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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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16 hours ago, RADicate said:

you didnt answer my question regarding sheeping your slot to victory (which of course depends on your slot not dying at this moment in time)



I hardclaim mason with rad btw

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@Rapier it's less about you specifically wanting to lynch weapons right now, and more about your case against weapons feeling like you were really trying hard to keep a lynch option open?

The reason I specifically linked it with sb being scum was that I felt d1 scum/scum wagons are more likely if sb is scum. I think your weapons case at the moment also seems more likely specifically if you know your third buddy is about to die and the walls are closing in 

@Duskfall98 I kind of think the exact opposite is true? It's very easy and common in early day 1 to have a case against your buddy that you drop early. it's much less common to do it right at the end of the phase when the numbers are so close and it would be easy to just sort of blame a bad decision on confusion

I also didn't realize you guys had played with duskfall before I thought he was an EiMM rando. I'm willing to trust Marth's meta here that he would be too prideful to roll over as town

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Weapons' motives are passable enough to me so far. They don't seem conclusive but it's good for associative reads and it fits so far within the play Weapons has been showing since D1. ED1, Refa's flip and Weapons' play style consistence makes me more confident they're town.

1 hour ago, Snike said:

I think it's critical for the vig to shoot tonight rather than save a shot for later where a misfire could factor into MYLO. We have miselims, let's use them.

Like I said a few times, I don't think I should be making it to Day 3. The associatives look bad and I have been wrong repeatedly on the scumteam, so I should be going. You yourself said " You want to set the town up to *win* if you are a miselim.", and I think doing it this way maximizes those chances and frees up BBM VS Rad tomorrow.

The only thing I think right now that would change this IMO would be if Dusk flips scum and the Off-Site Traitors are eliminated, because then it's a new ballgame.


Setting you up as a miselim doesn't give us any more benefits than saving you from the miselim, assuming you're town. And whoever scum/the other third party that might be scum or a SK or whatever choose to kill will give us more associative reads that will change our understanding of the game on D3, so I think it's worth keeping you alive. There's still more game.

40 minutes ago, Snike said:

12/4 means game could theoretically end today. Refa elim into BT godly hijack into scum into Vig on scum into scum lynch. That's too punishing for evils.

It was also very unlikely to have 2 scum dead by D2 in a 16 players game, even if they have 4 players.

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2 minutes ago, BBM said:

@Rapier it's less about you specifically wanting to lynch weapons right now, and more about your case against weapons feeling like you were really trying hard to keep a lynch option open?

The reason I specifically linked it with sb being scum was that I felt d1 scum/scum wagons are more likely if sb is scum. I think your weapons case at the moment also seems more likely specifically if you know your third buddy is about to die and the walls are closing in 

@Duskfall98 I kind of think the exact opposite is true? It's very easy and common in early day 1 to have a case against your buddy that you drop early. it's much less common to do it right at the end of the phase when the numbers are so close and it would be easy to just sort of blame a bad decision on confusion

I also didn't realize you guys had played with duskfall before I thought he was an EiMM rando. I'm willing to trust Marth's meta here that he would be too prideful to roll over as town

I don't think it makes sense to say I'm opening an opportunity for Weapons to be lynched & save SB from a wagon when no one is scumreading him atm and the discussion is tipped towards SB and Snike. I still don't see anything damning about SB being scum, but it's the best bet with what content we have right now and I agree with the lynch (I'm not voting because I don't want to hammer).

I am still ambivalent about Snike, I think they're being participative and contributing to discussion but their associative reads aren't the best.

BBM's response to Dusk is pretty much the strongest reason why my read on Marth flipped so hard to him being town. Scum!Marth didn't need to insist on Refa nor call out SB's votes.

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To reiterate, I don't think we should be defending a vig shot on Snike toDay.

I think it's better to wait until SB's flip (I won't pretend this wagon isn't happening) and see who else is killed by the mafia + the other trigger happy third party or lost mafia. Then we'll have better content for D3 and we'd have a better discussion about Snike and the rest.

Snike's content is not so damning that we need to go through a risky dilemma of getting town miseliminated now (on N2) imo.

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40 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

The thing is, I feel like if duskfall is town here he just tries hard to fight off his lynch because his competitive spirit is too strong to let it happen lol

i dont feel like i am actually a part of this game fully if im real so i have little competitive spirit LOL

even if town win im not gonna really, consider myself winning i just got subbed in and am now dying 

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The only reason I couldn't case refa harder earlier was because I had like 5-6 people shading my slot for voting him in RVS, so I had to devote so much of my first 24 hours to actually defending against frankly bad takes lol

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There is like a part of me that debates on not lynching dusk but that's because I'm looking at other votals stuff and I'm trying to decipher the timing of some EoD votals and I'm trying to think of the thought process scum would have there.

