders from the Jugdral continent.


- Heimdallr: (Norse) the guardian of the gods and Loki's opponent during Ragnarökr.

Naga (JP: Narga)

- Naga: (lang) Malay for 'dragon'.

- Naga: (South Asian) an ancient race of snake-humans.


- Lopt: (Norse) an alternate name of Loki Laufeyerson.

Loptous (JP: Loputousu)

- Lopt: (Norse) see above.



- Sigurðr [sigurdr]: (Norse) hero who slayed the dragon Fafnir.


- Naoise: (Celtic) husband of Dierdre.


- Ardán: (Celtic) brother of Naoise.


- Cian: (Celtic) father of the god Lugh.


- Ethniu: (Celtic) mother of the god Lugh.


- Fionn mac Cumhail: (Celtic) a legendary hunter and warrior.


- Midir: (Celtic) husband of Aideen.


- Aideen: (Celtic) second wife of Midir.


- Dierdre: (Celtic) wife of Naoise, betrothed to King Conchobar.


- Lachesis: (Greek) the Fate that measures the thread.


- Beowulf: (lit) hero of the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf.


- Tailtiu: (Celtic) foster mother of the god Lugh.


- Brighid: (Celtic) daughter of the god Dagda.


- Nanna: (Norse) wife of the god Baldr.


- Ares: (Greek) god of war.


- Sety: (Fire Emblem) one of the Twelve Crusaders from the Jugdral continent.




- Athena: (Greek) see above.

- Artemis: (Greek) see above.


- Tristan: (Arthurian) lover of Isolde.


- Dagda: (Celtic) the supreme god.


- Fergus mac Róich: (Celtic) former king of Ulster.


- Olwen: (Celtic) heroine of the story Culhwich and Olwen.

Gandlf (JP: Gandolf)

- Gandalf: (Norse) a dwarf.


- Ishtar: (Mesopotamian) goddess of fertility and war.


- Ares: (Greek) see above.

- Orion: (Greek) see above.


- Alvíss: (Norse) a dwarf petrified by Þórr.


- Sigyn: (Norse) wife of Loki.


- Manannan mac Lir: (Celtic) god of the sea and weather.

Beige Ritter

- Beige Ritter: (lang) German for "beige knight".

Gelb Ritter

- Gelbe Ritter: (lang) German for "yellow knight".

Grau Ritter

- Graue Ritter: (lang) German for "gray knight".

Gruen Ritter

- Grüne Ritter: (lang) German for "green knight".

Lance Ritter

- Ritter: (lang) German for "knight".

Rot Ritter

- Rote Ritter: (lang) German for "red knight".

Weiss Ritter

- Weiße Ritter: (lang) German for "white knight".


- Eins: (lang) see above.


- Zwei: (lang) see above.


- Drei: (lang) see above.


- Vier: (lang) see above.


- Fünf: (lang) see above.


- Sechs: (lang) see above.


- Sieben: (lang) see above.


- Acht: (lang) see above.


- Neun: (lang) see above.


- Zehn: (lang) see above.


- Elf: (lang) see above.


- Zwölf: (lang) see above.



- Ulster: (geo) the northeastern region of Ireland.


- Valhöll [Valhalla]: (Norse) the hall of Óðinn.


- Connaught: (geo) the northwestern region of Ireland.


- Gdansk [Danzig]: (geo) a city in modern-day Poland.


- Genova [Genoa]: (geo) a port city in northwestern modern-day Italy.


- Yggdrasill: (Norse) the world tree.


- Yngvy: (Norse) an alternate name of the god Freyr.


- Leinster: (geo) the southeastern region of Ireland.


- Munster: (geo) the southwestern region of Ireland.


- Míletos: (geo) an ancient city in present-day Turkey.

Silesia (NA: Silezha)

- Silesia: (geo) a region in Europe mostly in present-day Poland.


- Thrace: (geo) a region in Europe on the eastern half of the Balkan Peninsula.


- Tír na nÓg: (Celtic) the Promised Land.


- Verdun: (geo) a city in modern-day France.



- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Pegasus Knight

- Pégasos [Pegasus]: (Greek) see above.


- Troubadour: (hist) composers of romance in medieval Europe.



- Excalibur: (Fire Emblem) Marich's wind tome from Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken.

- Graf: (lang) German for "count".


- Jörmungandr: (Norse) the Midgard serpent; an offspring of Loki.


- Fenrisúlfr [Fenrir]: (Norse) a giant wolf kept in Ásgarðr; an offspring of Loki.


- Hel: (Norse) goddess of Helheim, the underworld; an offspring of Loki.


Moonlight Sword

- Moonlight: (Fire Emblem) a lance from Gaiden.


- Pavise: (hist) a medieval European shield used mainly by archers.

Shooting Star Sword

- Shooting Star: (Fire Emblem) a lance from Gaiden.

