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Today.....I became legal...and I still havent gotten any


and since i can legally smoke mah cousing Ryan took me tp this Hooka bar.

im a little light headed....damn it

edit: Hooka NOT Hooker

Edited by Gatrie: Alone and Unloved
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After that though, I got used to it.

One time we went to this restaurant and I smoked a looooot. Almost got dizzy again.

RESTURANT??????? WTH????

i want to go to a hooka resturant!

But really man...that shit was trippy. and im not just fucking saying that, It was nuts

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Nothing is stopping you from caring you know.


someone is stopping me from caring

and that person is me.

I have no explanations beyond that

edit: then again...i really dont care about that either

Edited by Gatrie: Alone and Unloved
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He who can defeat himself, has the power to slay the greatest foe he shall ever have.


ehe.....I dont want to fix myself.

all I care about is making as many people around me as happy as possible as I possibly can.

Don't destroy yourself in the process.

Edited by Levin
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