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Chapter 11 - Blood Runs Red

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I got this for Christmas, and I've got to Chap 11, but I seem to have trouble getting all the houses, Zihark and not getting my guys killed by the BK. Can you block him in his house by standing in front of the door?

What should I employ in this Chapter?

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I got this for Christmas, and I've got to Chap 11, but I seem to have trouble getting all the houses, Zihark and not getting my guys killed by the BK. Can you block him in his house by standing in front of the door?

What should I employ in this Chapter?

Send a small group right up through the place the Black Knight appears.

Use Lethe or Mordy to recruit Zihark from behind then have him visit the village.

Meanwhile send your other units to the two houses at the right. (You'll have to split up to get both before the theif)

If the Black Knight hasn't appeared send your Laguz, Zihark and anyone else you sent up past the BK's house across the Bridge.

Also, could you PM me a list of people your using so I can make a more detailed strategy?

And if you ever need help in another playthrough just PM me.

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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Don't leave anyone near the door to BK's house, and make sure that no one is in his attack range when he appears. Blocking the house won't stop him from appearing, but he won't move unless someone is in his attack range.

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Another note:

Burger King doesn't show up until after you kill the boss attack the boss.

Edit: I guess it was just coincidence for me then. I tend to kill the boss in one turn to keep him from being a nuisance.

Edited by Azel
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Thanks, I've managed it. I didn't realise the BK didn't move if you stayed out of his range.

In Hard Mode, this isn't true. In HM, he moves 3 spaces every turn to catch up to you if you're out of his range.

Since we are discussing this chapter I've always have a doubt, how do I recruit Zihark without him killing a vigilante is it possible?

Easy, I do it all the time. Have Lethe or Mordecai stay out of Zihark's range until you are ready to finish the chapter. When you are ready to arrive in the big shiny blue spot and end the chapter, have Lethe or Mordecai talk to Zihark first. (And if you haven't already, have Zihark enter the village closest to him to obtain the Killing Edge.) Then all you have to do is arrive and you'll finish the chapter without Zihark(or the laguz that recruited him) accidentally killing a vigilante.

This statement is false.

I'm not sure the exact turn BK shows up but I've had both on the map at the same time.

You are correct. The BK shows up on the turn after you attack the boss. The boss doesn't have to be dead for the BK to show up.

Edited by Fireman
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question, what are the rewards of not killing those vigilantes? i can never manage that since i never cared enough

You get bonus experience for each vigilante that survives. More detailed information can be found here.

Also, take note that there are more vigilantes in HM. The extra vigilantes are hard to avoid though, imo...

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You get bonus experience for each vigilante that survives. More detailed information can be found here.

Also, take note that there are more vigilantes in HM. The extra vigilantes are hard to avoid though, imo...

:( I want your avatar lol....

On a different note, BK doesn't move unless you are on hard mode in which case, he will chae you around the map.... On easy and normal, only way he will move is if you are in attack range, which would be unfortunate....

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when i was on this chapter on my recent run, i just wanted to insult the black knight, so i sent my lv 7 peg knight marcia next to him right before i arrived on the ship. =D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone else try to recruit Jill on their 1st PT? I tried and when I found out that I couldn't, it turned into one big chase. Nephenee killed her after wrath + critical then I restarted. It was pretty fun.

Anyways, I usually send a base level Nephenee to battle the vigilantes and Lethe just outside Zihark's range so she can recruit him next turn. Oscar and Kieran go for the middle and try to kill the thief, the rest take care of the soldiers in the beginning. The team gets split into two groups, make sure the top group is across the bridge before the BK can get to them. It took me 3 or 4 playthroughs to come up with a good strategy.

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Did anyone else try to recruit Jill on their 1st PT? I tried and when I found out that I couldn't, it turned into one big chase. Nephenee killed her after wrath + critical then I restarted. It was pretty fun.

Anyways, I usually send a base level Nephenee to battle the vigilantes and Lethe just outside Zihark's range so she can recruit him next turn. Oscar and Kieran go for the middle and try to kill the thief, the rest take care of the soldiers in the beginning. The team gets split into two groups, make sure the top group is across the bridge before the BK can get to them. It took me 3 or 4 playthroughs to come up with a good strategy.

I never thought to try that. Interesting

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Did anyone else try to recruit Jill on their 1st PT? I tried and when I found out that I couldn't, it turned into one big chase. Nephenee killed her after wrath + critical then I restarted. It was pretty fun.

Yes, but it's a good thing someone arrived before Ike gave a finishing blow on Jill or vice versa.

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Yes, but it's a good thing someone arrived before Ike gave a finishing blow on Jill or vice versa.

Lucky for you, huh? My Soren got a little too close to


one time and it wasn't pretty.

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