Sun Sword

- Sun: (Fire Emblem) a lance from Gaiden.



- Ægir [Aegir]: (Norse) ruler of the seas.

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Ereb (NA, EU: Elibe)


- Rollant [Roland]: (La Chanson de Roland) nephew of King Charlemagne.


- Durendal [Durandal]: (La Chanson de Roland) the sword wielded by Rollant.


- Baligant: (La Chanson de Roland) the Amir of Babylon.


- Maltet: (La Chanson de Roland) the spear wielded by Baligant.


- Turpin: (La Chanson de Roland) the Archbishop of Reims.


- Almace: (La Chanson de Roland) the sword wielded by Archbishop Turpin.


- Hamon: (La Chanson de Roland) joint leader of King Charlemagne's eighth column.


- Murgleis: (La Chanson de Roland) the sword wielded by Count Guenelun.


- Bramimunde: (La Chanson de Roland) queen of Sarraguce.



- Bors: (Arthurian) a Knight of the Round Table.


- Merlinus: (Arthurian) an alternate name of the wizard Merlin.


- Lot: (Arthurian) brother-in-law of King Arthur.


- Lugh: (Celtic) a former deity and king.


- Noah: (Biblical) the survivor of the Deluge.


- Oger: (La Chanson de Roland) one of Charlemagne's knights.


- Lleu: (Celtic) an alternate name of the god Lugh.


- Igraine: (Arthurian) mother of King Arthur.


- Percival: (Arthurian) a Knight of the Round Table.

Nimue (NA, EU: Niime)

- Nimue: (Arthurian) one of the names of the Lady of the Lake.


- Juno: (Roman) queen of the gods.


- Niniane: (Arthurian) one of the names of the Lady of the Lake.

Pant (NA, EU: Pent)

- Ban [Pant]: (Arthurian) brother of King Bors.

Mardoc (NA, EU: Murdock)

- Marduk: (Mesopotamian) the patron deity of Babylon.

Zefhyr (NA, EU: Zephiel)

- Zephurus [Zephyr]: (Greek) god of the west wind.


- Iðunn [idunn]: (Norse) wife of the god Bragi and keeper of the apples of youth.


- Nergal: (Mesopotamian) a deity related with midday or the sun at summer solstice and death.

Guinevere (NA, EU: Guinivere; FR, ES: Guinevere)

- Guinevere: (Arthurian) queen consort of King Arthur.


- Medraut [Mordred]: (Arthurian) son of King Lot.



- Hyperion: (Greek) a Titan and father of the god Helios.


- Uther Pendragon: (Arthurian) father of King Arthur.

Ganelon Bandits

- Guenelun [Ganelon]: (La Chanson de Roland) a French traitor supporting the Spanish.



- Aquileia: (geo) a modern-day town in northern Italy.



- Arkadía: (geo) a modern-day prefecture of Greece in the Peloponnesus.


- Armagh: (geo) a city in modern-day Northern Ireland.


- Mount Badon: (geo) the site of a British victory against the Anglo-Saxons.

Bern (EU: Biran)

- Bern: (geo) the modern-day capital of Switzerland.


- Bulgaria: (geo) a modern-day country in Europe.

Ciaran (NA, EU: Caelin)

- Caelin Hill: (geo) one of the seven hills of Rome.


- Caledonia: (geo) the poetic name for Scotland.


- Carrhae: (geo) a city in ancient Assyria.



- Eborakon: (geo) the original Celtic name for the location of the modern-day city of York, England.


- Edessa: (geo) the former name of the modern-day city of Sanliurfa, Turkey.


- Edina: (geo) the poetic name for the city of Edinburgh, Scotland.


- Etruria: (geo) a region of Italy north of Rome.


- Hibernia: (geo) the poetic name for Ireland.


- Ileía: (geo) a modern-day prefecture of Greece in the Peloponnesus.


- Jute: (hist) one of the Germanic peoples who invaded Great Britain.



- Châtelet: (hist) a small castle or fortress.

Laus (EU: Lahus)

- Laüs: (hist) an ancient city in southern Italy.


- Lycia: (geo) a region of southern Turkey.



- Napata: (geo) a city in ancient Nubia.

Ostia (EU: Ositia)

- Ostia: (geo) the harbor town of ancient Rome.


- Pherae: (geo) a city in ancient Greece.


- Reims: (geo) a city in modern-day France.


- Scythia: (geo) a region in Europe and central Asia settled by the Scythian people.


- Santurtzi [santurce]: (geo) a port town in modern day Euskadi, Spain.



- Taras: (geo) a former Greek name of the modern-day city of Taranto, Italy.


- Thria: (geo) a town in ancient Greece.


- Toscana: (geo) a region of west-central Italy.



Basiliskglance (NA, EU: Dark Druid)

- Basilisk: (folklore) the king of serpents; its gaze is lethal.


