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Your Personal Game of the Year.


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What would you say is your favorite game from this year? Fallout 3? Far Cry 2? Dead Space? Pick only one game as your favorite title for 2008 and write a small blurb defending you choice, or stating why you like it. You can name import titles, naturally. Which is exactly what I plan to do.

My pick is Gundam Battle Universe, for the PSP. I've been following the series since Battle Tactics, admittedly skipping over the third entry, Battle Chronicles. I particularly enjoy the Universal Century chapter of the Gundam franchise, and Battle Universe covers, I think, all of that span, and has just about every mech from each series, even a few which were never featured in the shows. It's fast paced, loaded with action and has some stunning visuals, especially considering that's it's on the PSP. I've poured hours into this game, and will continue to play it for a while to come, I think.

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Fallout 3 would've gotten it, if Bethesda would've learned that recycling tiles, quests, and models far more than they should've is a bad thing. Even back in the late 80s, developers would at least cycle palettes through areas with repeated graphics D: Modding will propel this back up, like with Oblivion, but until then... best game of '08, I don't even remember the games that have come out this year... Left 4 Dead is nice, but can also get repetitive as well as short. I guess it would be Fallout 3 "o

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Oh crap, I didn't get many this year. I rarely get any to start, but still. My list is out of...

- Brawl

- Ecclesia


I really want to say Ecclesia, so I will. Pretty tough game and decent plot too, though the ending was a bit of a huge downer (both the bad and the true endings).

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Valkyria Chronicles for the PlayStation 3 is my favorite game of the year. The game is played similar to Fire Emblem except characters' movements aren't constrained to a grid and the player has a degree of control over their attacks; it's really neat. The story is fun to progress though, and the graphical presentation is stunning. Valkyria Chronicles is both strategically open and difficult. This title is solid and has maintained my interest with much greater intensity than any other game released this year.

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I have not had many games this year, to be honest. Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon are the only two worth giving a mention... Because I believe those two are the only games I've had this year.

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Well, I haven't really bought that many games in the past year.

*Thinks about it.*

-Baten Kaitos (the first one)


-No More Heroes


-Assassin's Creed

-Tos 2

-God of War

-Twilight Princess

I guess I could count all the other pokemon emulator's I've gotten, but I won't.

-Out of those games, I never go into Baten Kaitos or God of War, but the latter was more fun I felt.

-Brawl, though extremely fun at first, slowly developed into one big fad, and it slowly became the same as Melee, where it was just a game that I played with friends and let it rust.

-Assassin's Creed I've only started playing. It's repetitive, but fun. Though I play it more casually then other games.

-Twilight Princess, I finally managed to play as it was sitting on my desk, taunting me for a full year, while I tried to get my greasy hands on a wii. It was fun, as any Zelda game is, but when compared to how much I loved Windwaker, it falls short.

-No more Heroes was another of the only good wii games that are out, and when I played it, it was mad fun. Sure the open world concept is a lie, but it was more than entertaining, and the amount of satisfaction you get from splitting a man down the middle with a beam sword, is enough to make me, (and I will never use this phrase for the rest of my life, and I hate myself for doing it) jizz my pants.

-Next is GTA4. In this year, I managed to aquire my very own X-box 360. It's only been in my house for a month at best, and of all the games I have for the 360, (all three of them) this has seen the most action. I've always been a fan of the GTA series, and though it may make my comment about brawl becoming a fad somewhat hypocritical, I love the game. Unlike other GTA games, it's built in such a way, that you can have fun after the story mode is over. Also, the DLC is exciting, and will keep people interested in the series until GTA5 comes out. Or something like GTA Wales or GTA Little Rock.

-Finally, the long awaited arrival of TOS2. Now, the gameplay of Tos has been beefed up from it's predecessor, and the story is fine, but of course, the game will never be as good as the original. That isn't to say that the game is bad, in fact, it's a pretty good game on it's own. And I love it even with it's faults.

So, of the games that I got this year, that actually CAME out this year, and of the games that I've enjoyed the most, that leaves me with GTA4, No More Heroes, and TOS2. And, out of the three of them, I'll have to be lame and go with the fanboys, and say that my game for the year is GTA4. However, tos2 is a close runner up.

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By "your personal game of the year", is this for games released during this year only, or does it takes into account older games you bought during this year as well ?

If going by first answer, the only games released during this year I bought are Fire Emblem DS and Pokémon Platinum, both JPN versions, and I'd say the winner is Pokémon Platinum (despite FE being my fave series).

If going by second anwser, then it's a three-way tie between Puyo Puyo 2, Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series 1 : Nijiiro no Seishun, and Snatcher (all PS1 games).

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SSBB and Castlevania Judgment.

Judgment gets a mention for exceeding my personal expectations; I expected it to just be a fanservice game, but it turned out to be quite fun. The controls are easy to get a handle on (I've found that the Classic Controller is my preference), and the selection of characters, while small, is varied, yet it's still easy to learn the other characters, which I find to be a plus. That, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to play as Cornell in another CV.

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Puyo Puyo 2

Good taste :) Despite having two PCs versions (as in Windows) and several versions scattered through emulation the one i've come back to the most this year is the Megadrive version with is arcade perfect sound (the arcade board is an improved Megadrive so...) and horrid voices which pause the music each time they come out :lol:though when the Wii version of MAME gets the glitches sorted out (namely the takes an eternity to load anything one) i'll switch over to the arcade :)

As for the question...can we wait until i've played some more games that came out in 2008 otherwise it looks like World of Goo wins (and I've yet to finish it). The contender is, Ace Atterney: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (it is a Christmas present so I won't be able to play for a while).

Before you go what about Brawl its simple it doesn't sfeel like anything new. Moving on, what about Zak and Wiki i've yet to play it so can't possibly say anything about it :( Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon again is it doesn't feel like anything new. Other WiiWare I've palyed has been great but doesn't seem epic enough to be "game of the year".

If we're including games that didn't come out in 2008 then Phantasy Star IV and Mother 3 are the contenders. Phantasy Star IV is a real underdog so many of the games features were years ahead of its time but it gets ignored becuase it isn't on the SNES :( . They're both fantastic games which I found eprfectly balanced (no level grinding required, PSIV was more fine-tuned in this respect though)

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