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Most favorite chapter


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What's you're favorite chapter?

Mine is 4-5, Unforgiveable Sin. Nothing like a sub-human slaughterfest!

Again, you sound like a Begnion Senator >_>.

Mine would be any chapter that gives me the opportunity to slaughter a Begnion Senator but if I had to pick one, it'd definitely be the one where you can kill Valtome (4-2).

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Uh...Damn, I like too many chapters in this game. I liked all of the part 2 chapters except Geoffrey's Charge. I liked a lot of part 1 chapters. Although I really did enjoy that sub-human slaughterfest. Killing Izuka was a great bonus as well.

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I was just about to do this one. :o

Uh...Damn, I like too many chapters in this game. I liked all of the part 2 chapters except Geoffrey's Charge. I liked a lot of part 1 chapters. Although I really did enjoy that sub-human slaughterfest. Killing Izuka was a great bonus as well.
Geoffrey's Charge was actually one of my favourites since it actually made use of your allies.

3-13, Blood Contract, was by far my favourite out of them all. The outmatched Dawn Brigade trying to hold out against the horde that is the Apostle's army, with freakin' laguz everywhere. Outnumbered, wounded and surrounded, the attack's being led by Ike himself. Every time this mission is played it's numbingly desperate to simply prepare for the battle. I make it a goal to take down Ike whenever I play it, no matter how difficult it may be.

Just...so much fun. :wub:

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4-E-1. Nothing makes me happier in this game than beating the shit out of Lekain. Though 4-2 comes close with that rag Valtome and his annoying "Uwee hee hee kill the queen!".

2-P, 2-E, and 3-E are also some of my favorite chapters too.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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Let's see...

I most deinitely like the chapter in which you kill Lekain. ...Both of them, actully. (Counting 4-P)

As for the rest, I kinda like all of them, besides those mentioned in the topic "Most hated chapter"

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I don't think I really have a FAVORITE chapter. I like a lot of the ones in Part 3 though.

I think Part 3 Endgame. I find it satisfying, in ways I should tell my psychologist about, that I get to kill all the members of the DB. And recruit Jill and Zihark if I haven't already. Sometimes the battles are really cool to watch. Like a Sentinel Aran versus a Trueblade Mia. *Drools at the thirst for blood.*

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I like a lot of the chapters but these are my top faves:

1-7 might be my fave part 1 chapter maybe cause of the level design

2-E fun throwing ranged weapons down on the enemies and defending is awesome

3-3 burning things is a unique objective and I like the level itself

3-5 fun defend chapter, GMs FTW

3-9 nice level, a little frustrating at times but I still like it

3-13 fun defend chapter and DB gets to shine

4-4 gives lots of exp, I like the mansion

4-5 also gives lots of exp, killing laguz is hella fun

4-E awesome way to end the game

Any level where you can get a height advantage on the enemy is awesome.

3-E would be up there if it wasn't for the stupid other units.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Again, you sound like a Begnion Senator >_>.

Mine would be any chapter that gives me the opportunity to slaughter a Begnion Senator but if I had to pick one, it'd definitely be the one where you can kill Valtome (4-2).

I only say sub-human when they're the enemies, otherwise I call them Laguz

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I'm the one who coined the term "Sub-human slaughterfest" anyway. <_<

It started with Zihark as my "Sub-human slayer."

I don't see it copyrighted, sis :D But she is telling the truth

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I like

4-E-3 I love the dragons it's so hard it makes me want to beat it more.

2-E it's awesome

4-E i like the almost unlimited a mount of EXP but i dislike the laguz killing, they are our friends too.

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I think my alltime fav chapter in that game is 4-4 (Revelations)

its so cool and fun and its just like PoR all over again (almost exactly) and i dunno why thats awesome but it is..

i also like the Grann Desert one..(all that treasure)

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