- Berserkr: (hist) see above.


- Murmidones [Myrmidons]: (Greek) see above.


- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Pegasusknight (NA, EU: Pegasus Knight)

- Pégasos [Pegasus]: (Greek) see above.


- Troubadour: (hist) see above.


- Valkyrja [Valkyria]: (Norse) see above.

Dragonknight (NA, EU: Wyvern Rider)

- Wyvern: (folklore) a lesser dragon having one pair of forelimbs and a barbed tail.

Dragonmaster (NA, EU: Wyvern Lord)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.

Swordfighter (NA, EU: Myrmidon)

- Murmidones: (Greek) see above.


- Troubadour: (hist) see above.

Valkyria (NA, EU: Valkyrie)

- Valkyrja [Valkyria, Valkyrie]: (Norse) see above.


Alle's Sword

- Alle: (Fire Emblem) the main character from the manga Hasha no Tsurugi.

Watou (NA, EU: Wo Dao)

- Watou: (lang) see above.

- Wo dao: (lang) see above.

Mani Katti

- Mani: (Norse) god of the moon.

Sol Katti

- Sól: (Norse) goddess of the sun.

Gant's Lance

- Gant: (Fire Emblem) Armorknight from the manga Hasha no Tsurugi.

Rex Hasta

- Rex hasta: (lang) Latin for "king spear".


- Basilikós: (lang) Greek for "royal".

Wolf Beil

- Wolf Beil: (lang) German for "wolf axe".

Long Arch (NA, EU: Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Iron Arch (NA, EU: Iron Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Killer Arch (NA, EU: Killer Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Lionfleche (NA, EU: Rienfleche)

- Lion flèche: (lang) French for "lion arrow".

- Rien flèche: (lang) French for "nothing arrow".


- Excalibur: (Fire Emblem) see above.


- Fimbulvetr: (Norse) the three successive winters preceding Ragnarökr.

Gigascalibur (NA, EU: Excalibur)

- Excalibur: (Fire Emblem) see above.

- Gígas: (lang) Greek for "giant".

- Excalibur: (Arthurian) see above.

Argyraurae (NA, EU: Aura)

- Argyros: (lang) Greek for "silver".


- Luce: (lang) Italian for "light".

Nosferatu (NA, EU: Fenrir)

- Nosufur-atu [Nosferatu]: (lang) old Slavonic, derived from Greek nosophoros, "plague-carrier".

- Fenrisúlfr [Fenrir]: (Norse) see above.

Resire (NA, EU: Nosferatu)

- Nosufur-atu: (lang) see above.


- Luna: (lang) Latin for "moon".

- Luna: (Roman) goddess of the moon.

- Moonlight Sword: (Fire Emblem) a skill from Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776 that ignores the target's Defense.


- Gespenst: (lang) German for "ghost".


- Ereshkigal: (Mesopotamian) wife of Nergal and goddess of the underworld.

Tiena's Rod

- Tiena: (Fire Emblem) Princess from the manga Hasha no Tsurugi.

Afa's Drops

- Afa: (Polynesian) a storm god.

Delphi Shield

- Delphi: (geo) the location of the temple to Apollo in ancient Greece.

Empyreal Whip (NA, EU: Elysian Whip)

- Elysion [Elysium]: (Greek) see above.

Fala's Strength (NA, EU: Filla's Might)

- Falaflame: (Fire Emblem) the legendary fire tome from the Jugdral continent.

Orion's Arrows (NA, EU: Orion's Bolt)

- Orion: (Greek) see above.

Pavise Shield (NA, EU: Iron Rune)

- Pavise: (hist) see above.

Sety's Prayer (NA, EU: Set's Litany)

- Holsety: (Fire Emblem) the legendary wind tome from the Jugdral continent.

- Prayer: (Fire Emblem) a skill from Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776 that increases a unit's Avoid.

- Set: (Egyptian) god of war and storms.

Thor's Anger (NA, EU: Thor's Ire)

- Thor Hammer: (Fire Emblem) the legendary thunder tome from the Jugdral continent.

- Anger: (Fire Emblem) a skill from Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776 that increases a unit's Critical.

- Þórr [Thor]: (Norse) god of thunder.


Aegir (NA, EU: Quintessence)

- Ægir: (Norse) see above

- Quintessence: (alchemy) the component element of the celestial bodies.

Basilius Dine

- Basilius dine: (lang) Greek for "king whirlwind".

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Magvel (NA, EU: Magi Val)

Audhumla (NA, EU: Audhulma; FR: Audhumla)

- Auðhumla [Audhumla]: (Norse) the primeval cow.


- Sieglinde: (Norse) twin sister to Siegmund.


- Vidofnir: (Norse) an eagle roosting on top of Yggdrasil.


- Siegmund: (Norse) father of Sigurðr and twin brother to Sieglinde.


- Garm: (Norse) a four-eyed hound guarding Helheim.

