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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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4 hours ago, Shinori said:


My point still stands just swap refa with cam in my above post.

SB slot should still be lynched(Sorry new frand)

And associative reads are harder to gain from certain things.

cam was mostly left alone and not really a wagon on D1 so I think the point changes when you switch refa with cam.

I also think this explains cam being uncommital, having far too many neutral reads, taking longer to vote and going with the biggest wagon in the end since from a lone wolf pov it'd be a coinflip, but thinking about lone wolves require too many assumptions that change the reads substantially and I don't see enough evidence of this being the case to care.

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rereading sb now (or what I managed to reread from sb from the broken iso script i'm running)

Finding it odd that despite Refa being his second biggest scumread, there's positive things and unconclusive things being said, like "he feels too calm to be scum" and "this is a whatever wagon because I don't want to lynch our cop but also they'd just get roleblocked so whatever". How was Refa's content fine and yet they scumread them? Reads to me like far too much fencesitting, but I don't know how to read the rest of his content. His reason for voting Makaze feels weak and based around how convenient it'd be for mafia to bait and switch rather than due to any scum intent from Makaze. 

I think that since SB had so many vaguely justified reads on other people ("they feel good/they feel strange/they feel X" without much further elaboration), they could've pressed them for more but instead they parked a vote on me for the same reasons from early D1 as if nothing had substantially changed.

Not feeling too positive about that slot but at the same time nothing seems conclusive enough for scum. They read Marth and j00 as town; Boron, I and Makaze as scum (despite claiming to intentionally skip his ISOs); Snike potentially as scum

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8 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

I see lost wolf discussion is that typically in setups here?

ignore that, just form opinions about alignments

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22 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

Are people going to find it annoying if I thread spam in the catch up?

definitely. use your role pm to post then summarize later

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2 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

I’m free 

Hi you're top wagon you probably need to claim for the wagon to shift if at all.

4 hours ago, BBM said:

@Snike  Reasons for finding someone scummy evolving is how it's supposed to work. It would be tunneling if my reasons WEREN'T evolving and I was still saying "remember how snike didn't have a good Marth case", when that was in the first half of d1 and there's way more alignment-indicative things that both you and other people are doing.

Fair enough regarding your posts re: Rapier, I guess I misunderstood them. Why do you think refa chose to vote rapier instead of weapons if rapier is scum? 

My counter would be I don't think those developed reasons are very good/ aren't freshly generated. Believing the consig bit being a scumslip into pushing the cam angle today specifically doesn't make sense. 

On Rapier: There's a few reasons imo, one of which is out there:

1) Plan was to bus Rapier over Refa which backfired when Weapons wagon went from 2->6 closer to EoD.

2) Distancing.

3) Rapier is not the same scum faction as Refa. This is definitely a dark logic reach and I'm not pursuing this further until we have clear evidence of thirds at play because it's not helpful; look at what talking about lost wolf has done to discussion.

Would have to look there once more but those are off the top of my head.

3 hours ago, Shinori said:

Scum!Snike saying they are willing to die to be solved is something they have done before as scum.  So take that stuff with a grain of salt.

I think there are other things about their posts though that feel genuine.

True it's NAI.

If I'm scum I want out because we're -2 on Day 2 and the team's doomed.

If I'm town I want out because this village is an actual hellscape to me and my scum reads public and private d1 appear to be all insane cop right now.

Either way, sweet release would be appreeshed.

3 hours ago, j00 said:

Snike feels like he's been a bit all over the place this game, idk but it feels like his confusion is genuine? I'm not opposed to eventually lynching him for PoE but it's not something I want to prioritize now. 

Agreed on prioritization; disagree on 'all over the place'. I thought the narrative was I was hypocritical due to attacking marth with a 'list post', then tunnelling and not developing reads D1 and instead wasting my energy? 

That being said if I've been messy (and I think w/ my outbursts last night and EoD1 I have been) I think it makes sense with oog context. Which isn't relevant here.

2 hours ago, Bluedoom said:

ya I hear you bbm, I honestly dunno how to register his change this phase but I get what you're saying.

I think vig is more likely j00. Or maybe it is the cope. SK in a revival game would make me annoyed tbh. I think Cam was an obvious vig target after Refa's flip but maybe that's just me since I took notes from Prims' last post and had those in my thoughts last night

If forced to choose, I think it's SK/third because again I don't know who would see Cam come in with the blind vote on a buddy who's top wagon that close to deadline. He moved it later but that's still a Weird Move for scum to make. Shooting me, Shinori, Rapier would make more sense as Vig. That being said I don't know how useful this discussion is right now because we don't have solid evidence of third-part[ies] right now.

Going to go shower: Dusk doing your recap should be fine IMO? We need to get your thoughts out as a priority and those are more important than what's been mostly rolespec for most of recent pages.

Feeling frisky, might drop remaining heavily-crumpled tinfoil when I get back. (No it's not rolespec).

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Going to catch up now and try make it a wall post instead of spam posting since it seems people will find spam posting annoying, though disclaimer i usually hate wallposts passionately


will decide to claim or not when I catch up, I personally think me claiming right now is helping mafia and I would not do it normally, but will do so if its expected of me and I am not getting the "vibe" or whatever since I realise this is an invitational/return game for you guys and don't want to be a diva and disrupt what you are used to back in the day


I don't think me claiming right now actually helps town though, personally

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There is no role power that could be more useful than clearing your slot

If your role cannot clear you then we have a different issue

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I dont mind spam posts personally that used to be my main way of catching up back in my maf days lol. as long as you aren't like, filling 3 pages of 2-sentence posts and they're good on content then that's fine. @Duskfall98 personally just catch up the way you want because people hate wallposts too so if you don't prefer to wallpost just play the way you want

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19 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Don't think Prims is scum anymore, didn't expect Cam to flip wolf, don't trust my ability to read rn. At least gamespec wise I think flavor really suggests just one mafia faction? I feel like 12/4 is more likely than 12/3/1 if vig wants to claim, but otherwise I'll assume SK

Cooked a bit in shower. I think it's 11 townies max due to flipped roles. If there were 12 townies 4 maf or 3 maf 1 SK the game could be over by Day 2 Elim and I don't think that's reasonable.

