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Rate the above member's avatar and signature


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3/10 for the avatar, 1/10 for the signature.

The avatar is some of the worst kitsch I've seen in awhile, but at least it tries to achieve something. The signature, I can't even say that for.

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3/10 for the avatar, 1/10 for the signature.

The avatar is some of the worst kitsch I've seen in awhile, but at least it tries to achieve something. The signature, I can't even say that for.

<_< You're talking about Lyle's obviously if you're using the word Kitsch.

7/10 for ava just for who it is.

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Great, now I have to recall your disposition towards me now.

6/10 would look better with a border.

2/10 a half made sig, with a lot of wasted space.

Edited by Shuuda
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Seriously, dude, keep it out of 10.

Avatar: 6/10.

Sig: 3/10.

Can't say I'm a fan of Crawdaunt, but the shiny signature has rendered me a might distracted.

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EDIT: I was talking about the crab-man.

8/10 for the avatar.

It's elegant simplicity and use of a vibrant and contrastive palette give it this high score. The very simplicity of the piece, however, keep it from attaining an even higher score.

3/10 for the signature.

It is done in the same style as the avatar, but is not able to pull it off very well. The areas dominated by blues are complex and distracting, whereas they should be an unobtrusive background. The location of the picture plane is also inconsistent, making the image as a whole less pleasing on the eyes and distorting the perspective.

In before flamefest.

Now, art criticism doesn't have to be violent. We're all civilized here, right?

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