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Janaff and Ulki


The hawks  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Hawk do you prefer?

    • Janaff
    • Ulki

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Janaff is the better hawk as he has a higher base str and growth along with needing one less level of BEXP to get a satori sign (what you said basically). Sure, Ulki has more durability, but it's a pretty small lead when you consider how durable Janaff is in the first place. At base level he's got 57 hp, 24 def, 16 res and 113 avo. With an A Ulki support and a couple levels, that goes up to 59 hp, 29 def, 16 res and 127 avo. In comparison, Ike doesn't hit 29 def until 20/6 and Mia won't hit 122 avo with an A thunder/wind/dark support until 20/9. As for offence, Janaff has 34 spd which is enough to double anything until 4-E(4) and will easily hit his 40 spd cap which is enough to double auras without Nasir. Then for attack power, he starts off with 40 MT, which allows him to ORKO part 3 wyverns and even some generals, and that's without any consideration towards his 82% chance of landing adept/tear at neutral bio. Without giving him any levels, getting his strike to SS and giving him his support has him already have 52 MT, which is just 3 short of Ike's MT with max str and the ragnell equipped. In contrast, Ulki's base str is 2 lower, or 4 when factoring in transformation and it won't be growing too fast with a 25% str growth. Thus he'll have trouble killing upper end enemies in part 3 without a skill procurage (which is admittedly high nonetheless) and will have trouble at other points where Janaff's 4-5 point advantage may have him only scraping by on certain enemy types.

Though, those numbers should make it pretty clear that the hawks are winsauce units that are completely underrated because people either don't like laguz or they'd rather use royals or something. I dunno how you wouldn't want to use them in part 3 when they're basically Haars with 1 range and slight transformation issues, but that's just me.

Edited by Vykan12
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Though, those numbers should make it pretty clear that the hawks are winsauce units that are completely underrated because people either don't like laguz or they'd rather use royals or something.

Or perhaps because they've got some availability problems, and people are usually short on spots on endgame anyway, where there's like five Laguz royals waiting to squeeze themselves in as well.

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They have 13 chapters of availability, which is mediocre. Still, even if you don't bring them to 4-E, they're mighty useful along the way. I mean Janaff can tie Naesala's base attack with S strike and a strength lvl-up or 2 strength lvl-ups and a C support.

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I prefer Ulki actually. He has the extra avoid thing. (Doesn't he?) And that's really helpful I find.

I agree I think avoid is way more important than hit. He also has enough hit to start with.

Edited by luigi bros
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My favorite would be Ulki, and the fact that he scares people is awesome. He seems like a Hawk who would be in a horror movie, and Ulki would probably kill everyone in it. The extra dodge is nice too. :)

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I prefer Janaff as he looks pretty cool, and he's damn easy to use from the get go like some have said already, honestly my only problem with laguz is they get no experience So I could wipe out an entire map with the hawks but they'd barely get a level if even that.

I used Janaff as a filler unit in my last full play through and well he out did some of my units who were supposed to be on my final team for long long time. >_> I'm looking at you Nephenee

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honestly my only problem with laguz is they get no experience So I could wipe out an entire map with the hawks but they'd barely get a level if even that.

They still gain strike level and are best raised principally off of BEXP. In the hawks' case, not even that much BEXP since they are only 11-12 levels away from max level and only really need to reach lv 35-36 to be aura-ready.

Edited by Vykan12
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They still gain strike level and are best raised principally off of BEXP. In the hawks' case, not even that much BEXP since they are only 11-12 levels away from max level and only really need to reach lv 35-36 to be aura-ready.

You make a good point, I may consider trying using one of them for my current play through....

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The only thing I don't like about Caneighis is he has too much attack. He should have too much speed instead.


It's like you read my mind!

I'm surprised so many people voted didn't vote for Ulki, maybe he looks too much like a killer to be voted for lol. :lol:

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