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29 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we use "?!" or "!?"?

    • ?!
    • !?
    • None of these (Yes I failed grammer)
    • Either.
  2. 2. Is Grammer in English even important anymore?

    • Yes.
    • It's important but not THAT important.
    • Depends on the situation.
    • G4mm4r ain't n0 BIG d34l

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Just wondering what people thought about this stuff. My personal opinion is that at least in certain areas, we could hold onto our edjucation and write properly. I also don't think it hurts that much to go 1337ing every once in awhile.

Also the ?!/!? Thing. I aced grammer in school but I forgot what the proper one was along time ago. I used to use the !? but then I switched to the ?! when I wrote the Dragon Lords. Now I'm not sure which one is right. so... I'm not voting on that poll.

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I dont care as long as you can understand what the person is saying. Like im not gonna scream like a bitch if someone doesnt use apostrophes or mispells a word by forgetting a extra letter or something (as you can see I do it myself)

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Grammar, eh? I hate it when people just throw their grammar out the window for any given reason. It's one of my biggest pet peeves.

As for the !? or ?! thing, I occasionally use !?, but it really doesn't matter to me.

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I always thought that !? looked better, but in video games (the only type of work in which I can recall having seen the two characters together) I only remember having seen ?!. I switched to using ?! because of that. In the kind of writing in which you're likely to use the characters together I don't think it too much matters unless you want to indicate a phrase as primarily a question or an exclamation. This is, however, my own opinion and not sourced from any formal rule that may possibly apply.

If you like you could use ‽ instead, but I've no idea how common or accepted the symbol is.

Edit (2008.12.18):

Does this hold any credence at all?

Edited by Wist
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I utilize "?!" most often because it seems to be the most popular. However, I don't know why, but "!?" seems to look a bit better.

I don't know, I guess the "!" before the "?" makes it sound more like a statement, so you could almost use it for something like "What!?", but the "?" before the "!" could just be used as a powerful questioning, like "What do you think you're doing?!"

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Yeah I noticed some punctuation and spelling errors in my first post. That's what happens when I multitask. I did ace that class though. Not sure why or how :mellow:

I didn't bother to edit it because I wanted to see if anyone would notice. Sure enough <_<

Like Esau said though, ?! is definitely the more popular, and it's the one I use most often. Awhile back though, I used the !?. I think the main reason !? looks better is because of the shape:



I don't know, ?! just fits better I guess. Hey... ?! looks like a girl and a guy getting nice and close :lol:

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I've always considered "!?" to be an exclamation with a hint of an indirect question woven in and "?!" as a question that serves more like an exclamation.


"All thirty billion of my children have spontaneouly combusted!?"


Edited by Thingy Person
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Well first of all I spell it grammar
I know how gr4mm4r is spelled. It's a consistent typo. I didn't edit it because like Fox, I appretiate irony, even this kind :P

The votes are still even on ?!, and !?. :huh:

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You spelt grammar wrong in the title. Sweet!

I can see what the title of the spelling topic should be: "is, spelling Important?"

Edited by Shuuda
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I've always considered "!?" to be an exclamation with a hint of an indirect question woven in and "?!" as a question that serves more like an exclamation.


"All thirty billion of my children have spontaneouly combusted!?"


I just fixed your post, don't mind me.

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gramer r gae!!!!! gramer iz fro studip ppl!!!! u mst dei gramer nzais!!!

Really, I can't take anyone who uses majorly bad grammar seriously. Minor errors such as misplaced commas or typos are ok, but spelling you like "u" and things like that is bad. It doesn't help that my brother used to type like that.

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I'll kick the grammar out of anyone who uses "?!". The ! needs to be in front of the ?. Otherwise, it's taking up too much space and screwing over the reson for Enlgish- the uber language that's more concise than anything else. ?! is also bad because it doesn't fit because of the hump on the ?. Put the ! in front of the ? and they fit together perfectly.

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