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When looking at fan projects I always see people creating new class types and was curious as to what fan-made classes you guys would want to see in the next game, it can be from a pre-existing project or you can make one up now but just be sure to describe how it would work and what weapons or skills/abilities it would give access to.

For example I always liked the idea of having a unit that would be able to build walls with limited hp sort of like the stones you can pick up and drop from Soleil's paralogue in fates, this unit would be an infantry and would be able to use bows and maybe knives after promotion because I liked the idea of them being reminiscent of a hunter/trapper. Alternatively if making walls is too out there they would have multiple drop items that would have a range of effects like the mine or light rune.

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This isn't an entirely new class, as such, but I'd like to see them continuing to develop the idea of unarmed combatants that they had in Three Houses and Engage. My thinking is that we could see two different class lines using brawling/arts/whatever they decide to call it, and give them distinct abilities and stats so they feel distinct from each other. First, have the Brawler class line as the strong but slow version. High strength, high def, low speed. Maybe a skill along the lines of Wary Fighter (but still allowing the unarmed brave effect). Then have the Martial Monk line be the fast and agile version, with great speed and dex but low def. And a class skill that gives them more/better crits.

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AoE-style monks who go around and have some likelihood of "converting" the enemy to their own side.

Also, blue hotrods that spawn infinitely and fire machine guns. It would be awesome, enough said.

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1 hour ago, Hrothgar777 said:

Also, blue hotrods that spawn infinitely and fire machine guns. It would be awesome, enough said.

When you say that all I can think about are the warthogs from Halo and I like to imagine they'd be balanced by flipping over if you use too much movement as an homage

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Found it.


Anyway, I stand by Blacksmith:


Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances 

Growths: HP30%, STR20%, SKL30%, LCK10%, DEF15%, RES15%


Emergency Repair: Restore 5 durabilty to any non-Regalia weapon. Can only be used 8 times.

Improve Weapon: Target ally with weapon eqipped. This weapon deals +6 damage, Hit+10, Crit+10 and effective damage is improved to x4 (*presuming it´s x3; if x2 -> x3). Does not stack.

Upgrades: If targeted ally has a shield equipped: Double it´s DEF/RES and reduce weigth by x. (Dunno how much x would need to be to be good)

Hostile Craftsmanship: Reduce an enemies DEF  to 0. Their equipped weapon acts as if broken for 1 turn. 

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3 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

Improve Weapon: Target ally with weapon eqipped. This weapon deals +6 damage, Hit+10, Crit+10 and effective damage is improved to x4 (*presuming it´s x3; if x2 -> x3). Does not stack.

They actually had that one in Engage's DLC.

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I remember seeing a Summoner that had low move and could only use staves, but could do so twice each turn. I think that would be interesting to see implemented in a official game, even if balancing them would rather difficult. 

Seconding armored mages like the Barons I saw in a (attempted) FE4 remake. There was also bow using Armor Knights, though I`m unsure how well that would work.

There was also a Spartan class in a few hacks, but it just seemed to be a spear using Hero (strong stats all around).

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1 hour ago, Metal Flash said:

I remember seeing a Summoner that had low move and could only use staves, but could do so twice each turn. I think that would be interesting to see implemented in a official game, even if balancing them would rather difficult. 

Seconding armored mages like the Barons I saw in a (attempted) FE4 remake. There was also bow using Armor Knights, though I`m unsure how well that would work.

There was also a Spartan class in a few hacks, but it just seemed to be a spear using Hero (strong stats all around).

We already had bow using armoured knights on the DS. And the answer is, they work rather well. It helps increase their effective attack range and gives them anti flier capability. Really bows are the best sub weapon for basically any class for that reason. Generals in Genealogy itself also had bows but they never really get into combat so that was more useful for arena cheesing.

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10 hours ago, AzureEmperor said:

When you say that all I can think about are the warthogs from Halo and I like to imagine they'd be balanced by flipping over if you use too much movement as an homage

Actually, I'm pretty sure he's referring to Age of Empires II. In that game, if you open up a text message and type in "How Do You Turn This Thing On?" (not sure if it's exactly that input) then it automatically spawns a car with good durability, iirc, incredible movement speed, and a high range machine gun weapon that's pretty great at killing things.