Nidhogg (DE: Nidhögger)

- Níðhöggr [Nidhoggr]: a serpent chewing on Yggdrasill's roots.


- Excalibur: (Arthurian) see above.


- Ivaldi: (Norse) a dwarf guarding the spring Hvergelmir.


- Gleipnir: (Norse) the chain holding Fenrisúlfr.

Naglfar (FR: Nagalfar)

- Naglfar: (Norse) a ship made from the nails of the dead.


- Latona: (Roman) mother of Apollo and Diana.



- Tethys: (Greek) a sea goddess and Titaness.


- Saleh: (Islamic) a prophet of the Qur'an.


- Myrrh: (Biblical) one of the treasures presented by the Magi.




- Berserkr [berserker]: (Norse) see above.

Cerberus (NA, EU: Gwyllgi, ES: Cerbero)

- Kerberos [Cerberus]: (Greek) the three-headed dog guarding the gate to the underworld.

- Gwyllgi: (folklore) an alternate name of the Mauthe doog.


- Cyclops: (Greek) a race of one-eyed giants.

Dragonknight (NA, EU: Wyvern Rider)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.

Dragonmaster (NA, EU: Wyvern Lord)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.


- Gorgon: (Greek) female monsters with hair of live snakes.

Gorgonegg (NA, EU: Gorgon Egg)

- Gorgon: (Greek) see above.

Macdaire (NA, EU: Maelduin)

- Mael Dúin: (Celtic) the hero of the Christian tale Immram Maele Dúin.

Mauthedoog (NA, EU: Mauthe Doog)

- Mauthe doog: (folklore) the Dog of Darkness; seeing one is an omen of death.

Hellbone (NA, EU: Wight)

- Wight: (lang) an obsolete English word for a human or intelligent being.


- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Pegasusknight (NA, EU: Pegasus Knight)

- Pégasos [Pegasus]: (Greek) see above.

Swordfighter (NA, EU: Myrmidon)

- Murmidones [Myrmidons]: (Greek) see above.


- Tarvos: (lang) Gaulish for "bull".


- Troubadour: (hist) see above.

Valkyria (NA, EU: Valkyrie; DE: Walküre; FR: Walkyrie; ES: Valkiria; IT: Valchiria)

- Valkyrja [Valkyria, Valkyrie]: (Norse) see above.

Wyvernknight (NA, EU: Wyvern Knight)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.

Zombie (NA, EU: Revenant; DE, IT: Zombie; ES: Lich)

- Revenant: (folklore) an animate corpse that rose from the grave.

- Lich: (lang) an obsolete English word for a corpse or body.



- Shamshir: (hist) a heavily curved Persian saber.

- Shamshir: (lang) Persian for "sword".

Zanbatou (NA, EU: Zanbato; FR: Zambato)

- Zanbatou: (hist) an infantry sword designed to kill both horse and rider.

- Zanbatou: (lang) Japanese for "horse-slayer sword".


- Reginleif: (Norse) one of the Valkyrja.

Long Arch (NA, EU: Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Iron Arch (NA, EU: Iron Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Killer Arch (NA, EU: Killer Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.


- Excalibur: (Fire Emblem) see above.

Argyraurae (NA, EU: Aura; IT: Aurora)

- Argyros: (lang) see above.


- Luna: (Roman) see above.

- Moonlight Sword: (Fire Emblem) see above.

Resire (NA, EU: Nosferatu)

- Nosufur-atu [Nosferatu]: (lang) see above.

Nosferatu (NA, EU: Fenrir)

- Nosufur-atu [Nosferatu]: (lang) see above.

- Fenrisúlfr [Fenrir]: (Norse) see above.

Metis's Scroll

- Metis: (Greek) mother of the goddess Athena.


Pavise (NA, EU: Great Shield)

- Pavise: (hist) see above.

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Astarte (NA, EU: Ashera)

- ‘Ashtart [Astarte]: (Levantine) goddess of fertility and war.

- Asherah [Ashera]: (Levantine) consort of the god El.

Astartyune (NA, EU: Ashunera)

- ‘Ashtart [Astarte]: (Levantine) see above.

- Asherah [Ashera]: (Levantine) see above.

Ettard (NA, EU: Alondite)

- Ettarre [Ettard]: (Arthurian) a maiden loved by Pelleas.

- Arondight: (Arthurian) the sword wielded by Sir Lancelot.


- Ragnell: (Arthurian) wife of Sir Gawain.


Tiamat (NA, EU: Titania)

- Tiamat: (Mesopotamian) the goddess that became the heaven and the earth.

- Titania: (folklore) queen of the fairies.

Chinon (NA, EU: Shinon)

- Chinon: (geo) a town in modern-day France.


- Mist: (Norse) one of the Valkyrja.

Rethe (NA, EU: Lethe)

- Lethe: (Greek) forgetfulness, one of the rivers that flow through the underworld.

