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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I still think weapons shouldn't have been vigged, and cam being scum was very telling, but oh well

I'm too sleepy to think about this

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Thing about Weapons is that he would still be a likely lynch candidate today if he didn't get vigged, since neither the other lynches nor his claim cleared the suspicions on him.

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If we're lynching between Rapier and Snike today, I guess I'd lynch Rapier first. Snike feels townier than Rapier, I guess, and my earlier town read on Rapier could always be wrong.

Not voting yet until we all have an idea of what we're doing today though.

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14 minutes ago, RADicate said:

i will take this as confirmation, i am but a lowly VT 

i do have a mega cool this night only use superpower tho

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1 hour ago, Bluedoom said:

But I'll claim anyway since its useful info

I'm claiming a track on Shinori into cam N1,  and rad didn't go anywhere n2

epic gameplay

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44 minutes ago, j00 said:

Shinori: Vig (shot Cam N1, Weapons N2) - Role confirmed by Marth
Boron: Doc (doc'd Perci N1, Shinori N2) - Role confirmed by BBM
Marth: Tracker (tracked Shinori visiting Cam N1, Rad visiting no one N2)
BBM: Voyeur (No one visited Prims N1, Shinori was doc'd N2) - Role confirmed by Boron
Makaze: Governor
Rapier: Vanilla
Snike: Vanilla

Radicate cleared by Marth (unless there's a 5th scum, very unlikely). Boron is cleared by BBM. Shinori is clear. Marth too makes no sense as scum based on night actions. 

this list is missing at least 1 existing PR btw

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im bored of softing and will claim i recieved an item that lets me do a modpost anonymously if anyone has a funny copypasta for me to use on it lmk

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Okay whatever, I was the one who gave it to you.

I'm Communications Inventor. I get different 1-shot communications items I can give out during the night phase. I had Neighbor, Announcer, Insomniac and Courier. I can give myself an item once. used Neighbor N1 on myself, neighbor'd Shinori and got a PM with him that's active for N2 and D2.
N2 I gave Radicate the Announcer because his slot was null to me, and I was interested in if he would use it for anything interesting.

Shinori immediately claimed vig to me so I've known the entire night phase, and the PoE we were discussing was Rapier/BBM/Weapons and we both agreed on shooting Weapons. Also before Marth bust the fullclaims open by outing Shinori as the vig who shot Cam, I suggested to Shinori we could switch roleclaims so I could fakeclaim vig and draw the NK. Shinori can confirm this.  

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If any of you want to argue that I'm scum who hardbussed Refa and then wanted to fakeclaim vig as the last remaining scum then go ahead and explain why I would ever think that's smart.

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3 minutes ago, j00 said:

Okay whatever, I was the one who gave it to you.

I'm Communications Inventor. I get different 1-shot communications items I can give out during the night phase. I had Neighbor, Announcer, Insomniac and Courier. I can give myself an item once. used Neighbor N1 on myself, neighbor'd Shinori and got a PM with him that's active for N2 and D2.
N2 I gave Radicate the Announcer because his slot was null to me, and I was interested in if he would use it for anything interesting.

Shinori immediately claimed vig to me so I've known the entire night phase, and the PoE we were discussing was Rapier/BBM/Weapons and we both agreed on shooting Weapons. Also before Marth bust the fullclaims open by outing Shinori as the vig who shot Cam, I suggested to Shinori we could switch roleclaims so I could fakeclaim vig and draw the NK. Shinori can confirm this.  

i probably wouldve used it to either 

A) meme because funny


b) drop my legacy reads when i got inevitably piled on today for my lukewarmish defense of charlietommy

but i was cleared anyways so me posting anything anonymously doesnt particularly do anything

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sorry for outting if that was incorrect, i figured it didnt matter too much if the gifter was town atp (higher prio maf kills)

and if it was scum it’d give insight into scum role u.u

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3 minutes ago, j00 said:

If any of you want to argue that I'm scum who hardbussed Refa and then wanted to fakeclaim vig as the last remaining scum then go ahead and explain why I would ever think that's smart.

im really not interested, thx for the offer tho

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Yeah I know, everyone fullclaiming makes it a lot less interesting too because I would have to go "I gave Announcer to SOMEONE coughcough" and everyone has outed so much info that I don't see what extra secret info you would provide.

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Also, my role isn't strictly one-shot. It cycles through with new 1-shots for each role after I've used all the items. But I figure we're not going to reach N5 tbh

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Lol, okay yeah, j00 is town

These night action shenanigans man

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Yeah, and I don't think scum BBM would confirm the outright existence of a doc who targeted obv!town Shinori anyway

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Doctor should save the tracker since they cannot save Shinori... I think that is the game?

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26 minutes ago, j00 said:

FWIW, I think BBM is town because he didn't want doc to claim today.

I don't expect him to clear Rad or track him here either if he doesn't have to

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13 minutes ago, Makaze said:

I don't expect him to clear Rad or track him here either if he doesn't have to

bluedoom was the clear on me

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1 hour ago, j00 said:

@Snike Hey I gave you credit!


you did, you cut me and I do appreciate that. Basically makes restating my argument irrelevant but going to point out the readslist I pointed out when I voted Dusk; that list makes me look bad so I should be dying of alcohol poisoning of I wifom this hard.

Uh not much to add other than there's a world where Marth (tracker claim/rolecop real) claims nv on a buddy/known vanilla slot and doesn't kill Shinori on the belief he's SK and maf are down so bad they need the extra killpower. Not super likely but in terms of charlie list would put j00 as town over prims/ichigo and Marth, marth being middle of the list.

And I believe BBM claim about voyeur the play lines up with that and explains why Percy soft wasn't believed to be that; I thought it was a voyeur claim because of talking about abilities visiting Refa; a voyeur could verify if a roleblock was used but 1 x safeguard does that too.

Beyond that, I don't think I have much else to say beyond stay vigilant and make sure you get Ichigo claim before elimming Rapier or myself; should be autowin but I thought Prims was v insistent on Refa elim because of being a PR. 

Turns out we're doing a gaming evening so I won't be around and on computer until late so no sense dragging out phase when things seem set? Go town, grant me sweet release 1 way or the other, see you on the other side.

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4 hours ago, Shinori said:

I'm clear
MAkaze is clear via refa push
Bluedoom is clear via tracking Rad and refa push
J00 is clear via REfa push
Rad is clear via Blue doom track
Boron is clear via doc
BBM is likely truthful about their role paired along side bluedoom as town Investigation so probably clear
Ichigo is probably clear via Prims refa push.

Leaving us with like Snike/rapier barring no bus.  We just go through these two and if the game doesn't end we look at:




##Vote @Snike since this doesn't change much of what I thought on D2 about them and the game got much more conclusive on D3. I'm fine with this lynch.

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