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20 hours ago, Jotari said:

We already had bow using armoured knights on the DS. And the answer is, they work rather well. It helps increase their effective attack range and gives them anti flier capability. Really bows are the best sub weapon for basically any class for that reason. Generals in Genealogy itself also had bows but they never really get into combat so that was more useful for arena cheesing.

Alright them, I stand corrected.

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Pikeman > Halberdier (I know, I know Halberdiers have existed). Baisc Infantry, with no Armor Tag.

Pikeman gets +1 range on Lances, but at 2 range only 1 attack (2 pokes close range, 1 poke at distance) and innate Anti Horse.

Halberdier gets... Topple, reducing an enemies movement to 0 for a turn (usable from 1-2 range), and innate Anti Armor.


I want to see a FE game with the balls to put god into their game - literally just Naga or Sothis throwing hands, maybe as a unit you get after beating the game once.

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I would really like a new shape shifter type of class, but instead of copying other units badly they would equip all sorts of different stones like manaketes. Different stones would not just give different stat boosts, but whole different forms. It could act like the greatest hits for the various beast-type units across the series, and the really powerful stuff would just be harder to find and/or more expensive. Transforming would last a whole turn instead of for just one combat, so the shifter could change into a four-legged form for greater overland movement, or a flying form to traverse some water or high mountains. The various forms could be really good at their chosen specialty, but each one would have a pretty big weakness (with the possible exception of a theoretical legendary stone, because legendary weapons should be so good they should always be worth the struggle to get them) and you would have to commit to one type for a whole turn.

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I'd like to see a variant of the Pegasus Knight class line that specializes in using Staves. By this I mean that they would start with Staves in their Tier 1 class and promote to using Magic + Staves, like Clerics but on Pegasi. The reason I want this is because Rescue staff + high movement unit(especiially fliers) are very fun to use. It would also be cool to have other high rank Staves like Warp + status staves on a high movement flier. There have been Staff Pegs before, but they only got Staves in their Tier 2 classes and/or had really poor Staff ranks (FE4/14 Falcon Knights for example) or had super limited availability like Elincia. I'd like to see this concept in a more fleshed out form in future games.

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Herbalist class, that has a Weapon Rank% chance + Luck to pick up herbs and otherwise useful stuff (maybe a +1 stat boost variant?) and who can either go be sent out to gather more herbs during Prep Screen, or you use them to mix something good~ tonics, vulneraries and obviously a base % and Weapon Skill chance to add beneficial effects. (the weapon being a sickle, Getafix anyone?).

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  • 1 month later...

A different Hero like class I think would be cool in a Fire Emblem game like a Spartan so instead of using Swords & Axes it uses Swords & Spears and its the promoted class form of the Soldier if a playable unit becomes one in the future FE game, I'm aware that Engage does that with the Hero class in that game but imagine if it doesn't would make it a branched promotion choice for the Halberdier.

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18 minutes ago, Zerius said:

A different Hero like class I think would be cool in a Fire Emblem game like a Spartan so instead of using Swords & Axes it uses Swords & Spears and its the promoted class form of the Soldier if a playable unit becomes one in the future FE game, I'm aware that Engage does that with the Hero class in that game but imagine if it doesn't would make it a branched promotion choice for the Halberdier.

We've actually had a class called Spartan in Fire Emblem. It was a DLC overclass for Shadows of Valentia.


And it is indeed in the promotion line for soldier. However, because soldier is the tier 1 class of armoured knight in Gaiden, this means the Spartan is an armoured class too. Which is a bit weird since the typical image of such warriors is relatively lightly armoured, and the model even has them appear as such, at least compared to the typical over the top nature of Fire Emblem armoured units. They did give them a huge shield to sell the idea a bit more. I agree that if Spartan is to return, then lance sword infantry would be a good niche for the class. It's a surprisingly underused weapon and movement combination.

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