Mordy (NA, EU: Mordecai)

- Mordecai: (Biblical) son of Jair.

Soanevalcke (NA, EU: Stefan)

- Soane: (Fire Emblem) one of the three heroes of the Tellius continent.

Nike (NA, EU: Nailah)

- Nike: (Greek) goddess of victory.


- Sigrún: (Norse) one of the Valkyrja.


- Pelleas: (Arthurian) husband of the Lady of the Lake; one of the Knights of the Round Table.


- Kurth: (Fire Emblem) Prince of Barhara and decendent of the crusader Heim from the Jugdral continent.

- Naga: (Fire Emblem) see above [1].

- Naga: (Fire Emblem) the legendary light tome from the Jugdral continent [2].

Prague (NA, EU: Petrine)

- Praha [Prague]: (geo) the capital of modern-day Czech Republic.

Amrita (NA, EU: Almedha)

- Amrita: (Dharmic) the nectar of immortality.

- Amrita: (lang) Sanskrit for "without death".


- Gawain: (Arthurian) the Perfect Knight, one of the Knights of the Round Table.



- Crimea: (geo) a peninsula in modern-day Ukraine.

Galia (NA, EU: Gallia)

- Gallia: (geo) Latin for Gaul, a region of Europe containing modern-day France.


- Phoenix: (Egyptian) a sacred firebird capable of regeneration.

Selinos (NA, EU: Serenes)

- Selinus: (geo) a city in ancient Greece on the island of Sicily.



- Berserkr [berserker]: (hist) see above.

Dragonknight (NA: Wyvern Rider)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.

Dragonmaster (NA: Wyvern Lord)

- Wyvern: (folklore) see above.


- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Pegasus Knight

- Pégasos [Pegasus]: (Greek) see above.

Sworder (NA: Myrmidon)

- Murmidones [Myrmidons]: (Greek) see above.


- Valkyrja [Valkyrie]: (Norse) see above.

Blade (NA: Myrmidon)

- Murmidones [Myrmidons]: (Greek) see above.

Blade Dux (NA: Sword General)

- Dux: (lang) Latin for "leader".

Blade Knight (NA: Sword Paladin)

- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Enlil Knight (NA: Seraph Knight)

- Enlil: (Mesopotamian) god of wind and air.

- Seraph: (Biblical) see above.

Espion (NA: Whisper)

- Espion: (lang) French for "spy".

Glory Dux (NA: Lance General)

- Dux: (lang) see above.

Glory Knight (NA: Lance Paladin)

- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Great Dux (NA: Axe General)

- Dux: (lang) see above.

Great Knight (NA: Axe Paladin)

- Paladin: (hist) see above.

Rlindwurm (NA: Dragon Lord)

- Lindwurm: (folklore) a serpent-like dragon.

Sagittary (NA: Marksman)

- Sagittarius: (lang) Latin for "archer".

Sword Eschatos (NA: Trueblade)

- Eschatos: (lang) Greek for "extreme".

Valkyria (NA: Valkyrie)

- Valkyrja [Valkyria, Valkyrie]: (Norse) see above.


Alondite (NA: Ettard)

- Arondight: (Arthurian) see above.

- Ettarre [Ettard]: (Arthurian) see above.

Amite (NA: Amiti)

- Amite: (Arthurian) the bearer of the Holy Grail.


- Gurgurant: (Arthurian) a cannibal king.

Watou (NA: Wo Dao)

- Watou: (lang) see above.

- Wo dao: (lang) see above.

Enlil Sword (NA: Tempest Blade)

- Enlil: (Mesopotamian) see above.


- Caladbolg: (Celtic) the sword wielded by Fergus mac Róich.

Zanezphte (NA: Wishblade)

- Sehnsucht: (lang) German for "longing".


- Urvan: (lang) Avestan for "soul".


- Tarvos: (lang) see above.

Valfleche (NA: Double Bow)

- Flèche: (lang) French for "arrow".

Long Arch (NA: Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Iron Arch (NA: Long Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.

Killer Arch (NA: Killer Ballista)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.


- Onager: (hist) a Roman siege catapult.


- Lughnasadh: (hist) a Celtic festival marking the beginning of harvest season.

Arbaleste (NA: Arbalest)

- Arbalète: (lang) French for "crossbow".


- Kard: (hist) a type of Islamic knife.


- Baselard: (hist) a fourteenth- to fifteenth-century Swiss dagger or short sword.


- Rex: (lang) Latin for "king".


- Gígas: (lang) see above.


- Cymbeline: (lit) a king in William Shakespeare’s play Cymbeline.


- Rex: (lang) see above.


- Gígas: (lang) see above.


- Excalibur: (Fire Emblem) see above.

- Rex: (lang) see above.


- Gígas: (lang) see above.

