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Fallout 3


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Well my brother went and bought it for his new Xbox 360, and I never liked his taste in games, but I have to say I've quickly fallen in love with it. I'm not sure why though, it has a strange plot about exploring Washington D.C. 200 years after the apocalypse.

It's sort of an RPG, and shooter combined.

Anyone else here ever played it?

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I haven't gotten it yet, but I did hear that it was a combination shooter and RPG, like you said, to hear it confirmed puts my heart and 44 bucks that I spent on amazon to rest.

So I have bought it, but amazon is slow. Probably cause of the holiday season. I'm looking forward to getting it.

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I played this game, and liked it immensly. However, I made the mistake of renting it, and i quickly found out it is not a "renting" game. And due to the fact I am broke, I wont aquire it for a while yet.

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Good, not as good as previous fallouts though.

Personally, I couldn't get into the first two. It wasn't the graphics, or even the gameplay--I have the likes of Diablo and similar titles to argue that. Just something about it I couldn't stand :/ I think it was the clunkiness.

If one wants to get the most out of this game, they need to get the PC version. User content has revolutionized Oblivion drastically--and Fallout 3 is getting the same treatment.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing this game a lot now. At first I didn't like it, but now I'm totally hooked. There's so much hidden stuff, that you can have fun with the game even after you beat all the quests and reached the level cap.

Also, I just downloaded the DLC.

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While the game can get entirely drab and repetitive, it isn't an entirely empty game. There's lots to explore, and there really are a number of quests to go through :/

At least with the PC version you can get even more things to help the game last. Larger areas, custom weapons, new allies, motorcycles, custom skins. Anything.

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Operation Anchorage was okay. It didn't take me too long to beat, but it wasn't a place I wanted to stay in for long. At that point in the game, I was already level 20, and with some of the best items. I was kinda dissapointed to be able to only carry three different types of weapons, usually only one of which I actually used.

The loot you get after the quest makes it worth it though. Though I'm not sure why, but all the Outcasts attacked me after I got the stuff. They might have been mad that I took all of it, or they might have been mad cause I had killed the outcasts at Fort Constantine, so I could get the good stuff in the building, or they could have attacked me cause they were just assholes. *Shrugs.*

It's a good quest for EXP if you need it, but I was kinda hoping for a level cap increase, that didn't happen. It's a nice little addition, but if you didn't like the game before, it wouldn't have changed your mind.

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Level cap increase won't happen until Broken Steel DLC in march (which will retcon the crappy ending of Fallout 3). Next up is "The Pitt" where you go to the raider/salver settlement of Pittsburgh.

or they might have been mad cause I had killed the outcasts at Fort Constantine
or they could have attacked me cause they were just assholes

hmm..... <_<

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Operation Anchorage was okay. It didn't take me too long to beat, but it wasn't a place I wanted to stay in for long. At that point in the game, I was already level 20, and with some of the best items. I was kinda dissapointed to be able to only carry three different types of weapons, usually only one of which I actually used.

The loot you get after the quest makes it worth it though. Though I'm not sure why, but all the Outcasts attacked me after I got the stuff. They might have been mad that I took all of it, or they might have been mad cause I had killed the outcasts at Fort Constantine, so I could get the good stuff in the building, or they could have attacked me cause they were just assholes. *Shrugs.*

It's a good quest for EXP if you need it, but I was kinda hoping for a level cap increase, that didn't happen. It's a nice little addition, but if you didn't like the game before, it wouldn't have changed your mind.

lol omg your mean

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I briefly played it, it totally sucked, like Oblivion did. Only difference here was the plot, the time it was set in and the fact that this time they did put kids in the world.

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It's hard to get into when you first start. But if you give it a chance, it'll really suck you in.

Be prepared to die several times before you get used to it.

Also, give yourself high intelligence at the beginning. 8-10 is reccomended.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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ah fall out is one of those games? where you first play it and you're like "Meh lame" but if you give it a second chance ur like "OMG NICE!" like i surprisingly did with tales of the abyss. yeah i sold my first copy of it :P

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