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1 minute ago, Duskfall98 said:

i dont feel like i am actually a part of this game fully if im real so i have little competitive spirit LOL

even if town win im not gonna really, consider myself winning i just got subbed in and am now dying 

I guess that makes sense, didn't really think about whether you considered yourself part of the game or not

should've been one of the original 16, that's a shame tbh

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Just now, Bluedoom said:

The only reason I couldn't case refa harder earlier was because I had like 5-6 people shading my slot for voting him in RVS, so I had to devote so much of my first 24 hours to actually defending against frankly bad takes lol

I honestly don't see how it isn't bad that you voted Refa without pressuring him for more content when you had issue with it, but it's a RVS reason that got weaker and weaker as time passed by. You didn't need to push Refa that hard on lateD1 and imo as scum you would try to redirect to any other slot who's easily sheepable (like mine, Weapons and Makaze were). Far too many options over risking the lynch of a scum joat

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this is not really alignment indicative but its tommy indicative so im just commenting casually

i really like mafia and i like seeing mafia communities develop and return (like I have done a lot in the revival of smogon i think), so for me I really would like you guys to have a good experience and continue playing mafia

that being said I would lie my wim has dropped off a cliff since I realised I am effectively dying since before i posted, it is what it is i shall leave my thoughts but i dont really expect anyone to actually listen to me regardless considering im the person here who has the least meta on anyone

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3 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

i dont feel like i am actually a part of this game fully if im real so i have little competitive spirit LOL

even if town win im not gonna really, consider myself winning i just got subbed in and am now dying 

I second this.

Sorry Dusk, you seem like an awesome player and person and I wish we could play more next time. You were put in a horrible check situation and did your best with what you had. Thanks for the effort and for being a team player through the end (people will pretend this is a crumb that I'm scum on D3 for 10 pages but I'd just like to say that)

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i'm getting beaten to death by town in the endgame for being a dumbass i know it

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2 minutes ago, Rapier said:

I honestly don't see how it isn't bad that you voted Refa without pressuring him for more content when you had issue with it, but it's a RVS reason that got weaker and weaker as time passed by. You didn't need to push Refa that hard on lateD1 and imo as scum you would try to redirect to any other slot who's easily sheepable (like mine, Weapons and Makaze were). Far too many options over risking the lynch of a scum joat

if you had asked me what I meant instead of jumping to conclusions, I would've even explained to you that he was posting fluff lol. And tbh my brain registered it as "I found someone scummy, let's wagon him"

but yeah, its cool

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Refa/Cam/BBM/Weapons kind of makes sense right?

Man I'm having so many second-guess thoughts.

where did those BBM and Weapons read come from?

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4 minutes ago, Rapier said:

Setting you up as a miselim doesn't give us any more benefits than saving you from the miselim, assuming you're town. And whoever scum/the other third party that might be scum or a SK or whatever choose to kill will give us more associative reads that will change our understanding of the game on D3, so I think it's worth keeping you alive. There's still more game.

It was also very unlikely to have 2 scum dead by D2 in a 16 players game, even if they have 4 players.

I don't think there's a single flip short of multiball confirmation that will change me being the lead wagon on D3. So get it over and done with because there is no way there'll be exculpatory evidence. And I believe there are more benefits than shooting, say, Sunwoo, Percivale, or Shinori in the PoE. You can make a case for a BBM  shot but I believe thread mood is he's town. Similarly, RAD probably has more to opine on than yours truly.

As for second bit, sure but the best-case scenario is the worst-case scenario for scum. Things have to be considered both ways.

I'm sorry to hear that Dusk, it is just a bad situation you subbed into. FWIW I appreciate the willingness to try and catch up. This has probably been one of the longest games here in terms of sheer post count.

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2 minutes ago, Rapier said:

where did those BBM and Weapons read come from?

If you want me to explain more on this I can but it's largely vote analysis at a key point in the previous day combined with my thoughts as a scum player and wagon/counter wagons and how I'm reading some people based on stuff that isn't game mechanic related so I don't know how well that stuff is gonna fully hold up to other people because it is largely opionated.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

I mean both BBM and weapons have been in my listed PoE since the start of the dayphase.

Yeah they have been listed but I don't remember reading a reason for this. It's more like those last two slots are meant for whoever you're unsure about and would risk lynching despite not having much reason or evidence against.

For me so far it has been SB>Shinori (I confess I swapped you both on the order) >Snike>probably Percy

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

If you want me to explain more on this I can but it's largely vote analysis at a key point in the previous day combined with my thoughts as a scum player and wagon/counter wagons and how I'm reading some people based on stuff that isn't game mechanic related so I don't know how well that stuff is gonna fully hold up to other people because it is largely opionated.

Sorry, your post cut mine (otherwise I'd have replied differently)

I don't mind it being opinionated because at the end of the day, despite heavily subjective, it gives us associative reads and a better understanding of your thought processes. I think it's fine. Nothing else seems to be happening on D2 and in the off chance you die on N2, I'd rather have your thoughts toDay.

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I do think there’s probably always one in weapons and Percivale ftr

i do also think Shinori is probably town in most worlds, it’s difficult for me to remember everything since I also am learning a lot of names for the first time so my brain doesn’t connect everything well sorry 

but Shinori just seemed to have really good interactions yesterday, I do also think getting into an in thread scrap is also kinda towny see mafia usually avoids that sort of attention 

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Ok I gotta sleep so I'll be keeping my vote where it is. If dusk is fsr a bad lynch, I guess lynch like. Snike, I can't believe I'm even saying this, but he is asking for it. I would say RAD, but I did like my back and forth with him a few pages ago.

But I would rather not see a shinori turbo or something, we can sort out stuff with claims tomorrow.

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Ngl guys I'm kinda sleepy and nothing seems to really be happening so I'm gonna take a nap. I'll probably wake up before phase ends but I do think just on PoE at this point that duskfall is likely scum in which case a lot of this is just an exercise in wifom

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