Resire (NA: Nosferatu)

- Nosufur-atu [Nosferatu]: (lang) see above.


- Rex: (lang) see above.


- Creiddylad: (Celtic) daughter of the hero Lludd Llaw Eraint.


- Carreau: (Biblical) the demon of hardness of heart; fallen Prince of Powers.


- Fenrisúlfr [Fenrir]: (Norse) see above.


- Verrine: (Biblical) the demon of impatience; second in the order of the Throne.


- Balberith: (Biblical) the fallen Prince of the Cherubim.

Goddess Rod (NA: Ashera Staff)

- Ashera: (Fire Emblem) a goddess from the Tellius continent.


Goddess Icon (NA: Ashera Icon)

- Ashera: (Fire Emblem) see above.

Angel Robe (NA: Seraph Robe)

- Seraph: (Biblical) see above.

Satori Sign

- Satori: (lang) Japanese for "enlightenment".



- Aithêr [Aether]: (Greek) personification of the heavens.

Chant (NA: Canto)

- Canto: (lang) Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish for "birdsong".

Equip Light (NA: Lumina)

- Luminis: (lang) Latin for "light".

Grasp (NA: Nihil)

- Nihil: (lang) Latin for "nothing".

Moonlight (NA: Luna)

- Moonlight: (Fire Emblem) see above.

- Luna: (lang) see above.

Shooting Star (NA: Astra, EU: Astrum)

- Shooting Star: (Fire Emblem) see above.

- Astra: (lang) Latin for "stars".

- Astrum: (lang) Latin for "star".

Sun (NA: Sol)

- Sun: (Fire Emblem) see above.

- Sol: (lang) Latin for "sun".

Galldrer (NA: Galldrar)

- Galdr: (lang) old Norse for "spell" or "incantation".

Moonlight (NA: Eclipse)

- Moonlight: (Fire Emblem) see above.

Move Twice (NA: Canto)

- Canto: (lang) see above.


- Pavise: (hist) see above.


Ballista (NA, EU: Crossbow)

- Ballista: (hist) see above.


- Beorc: (hist) the eighteenth rune of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc alphabet, "birch".


- Galdr: (lang) see above.


- Lagu [Laguz]: (hist) the twenty-first rune of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc alphabet, "lake".

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Okay... finally done with everything in the existing article, minus a few I chose to remove.

If anyone cares to contribute... or even reads this thread...

Here's information I want:

- additions: give a legitimate source; for many characters (and other entries) that have common names, I'll require an argument that you can reasonably attribute the reference with the character (i.e. good luck arguing for "iron sword").

- corrections: give a legitimate source

- typos: yes, I do care

- accents: if I accented a word wrong, I'd like to know; also, position of macrons in Greek since I'm kinda too lazy to look all of them up again.

Here's stuff I don't want:

- anything that has a placeholder, except in Ereb's places list, I'm just too lazy to come up with a description at the moment

- character or item names in other langauges, unless it's a blatant mistake; I'll get to those eventually

Entries I could use help with:

- "Phuj" (FE5): I recall seeing this term used somewhere, but I can't recall where.

- "Katti" (FE7,9,10): I recall seeing this one, too.

- "Urdia a Raglard"(?) (Hasha no Tsurugi): Magough's ultimate attack; I don't know what it's supposed to be or what language it's in; the kanji roughly translates to "god breath tempest".

- "Valfleche" (FE9,10), "Valaura" (FE10): What the hell is the "val" for?

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I did my own list a while back. So here are some names that aren't in yours. I'm too busy/lazy to give you a source, but you'll probably find those names by googling them.

Names marked with a question mark are unsure.


Astoria - (Asteria) [Greek] Daughter of the titan Coeus & Phoebe.

Camus - (Cadmus?) [Greek] Founder of Thebes.

Tiki - A Polynesian deity.

Ellis - (Eris) [Greek] Goddess of discord.

Rinda/Linda/Linde - (Rind?) [Norse] Odin's wife.

Maric - (Marica?) [Roman] A nymph.

Odin - [Norse]

Khadein - (Kahedin) [Arthurian] A knight of the round table.

Ceazer - (Caesar) [hist]


Atlas - [Greek] A titan

Hades - [Greek]

Ragnarok - [Norse]

As for Jugdral, I posted these a little while back on FESS.


Echidna - [Greek] Half-nymph, half-serpent. She's called "the mother of all monsters."

Elphin - (Elffin) [Celtic] Source because I can't explain it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elffin_ap_Gwyddno

Ashtor - (Elaine of Astolat) [Arthurian] Was in love with Lancelot. Also called Elaine the White and Elaine the Fair.

Eliwood - (Eliwlod) [Arthurian] Arthur's nephew.

Ellen - (Elaine?) Daughter of Pelles, one of the Graal's keeper.

Garret - Gareth [Arthurian] A knight of the round table.

Hector? - [Arthurian] Arthur's adoptive father.

