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Lilina is fantastic in Normal mode UNRANKED, ok in Ranked. She's good in HM UNRANKED, and not so much in HM ranked.

If you consider someone who needs a lot of babying and gives you poor averages in compensation fantastic/good, not crap, I don't know what to say.

Edited by Julius
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OMFG...Ayanami *facepalm*

If I remember correctly you've already been owned in a Lugh vs Lilina debate over at FEP. In case you've forgotten refresh your memories by going here. Mekkah and CATS already refuted your points. And don't even think about posting Youtube links of how OMG Lilina owns and I have video to prove it.

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Can we settle it as:

Lilina is fantastic in Normal mode UNRANKED, ok in Ranked. She's good in HM UNRANKED, and not so much in HM ranked.

We good?

And to Dondon, what the hell does that have to do with anything. Sophia's stats are subpar regardless of her being an "Est" character.

Then why did Lilina suck for me in NM unranked like she did for everyone else?

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Because Zeldafreak often takes his blessed Lilina into account when make such arguments. He doesn't like stat averages. Like I said, if Ray would always get such blessings for me, I'd probably use him too. That goes for most characters (if not all).

Don't mind Lenneth (Ayanami), we've "debated" Lilina for 2318329 pages before on FEP, but it's pretty obvious he/she just ignores stuff everyone says and goes by own personal experience every time. Obviously Lilina is not reaching L20 before Ch12 unless you neglect everyone else. This thread is about _Lilina in Hard Mode Ranked_.

Hmm, that explains a lot.

Edited by Levin
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And to Dondon, what the hell does that have to do with anything. Sophia's stats are subpar regardless of her being an "Est" character.

My Sophia capped magic, had 18 speed, and 14 defense at level 20 unpromoted. That must make her a great character, right?

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18 speed and 14 defense is swell for a level 20 unpromoted anything. Well, 14 defense would probably be a little low for an Armor, but you get the idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got her raised her 2 levels on chapter 8 she raised luck, speed, def and res and I gave her a secret book I got and she turns out quite interesting, but I'll have to tell you that when promoting her since I'm gonna promote Clarine or Lugh first.

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I'll be fair, my Lilina did well in my HM ranked thing (her stats went only slightly above her level averages). At first I was just going to use her to get a couple levels here and there for EXP/Power rank, but somehow I ended up using her long-term. I kept her protected a lot though, considering how Tactics is simple in this game and Combat fixes itself later on.

It's also easier to do it with her, because she uses a relatively accurate/cheap magic type and doesn't ping. And I dunno about you but my units had a hard time one rounding overall so she could finish enemies off without too much hindrance to the team.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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My Sophia capped magic, had 18 speed, and 14 defense at level 20 unpromoted. That must make her a great character, right?

Hmm, sounds like heavy RNG or save state abuse to me...

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