Seconding Makaze, not claiming right now is stalling the day Dusk.

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Ok I am spending my first 2 and a half minutes watching an amazing clodsire video. That was so good lmao.

Oh you confirm you get role pms interesting.

On 5/26/2024 at 1:55 AM, Makaze said:

Refa is probably scum, and Sunwoo seems to be town

First refa scumread, I would normally say this read is weirdly early without much backup, but I doubt you open up with such a post on a partner?

On 5/26/2024 at 2:05 AM, Makaze said:

bbm randed scum

rapier is feeling like an SK

do we know if an sk is in the game


Ok makaze is rapid firing off these early reads

On 5/26/2024 at 2:20 AM, Sunwoo said:

If someone could be so absolutely certain of someone's alignment based off a single post, that person would either be a far better player than me.

Makaze being so certain that I'm town based off two (or one) post(s) is really odd. I'd say it's scummy, but I have no idea what the scum intent of buddying up to me is.

This interaction is towny from sunwoo to push back on the townread

On 5/26/2024 at 2:29 AM, Prims said:

I think Makaze's reads right now are Weird but I don't know if I think he's scummy for it. I don't really have a feel for how he plays so could be either town trying to force out content or scum trying to imitate how he thinks he'd do that as town. That said I'm fairly certain Boron's entrance into the game reads like standard RVS protocol which she would post regardless of her role PM.

If there's anything that strikes me as off about Makaze, it's the potential that hunting for a SK comes from scum who just saw a suspiciously low amount of buddies in their PM so SK is fresh on their mind. SK isn't really the first thing I'm thinking about as town in ED1 because I am not Percy. But different people have different mindsets early on so I'm not placing too much stock in it yet. It might be interesting if Makaze flips scum later, though.

For now I am content leaving my vote on Shinori for the continued refuge in audacity.

Intersting point about the sk, to me it depends on how often a sk occurs in SF mafia could someone follow up with that? 

On 5/26/2024 at 2:35 AM, Rapier said:


Alright, mission clear.

##Vote: @Makaze because honestly, none of the reasons he gave for Sunwoo being town, BBM being scum or me being independent were developed enough (I understand we're on page 4 and not much has happened, but at least give some justification for your feelings rather than going by "I just feel that way"). For example, Prims' aforementioned post was a good way of talking about how you feel about the game, despite the evidence being weak by necessity of early D1.

I feel that Makaze's actions so far are a way to show yourself having reads and being productive, since you're interacting with people, while actually not probing enough on people you find scum/hostile independent role. It's a false show of productiveness that benefits more scum than anyone trying to clear things up and spring discussion on D1, which is what I believe town should be doing.

I also feel that my vote is a way of raising the stakes on earlygame D1 discussion, so I feel correct on bidding double despite my read not being that good.

Towny post/vote


First few pages rapier and sunwoo have the best solving and towniest perspective for me, followed by Shinori.

There's a lot i am not liking from makaze, I think their reads feel lazy and just kind of pumping out a worldview early rather than working to build a worldview like a town player might. They are also quick to call omgus which I think is typically something comes from either mafia or confbiased town, but its too early to be confbiased.


(I am going to do a few pages at a time as my catch up as a middle ground between wall posts and spams)

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Sunwoo vote by marth on page 7 (running 25 posts per page) is bad, makaze looks better off their interaction with shinori and shinori looks worse

Shinori calling prims out page 9 is kinda towny though, I actually am moving prims down to scum lean here because he has been in thread but not really solving while there

Page 10 not a huge fan of snike's entrance, his first two sections he's townreading people on meta but says he doesn't know their scum meta so that doesn't really add up for me, but then he is agreeing with my bluedoom and prims read so hmmm, bit of a mix i guess

Page 10 Charlie goat good points about shinori I missed that charlie is so towny and good at mafia I townread them so hard

Oh damn page 10 still shinori just kinda went on in, I think the response to Charlie is good sorry Charlie maybe its a skill issue

Prims has finally joined the battle, its a decent post I will ease off them with my read a bit and see how they progress from there (I have a readlist on the side I am updating as I catch up) 

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15 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

My role won't clear me

  • I seriously do not think showing your thought process is going to help you today
  • You are getting eliminated even if you reply to every post in the game
  • Getting town read for being genuine is not happening based on rehashing old plays
  • You have already decided that you will not claim
  • The best thing you can offer is a new perspective that is objective, focuses on key moments, and is not based on a play-by-play

If you can form a PoE by finding easy towns and contribute a better target by ISOing, you will be town just by helping the town game, and you don't need to show your reactions to anything

You may not survive even if you do that, so think about helping the town winning over surviving, since that's probably not happening

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(I am reaction testing before anyone gets down my throat about being controlling)
(I have a post about charlie but I am waiting for Duskfall to do something unexpected before rolling with those reads)

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Just now, Duskfall98 said:

Ok so theres not really any point in me catching up my vote is foregone conclusion essentially?

I think saving yourself is never happening, you can still find the mafia but you getting town read and the game moving elsewhere because you are town now is not a realistic play. I think you should think about the long game instead of surviving the day

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