Lance - (Lancelot) [Arthurian] A knight of the round table.

Merlinus - (Merlin) [Arthurian]

Athos - [Greek] A giant.

Hyperion - [Greek] A titan.

Iris - [Greek] A goddess.

Caerleon - [Arthurian] Arthur's kingdom capital.

Cornwell - (Kingdom of Cornwall) [Arthurian]

Kai - (Kay, Keu) [Arthurian] A knight of the round table.

Lyn - (Lynette?) [Arthurian] A woman traveling with Arthur's court.

Mark - [Arthurian] King of Cornwall.


Bael - A three-headed demon (toad, man, cat)

Gerik - (Geri?) [Norse] A wolf belonging to Odin.

Glen - [Norse] Sol's husband.

Seth - [Egyptian] The god of war.


Black Knight - [Arthurian] Tom a'Lincoln, Arthur's bastard son.

Green Knight - [Arthurian] A title given to the knight Bercilak de Hautdésert.

Red Knight - [Arthurian] A title given to several knights.

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Hauteclere is Olivier's sword from the Song of Roland. (oops, I didn't notice this)

A katti is a type of Indian sword. At least, I think it is, based on a source that I read, but information in general about this is very sparse.

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I remember Wikipedia had a page like this before an admin saw at and "NUUUU NOT RELEVANT ENUFF!!" And deleted it.

I can't really add anything to the list though. I know Nasir is an Arabic name but it doesn't have any mythological ties or anything so :(

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I actually gave a lot of info on Tellius a while ago to VASM but I see he didn't add it to the list yet. Note that while there's some mythology in there, there's also some really random crap you'd want to filter.

Hi there.

I was going through the mythology section of your site when I found out you didn't have a few stuff of Tellius yet.

Well, I searched a bit and here's what I found, and some things were quite surprising.

Caladbolg is the sword used by Fergus mac Róich from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. It means "hard belly" or possibly "hard lightning", and when written in a different way ( Caladcholg ), means "hard blade".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caladbolg for more references

Lughnasadh is a Gaelic holiday traditionally associated with the first of August.

The Peshcubz is a knife that was used in Persia and India.

http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showthread.php?t=977 several models here

Both the Taksh and the Aqqar were siege weapons used in Byzantium, India and the Islamic world. Sadly, I only have this as proof, and even then I can't see the pages myself: http://books.google.com/books?id=ybcl67H1o...aRK2bP7Ic8_sAQ8

Creiddylad is the daughter of Lludd Llaw Eraint in Welsh mythology.


Worm and Bowgun are references to the earlier Fire Emblems, even if now they're much different.

Panacea was the Greek goddess of healing


Olivi is the name of an Italian naturalist and zoologist.


Sienne would be a reference to a town in Italy called Siena

The Frey Bomb could be related to the god Freyr.

Marado is a small island off the coast of Jeju, in southernmost South Korea

Sella can be attibuted to many things, namely a mountain group in the Dolomites (Italy), a river and a town (both in Spain).

Nox was the primordial goddess of the night in Greek mythology.

Clupea could be referred to Kelibia, a coastal town of northeastern Tunisia.

Animus is close to Anemos which is Greek for "wind", and also to aniti which is Sanskrit for "he breathes"

Salmo can mean salmon and is also a village in British Columbia, Canada.

Gadus ( Japanese name for Gados IIRC ) is the genus for the cod.

Seriola also means a type of fish, this time the Yellowtail.

Myron was an Athenian sculptor.

Tergum is the dorsal portion of an arthropod segment other than the head.

Elpis is the personification of hope in Greek mythology.

Susa was an ancient city of the Elamite, Persian and Parthian empires of Iran, now the modern town of Shush.

Zarzi is a minor Enochian angel.

Gebal was a Phoenician city. It was called Byblos by the Greeks.

Mugil is another fish genus, this time of the Mugildae, also known as mullets.

That's all I could find for now. Hope that helped.

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- Nabal: (Biblical) a man killed by God for defying King David of Israel.

Navarre - an empire somewhere in Europe. :S

Navarre is the japanese translation I'm most used to so...

Moses (EU: Morzas)
Biblical reference. Edited by Nathan Graves
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I'll look into those. Quite a few of them are arguable, though (i.e. many male characters have female references). And, who/what/where is "Odin" in Akaneia?

Captain Falcon:

I'll look into those, too. And, if enough of the crap can be reasonably attributed (I notice a lot of places in Begnion have to do with fish), they can be added.

Nathan Graves:

The romanization "Navarre" was chosen as a fan translation due to the fact that it is a reference. However, I have a preference for using people over places for people references, though, I guess that'd be obvious...

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I'll look into those. Quite a few of them are arguable, though (i.e. many male characters have female references). And, who/what/where is "Odin" in Akaneia?

