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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

right but it seems shinori thinks refa could be the lost wolf, which shouldn't be possible

I don't think lost wolf is a thing, and entertaining it was a stupid idea on my part. I'm going back to normal mafia.

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Man this is so much like our last reunion game on MU where me and makaze headbutted repeatedly in that game because I instantly pegged them as scum and then argued with them constantly.  This time I pegged them as town but they read me as scum so we are still arguing constantly.

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1 minute ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

🤷‍♂️ seems like we're just waiting for duskfall otherwise

Guess I'll just chill here then.  Back to Wuthering Waves.


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SB's "offsite games" comment definitely is weird considering the theme of the scum team. At the very least, it makes that slot look worse considering that it felt iffy to begin with. I did also notice that Cam's flip specifically mentioned him being goon, but I don't think we're getting a definite answer on what his role actually was until the end of the game.

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13 minutes ago, Makaze said:


I am not consdering SB's slot until a proveable claim comes up or these are eliminated

I am so high right now but why are you not considering sb's slot

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Just now, Percivalé said:

I am so high right now but why are you not considering sb's slot

I read some town pinging things from them and I have better targets who are getting defended in the thread

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Just now, Makaze said:

I read some town pinging things from them and I have better targets who are getting defended in the thread

this makes sense, have you elaborated on these town things in particular or would you prefer not to tell

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FTR goon is a general term for vanilla mafia on other sites, and that means the Consigliere part could only be passive, but I don't see how that's relevant

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1 minute ago, Percivalé said:

this makes sense, have you elaborated on these town things in particular or would you prefer not to tell

I have refused to elaborate and I don't think it matters because I other scum to hunt in the meantime

No one believes in Makaze's takes no matter how right they may be and I was wrong about Cam so I could be wrong about them anyway

It's just not something I want to play around with today

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Fine, Makaze, endulge me, Interact with me.

Explain your town read on SB and why you are against my case on him.

If you don't I will claim.  I'm sure me claiming for you is great because then it gets me out of your PoE and helps out your reads, but then you have outted power role in the open for zero reason but the fact that you refuse to speak with me.

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1 hour ago, BBM said:

yeah i mean obviously when it was like 7-6 refa > weapons i wouldn't have last-minute switched to refa. but i switched from rapier to refa at a time that it was like 4-3 or 5-4. i could have easily justified a weapons vote at that time given i'd been voting him earlier. i dont think i'm clear or anything since ofc i could be bussing but i was surprised i was lumped in with snike and sb instead of like, marth. anyways I don't really see the point of discussing this specific bit any further today.

also i have no idea what you're crumbing but it's probably better that way anyways.


okay thanks for your explanation. it felt kinda weird to me for you to be like "my behavior on the refa wagon (I assumed since it wasn't stated directly iirc) makes me town" without elaborating on that it confused me

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

If you leave now after knowingly having read my post, then so be it that's fine.  I'll claim in 59 minutes at the top of the hour.

I am not considering SB even if you claim, a Bluedoom or Weapons clear is what I'd need

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Just now, Makaze said:

I have refused to elaborate and I don't think it matters because I other scum to hunt in the meantime

No one believes in Makaze's takes no matter how right they may be and I was wrong about Cam so I could be wrong about them anyway

It's just not something I want to play around with today

it matters a little bit since SB is in the higher prio PoE on several players' lists and is looking like the main elim target today. it's at least relevant. I forgot SB subbed out and thought he and duskfall were two different players

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btw fair warning my plans to catch up in thread tn have fallen through in their entirety for reasons unrelated to the game. i work an 11hr shift tmmrw at work and cant imagine i'll be busy the whole time so i'll catch up at work tmmrw and be around tommorow night for actual discussion.

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for what it's worth makaze I don't think you're mafia and I value your opinion here

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shinori I dont think enough ppl want to elim you today to justify a fullclaim, unless you really believe it'll add substance today apart from convincing people you're town

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@BluedoomI expect to die tonight anyway from mafia, If mafia actively leaves me alive past today then that's just silly.  I want them to shoot me.  And if I'm getting shot anyway then maybe I just claim.  Saves us some time and if it helps communication with makaze who I HEAVILY read as town, like probably the most town person in this game in my eyes then I'm willing to do that, because I want to understand their thoughts and views in this game.

I want to know how they arrived at bluedoom/Elie scum and how they arrived at Dusk town.

Makaze refuses to elaborate on their reads, especially why certain people are town. I tried to ask them to explain their town reads YESTERDAY and was ignored then. So it's time to go to drastic levels to get a response.

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