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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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*tracking the kill on Cam

I knew something about that sentence looked weird

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@BBM What I am I missing to make Rad hardclear? They're just a null slot to me because the slot's lack of content. Or did I miss something uber townie they did D2?

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Just now, j00 said:

@BBM What I am I missing to make Rad hardclear? They're just a null slot to me because the slot's lack of content. Or did I miss something uber townie they did D2?

marth tracked rad last night visiting nobody. i assume refa was the scum ninja so rad is town

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Marth, j00, Prims, Snike, Weapons
The middle is a mess that I don't care to rank.
Rapier, Elieson

This is one of the only things making me think it's Snike.

These are charlie's reads mid day 1.

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Just now, j00 said:

@BBM What I am I missing to make Rad hardclear? They're just a null slot to me because the slot's lack of content. Or did I miss something uber townie they did D2?

unless i misunderstood @Bluedoom did your role say rad did not visit anyone n2? or did they say that no one visited rad?

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Just now, Shinori said:

This is one of the only things making me think it's Snike.

These are charlie's reads mid day 1.

wouldn't this just be tmi actually

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

unless i misunderstood @Bluedoom did your role say rad did not visit anyone n2? or did they say that no one visited rad?

rad did not visit anyone

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So, uh, can someone who is not me make a list of people who are cleared by role shenanigans and stuff? I think I know who is cleared, but I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything with the thread moving so fast.

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Irisâ„¢ Votals: Day 2.0 (~2.5 hours left)

Refa (5): j00, BT., Makaze, Bluedoom, Prims (L-5)!
Rapier (4): 
BBM, Refa, Shinori, Percivale
WeaponsofMassConstruction (4): Rapier, Snike, CT075, Sunwoo
Makaze (2): Elieson, charlie
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction

Also these votals might be damning actually for Snike.

Refa on rapier instead of Weapons and snike on the conf town weapons counter wagon.

Honestly this could argue for either one of them.

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Rad and Shinori are cleared by investigatives and Boron's role showed up on the voyeur report so she's clear too

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5 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

how do you keep not seeing the obvious my guy, I can't even

i get excited when i have an idea, even if its a bad one

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imo we lynch one of rapier/snike, track the other at night.

if we want to be REALLY safe we test makaze's governor but idt it's necessary

@Makaze why do you think someone has a bpv?

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I'm clear
MAkaze is clear via refa push
Bluedoom is clear via tracking Rad and refa push
J00 is clear via REfa push
Rad is clear via Blue doom track
Boron is clear via doc
BBM is likely truthful about their role paired along side bluedoom as town Investigation so probably clear
Ichigo is probably clear via Prims refa push.

Leaving us with like Snike/rapier barring no bus.  We just go through these two and if the game doesn't end we look at:



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Just now, BBM said:

imo we lynch one of rapier/snike, track the other at night.

if we want to be REALLY safe we test makaze's governor but idt it's necessary

@Makaze why do you think someone has a bpv?

I am assuming based on Refa's role implying they have a need for going through something and I had assumed bpv was more than likely

I am suspicious of Snike for a lot of reasons but I think he could be the SK with a BPV who checks as a VT/does nothing, and I think Refa's role implies it is the case

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Or refa just goes through doc.

SK is not in this set up unless it's in the rules that a faction is not announced as dead.

But if there was an SK we probably should have had 3 kills the first night, even if we assume all 3 scum are dead and there is SK + Vig night 2.  Also potential for 3 kills EVERY night is not a thing.

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Just now, Shinori said:


sure, tbh i kind of assumed by your talk about claiming d3 no matter what that you were 2x

@Makaze we also have a doc and a tracker for kill modifier to bypass. strongman + ninja + something like janitor makes a lot of sense to me as a kill jack. refa's bpv also makes sense if town has an unlimited vig

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Just now, Shinori said:

Or refa just goes through doc.

SK is not in this set up unless it's in the rules that a faction is not announced as dead.

But if there was an SK we probably should have had 3 kills the first night, even if we assume all 3 scum are dead and there is SK + Vig night 2.  Also potential for 3 kills EVERY night is not a thing.

this is actually facts because we have a vig explaining everything, but I still think Snike's behavior is weird with the please kill me and voyeuring wifom

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Just now, BBM said:

sure, tbh i kind of assumed by your talk about claiming d3 no matter what that you were 2x

@Makaze we also have a doc and a tracker for kill modifier to bypass. strongman + ninja + something like janitor makes a lot of sense to me as a kill jack. refa's bpv also makes sense if town has an unlimited vig

shinori explained why im being stupid, ive just been trained to think that sf has sks because they've had one every game i've played here except for the training game

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Like, there is not an SK.


We have 10 alive - 9-1
Lynch rapier - 8-1
Scum kill boron + I shoot Snike - 6-1
If the game SOMEHOW isn't over we lynch fucking Ichigo or BBM 5-1
I kill the other + scum kill me - 3-1

This is a final 4 of

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1 minute ago, BBM said:

sure, tbh i kind of assumed by your talk about claiming d3 no matter what that you were 2x

I debated on fake claiming this but decided fuck it we can just power arm this at this point.

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Shinori: Vig (shot Cam N1, Weapons N2) - Role confirmed by Marth
Boron: Doc (doc'd Perci N1, Shinori N2) - Role confirmed by BBM
Marth: Tracker (tracked Shinori visiting Cam N1, Rad visiting no one N2)
BBM: Voyeur (No one visited Prims N1, Shinori was doc'd N2) - Role confirmed by Boron
Makaze: Governor
Rapier: Vanilla
Snike: Vanilla

Radicate cleared by Marth (unless there's a 5th scum, very unlikely). Boron is cleared by BBM. Shinori is clear. Marth too makes no sense as scum based on night actions. 

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So, uh, should we still have the last few people who haven't claimed do so just so we have everything out on the table?

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Just now, Shinori said:

This is a final 4 of

Rad is clear no matter what.
J00 is likely clear outside of HELLBUSS.
Makaze hellbusser
Bluedoom hellbusser.

Literally just comes down to this stuff but Like if this is the actual final 4 and scum is one of these two people then it'll be hilarious to watch.

I'm like almost down to just speed lynch the day phase outside of wanting to hear rad/Ichigo claim.

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