He was Grunia's first king according to the Dragon Tier (Ah, but SF calls him Ohdwin...) His name is mentionned in Book 1's chapter 16 "Black Knight Camus".

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There's a few others from FE4's arenas:

Gazack was a boss in the original Fire Emblem. A Pirate turned Fighter.

Mahatma (Fire Mage, chapter 2) is Sanskrit for "Great soul"

Atlas (Baron, chapter 4) is the primordial Titan who supported the heavens.

Tolstoi (Fighter, chapter 7) is a prominent family in the Russian nobility.

Kashim (Hunter, chapter 7) is quite obviously a reference to the original game.

Xenon (Swordmaster, chapter 8) is a gas...

Indra (2 of them, Cavalier chapter 9 and Queen chapter 10) is the Hindu god of War and Weather. He'S also the King of their gods.

Nietzsche (Bow Knight, chapter 9) is possibly a reference to the philosopher of the same name.

Canaan (Baron, chapter 9) is an ancient term to describe several regions in modern day Near East.

Roland (Forrest, chapter 10) might be related to the same references given in Elibe.

Zeus (Emperor, Final) is the king of the Greek gods and the god of sky and thunder.

I might have forgotten some, but that's a start.

EDIT: Bleh nevermind, Marthur covered that, I just forgot to see (and it's almost 4 AM, I pay little attention to details... )

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Atlas (Baron, chapter 4) is the primordial Titan who supported the heavens.

Huh? Isn't Atlas supposed to support the Earth, and not Heaven?

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Kashim (Hunter, chapter 7) is quite obviously a reference to the original game.

Nazarl, the swordmaster from chapter 5's arena, is also a clear reference to Nabarl/Navarre.

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There's a few others from FE4's arenas:

Gazack was a boss in the original Fire Emblem. A Pirate turned Fighter.

Atlas (Baron, chapter 4) is the primordial Titan who supported the heavens.

Kashim (Hunter, chapter 7) is quite obviously a reference to the original game.

I might have forgotten some, but that's a start.

EDIT: Bleh nevermind, Marthur covered that, I just forgot to see (and it's almost 4 AM, I pay little attention to details... )

Atlas could, of course, in this trend, be referring to the Atlas of Gaiden :/

Depends on how you want to look at it.

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Huh? Isn't Atlas supposed to support the Earth, and not Heaven?

When the Titans were defeated, many of them (including Menoetius) were confined to Tartarus, but Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of Gaia, the Earth and hold up Ouranos, the Sky on his shoulders, to prevent the two from resuming their primordial embrace. Thus, he was Atlas Telamon, "enduring Atlas." A common misconception is that Atlas was forced to hold the Earth on his shoulders, but this is incorrect. Classical art shows Atlas holding a Celestial Sphere, not a Globe.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_(mythology)

Nazarl, the swordmaster from chapter 5's arena, is also a clear reference to Nabarl/Navarre.

Possibly. I said I forgot some, and most of them were covered by either etellerannet7 or Marthur in the latter's link to FESS, like Bacchus and Clotho.

Atlas could, of course, in this trend, be referring to the Atlas of Gaiden :/

Depends on how you want to look at it.

Well I never played Gaiden so I wouldn't know :P

Also I believe in one point of FE 5 ( I believe when Leaf goes to talk with Hannibal ), he refers himself as Lugh.

As for some others.

Imhullu is, from what I said in another thread, a weapon used by Marduk to slay Tiamat. It means the "Evil Wind" or the "Bad Wind".

Medea is a woman in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, niece of Circe, granddaughter of the sun god Helios, and later wife to the hero Jason, with whom she had two children: Mermeros and Pheres.

Samson is Hebrew, which means of the sun. He is the third to last of the Judges of the ancient Children of Israel mentioned in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible), and the Talmud.

Frey is a Norse god associated with male fertility, weather and agriculture.

The Norns are a kind of dísir, numerous female beings who rule the fates of the various races of Norse mythology. A disir is a fate goddess.

Hymir is a giant in Norse mythology. He helped Thor to fish Jormungad.

The Swanchika is a possible reference to the Swatzika. According to this, it's not the only reference to the Swatzika.

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Possibly. I said I forgot some, and most of them were covered by either etellerannet7 or Marthur in the latter's link to FESS, like Bacchus and Clotho.

For the FESS link, I think all the arena references were Marthur (I just added to the first post). Some parts of my FESS list maybe shouldn't be taken too seriously as the norse references were from memory and most other from quick googling.

Edit: And some might be taken from SF at the time, but I don't remember for sure. Sorry SF if I did.

The Swanchika is a possible reference to the Swatzika.

At least that's what I have always thought when reading the name.

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Also I believe in one point of FE 5 ( I believe when Leaf goes to talk with Hannibal ), he refers himself as Lugh.

He introduced himself as Lugh Faris to Hannival.

And Leaf’s full name is Leaf Faris Claus.

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