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Member Feelings about other Members


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Post your honest feelings about other Members.


In no real order.

Death: You're one of my favourite people here, and one of the only reasons I am still here. You are one of the only people New Sothey has never had a single problem with.

Lyle: You're a good dude. I mean, as I have said before, you are sometimes way too dramatic, and bad at taking jokes directed at you. But you're not a bad person for that.

MaSu: You're not a bad person at all. I mean, you're sometimes a bit of a prick, but I am too.

Shuuda: I used to like you, but I can't stand you anymore. You have potential not to act like a prick, but you do... People can take criticism without the cheap insults.

Destiny Hero: You're a kid. That's all. You think you know more than you do, and you are conceited. I don't mind you too much, because I am used to kids, but still.

TLS: You can do to work on your grammar pretty well. You're an attention whore too. You're not a bad guy, or anything.. I actually like you but still, everyone has a lot of things to work on. Some more than others.

VASM: You're a pretty nice guy, from what I have seen. You are evidently either missing a pair of balls or a spine though. If you want people to respect you more, fighting for what you stand for/believe in is a good thing. Remaining neutral just because you don't like to argue is sad.

Jyo: You evidently don't know how to count. Sorry, but you warned me, and cursed at me, because I was using a sig that was HALF the legal size.

Hika: You're cool. No complaints here.

Fireman/Ninji/Night/RFoF/Hanz/Adam: See above.


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I'd post feelings about many folks here, but I is working on my crappy story atm, so I dont have the time right now.

Quickies, though:

Luxord/Mad Sage: Love

Tino: Love

Meteor: Win

Fury: Win

Ether: Love

Lyle: Win

Freohr: Win

And the rest of the mercs rule!!!

Edited by ömegablaster
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I'd post feelings about many folks here, but I is working on my crappy story atm, so I dont have the time right now.

Quickies, though:

Luxord/Mad Sage: Love

Tino: Love

Meteor: Win

Rage: Win

Ether: Love

Lyle: Win

Freohr: Win

And the rest of the mercs rule!!!

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Post your honest feelings about other Members.


In no real order.

Death: You're one of my favourite people here, and one of the only reasons I am still here. You are one of the only people New Sothey has never had a single problem with.

Lyle: You're a good dude. I mean, as I have said before, you are sometimes way too dramatic, and bad at taking jokes directed at you. But you're not a bad person for that.

MaSu: You're not a bad person at all. I mean, you're sometimes a bit of a prick, but I am too.

Shuuda: I used to like you, but I can't stand you anymore. You have potential not to act like a prick, but you do... People can take criticism without the cheap insults.

Destiny Hero: You're a kid. That's all. You think you know more than you do, and you are conceited. I don't mind you too much, because I am used to kids, but still.

TLS: You can do to work on your grammar pretty well. You're an attention whore too. You're not a bad guy, or anything.. I actually like you but still, everyone has a lot of things to work on. Some more than others.

VASM: You're a pretty nice guy, from what I have seen. You are evidently either missing a pair of balls or a spine though. If you want people to respect you more, fighting for what you stand for/believe in is a good thing. Remaining neutral just because you don't like to argue is sad.

Jyo: You evidently don't know how to count. Sorry, but you warned me, and cursed at me, because I was using a sig that was HALF the legal size.

Hika: You're cool. No complaints here.

Fireman/Ninji/Night/RFoF/Hanz/Adam: See above.



I'd post feelings about many folks here, but I is working on my crappy story atm, so I dont have the time right now.

Quickies, though:

Luxord/Mad Sage: Love

Tino: Love

Meteor: Win

Rage: Win

Ether: Love

Lyle: Win

Freohr: Win

And the rest of the mercs rule!!!




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Lol, I knew you'd do that, but I did it because I wasn't mentioned in yours, capn.

But you know you round the top three. Much love to you too, capn. XD

And I know many folks here will prolly post hate for me. XD

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Blastoise: I don't know who you are...

Q: You're cool.

Who is Q? lol I is the ömegablaster nao.

I iz Oguma.

The guy with a bear fetish? XD Er, oogly bear? ^^

If yes: love.

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Blastoise: You're cool. You're in the UHO too, I believe. So you are slightly more win.

What is the Uho? Unholy trinity?

Damn, I must start recruiting more mercs, the guild is getting lonely. XD

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On a more serious note, I find most of you folks good enough. Sure, there's the overly serious and aggressive people, but I don't care about them and their drama spreading. (I only act crazy in them)

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I beg to differ.


1. UHO = Unholy Order

2. Q is Omegablaster

1. I was right

2. Yep, you were right. What do we have for captain Matt behind box number 2? A golden cutlass. ^^

On a more serious note, I find most of you folks good enough. Sure, there's the overly serious and aggressive people, but I don't care about them and their drama spreading. (I only act crazy in them)

*Directs back to quote number 1.* ^^

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Destiny Hero: I believe Destiny Hero is one of the most awesome on this forum due to incredible perspective on the world around him and how he manages to draw serious conversation towards himself.

Rei: Used to play DOOM professionally, so I respect him the most on this forum.

Nathan Graves: Sheer frustration.

Doom 103: Don't fret over your signature too much. Just try not to be a grammar nazi and you should be fine.

Julius: He's going down. My biggest rival on this forum.

Azel: Creeps me out. Azel is 100% man, and as such I refuse to fall for simple tricks.

Fury/Ishtar: Manages to have everyone around her on a leash. Except me.

Levin: Awesome dude that discusses things related to FE, and I know from GameFAQs as well. Great WiFi player that we've had games with. I trust him pretty well. He also manages to break the rules of the Holy Blood system, because he's just that suave.

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I think I've spoken my opinions directly to all of you at one point or another, and really I don't give a damn what you think about me, however I can still disagree.

O_o thats the most feisty post i've ever seen from you

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