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Recommend me some X-Box 360 titles!!!

Just call me AL

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Just as it says, I'm getting an X-Box 360. (Blame my mom's big mouth as to how I know,)

I wanna know what would be "out there" when it comes to games for it. So any thoughts would help. I'm planning on getting some games, but as for which ones will be kept secret.

On a side note: I don't want anyone recommending either (1) Grand Theft Auto IV; (2) The Orange Box; or (3) Battlefield: Bad Company. The reason? I already have the PS3 version of those games.

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Bioshock, Psychonauts (xbox original download available for like $20), and the Orange Box are my big ones.

Bioshock and Psychonauts both sound good. (My neighbor even recommended the former.) But I did ask not recommend me Orange Box simply because I already have it.

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Assassin's creed?

TBQH I'm new to the 360 scene as well. I only have three games, one of them being Assassin's Creed, another being GTA4 which you already have, and the other being a game called "Lost Oddessy" which has 4 disks and I've barely opened the box yet.

So I dunno. I'm looking to get Saint's Row 2, Mercinaries 2, Tales of Vesperia, and perhaps Ninja Gaiden 2. Though I'm not sure when.

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PS3 is infinitely better

I guess Queers of War is pretty fun, only for a while. The new Guilty Gear game would be great.

CoD4 or 5 for sure.

SC4 for xbox phails because of the xbox's bulky control, well same goes for guilty gear I guess.

Gears is the only good console exclusive imo

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I have an accessory you might want.


Pelican Xbox 360 Fan Stand

MSRP $14.99 Released January, 2007

A dual-purpose accessory for the Xbox 360. The Pelican Fan Stand acts as both a stabilizer for your 360 while it's in the standing position, at the same time providing extra cooling support to make your console run a few degrees lower.

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Name one good PS3 Exclusive that isn't MGS?

Name one good title on PS3 that isn't also available on Xbox and or Wii?



But I do agree that the PS3's library isn't very varied.

Edited by Staraptor
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Tales of Vesperia

Left 4 Dead

Mirror's Edge (Is that on the 360? I don't remember, though I'm sure it is...)

Eternal Sonata

Call of Duty 4

And I'm getting a 360 for Christmas myself. Funny thing is, I already have Tales of Vesperia.

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CoD 4 and 5

Gaylo 3




Marvel Ultimate Alliance


Geometry Wars

Ninja Gaiden 2

Avatar Burning Earth

DDR Universe 3

Dead Space

You know, just 'cause you know a title, doesn't mean another does; when you shorten a name down to three letters, unless one knows what you're actively suggesting already, not everyone will realize what you're trying to point out. Try being more clear for the ones you're trying to help, at least.

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Mirror's Edge (Is that on the 360? I don't remember, though I'm sure it is...)

It is. Don't pay more than £20 though, it is a bit short and does have it flaws but it is still worth playing through. I feel sorry for anyone who paid full price :(

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You know, just 'cause you know a title, doesn't mean another does; when you shorten a name down to three letters, unless one knows what you're actively suggesting already, not everyone will realize what you're trying to point out. Try being more clear for the ones you're trying to help, at least.

Its pretty much common knowledge that CoD is short for Call of Duty, DOA is Dead Or Alive, GoW is Gears of War, DDR is Dance Dance Revolution, and L4D is Left 4 Dead. And I'm guessing anybody who has enough interest in an Xbox 360 to get one knows enough about Xbox 360 games to recognize these abbreviations. I just didn't type them all out because I figured it'd be a timesaver.


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