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Smartest Person

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I'd have to say Lehran, but he's a poopnose, too.

Yeah, Lehran is pretty shrewd, but he's hardly bitter enough at the world to be considered a poopnose.

I'd have to say Soren; apart from the part where Naesala screwed their tactics over, he rarely produced any bad battle plans.

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Well, Soren's plans in part three sure is helpful.

Izuka was intelligent enough to invent the laguz drug. A crappy thing, but it worked.

Micaiah has her power... (...cheater <_< )

But I think I'd vote for Lehran. He plotted everthing and it worked just as he thought.

Edited by xanatha
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I'd have to say Bastian for one in part 2 he was aware of the rebels so he left Crimera so the rebels would feel more confident to actually rebel. He also did plenty of good work behind the scenes in the Mad Kings War such as realizing that Renning was Bertram (not that that was hard or anything) and tried to find a way to save him and checking the rubble from the Black Knight's battle with Ike when he "died'' to see that the armor or corpse where there.

If not I'd agree with xanatha with Lehran his plan was a success, still my vote goes to Bastian.

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Soren's a poopnose.

I'd have to say Lehran, but he's a poopnose, too.

you think everyone is a poopnose...

Anywho, maybe Volke because he can kill people, get lots of money AND stay hidden at the same time

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Maybe Micaiah cause of her powers

Hoiw would powers make her smart (unless it would be a super genius power)

Just because she can see how the enemy moves doesn't mean that she is the most intelligent.

For me it would be Lehran. Who else would be able to fool many ppl and create a continent war without beign discovered?

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Hoiw would powers make her smart (unless it would be a super genius power)

Just because she can see how the enemy moves doesn't mean that she is the most intelligent.

I don't know but I'm not the only one who said maybe Micaiah. I change my vote to Lehran for being an insane mastermind.

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