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Emblem Hero Battle: Celica


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Not gonna lie, I was hoping it would be more challenging, but this map is very susceptible to galeforce approaches (especially with insane recent additions like Duo Sharena) and Celica herself is easily baited out early with a DC/Hardy Bearing omni-tank or savior that can OHKO -- after that it's just a matter of cleaning up the mooks.

I would have designed the map such that Celica could easily warp to you, but getting to her would be difficult due to physical obstacles. Or I'd at least have included a giga chunky near save armor in range of the bulwark dragon.

How did you all get on? I imagine any of the Gullveigs can help trivialise the map, especially Summer Gullveig, and obviously Duo Sharena or Bride Lapis can probably turn this into a 20 second map. Even your regular galeforce teams you've used for years probably wouldn't have struggled provided you could hit the HP breakpoint for WoM in combat with the bulwark dragon to warp your squad in.

Edited by Wanda
none of your business
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Duo Lyon makes this map too easy. Celica's basically guaranteed to be hit by the turn ending status every time because her speed is so high, so I never had to worry about getting hit by her.

Maybe I'll try this again legitimately without Lyon some other time.

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This map was as easy as GHBs and BHBs. But to be fair, in Engage this is one of the easiest Paralogues, so makes sense.

@Wanda Nice clear! Your swordies had no problem against the reinforcements, but for sure that was a close one against Celica from Shannan.

@GuiltyLove Nice clear as well! Nice space menagement there, in attacking foes and being able to go back to that safe area. Good thing Celica doesn't have any type of damage reducion.

Looking both these clears made me notice the details, like how reinforcements come from near the infantry mages, simulating the Cantors summoning the reinforcements. And they do not move at first, similar to the Cantors in Emblem Celica's paralogue in Engage.

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I'll taken an easy one after Marth and Ike. I try to avoid clears that use the rings unless I have to but I might make an exception for Celica. 




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