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Member Feelings about other Members


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Where? I can't believe it. :[

I didn't doubt any of that, I don't think you're inhuman. It's just easy to imagine sometimes, e.g. some thread about the moderators not moderating or something.

Wait... Me saying the moderators are doing an inadequate job when it was true makes it easy for me to be imagined as inhuman? Perhaps you worded that wrong...

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Here's a few...

FE3 Player: Pretty good and calm in discussion, fun to play FEDS Wi-fi with, makes sense and does not frustrate me at all. Reason enough for me to keep the JP version of FEDS on my R4 ^_^

D. Hero: ... I can't come up with anything merciful to say and you're not worth a warning >_>.

Zeldafreak007 and Lenneth: Lugh >> Lilina.

Berserkblader: We must play a wi-fi match. Your tier lists are useful btw.

Nathan Graves: Circling arguments ftl.

Sek, Justin, Sylvan, Slax: You guys are fun to play against in FEDS ^_^. Screw hackers and newbies. Slax's avatar is win btw.

Nightmare: Awesome.

ZXValaRevan: Funny.

Omegablaster: "I'm an ancient dragon" got old >_>

Edited by Levin
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Fim: Ilu Sister Fim, and you need to post more

Everyone else: I love you guys even if you forget me on every list you make~ nah, just kidding

Apples: You are the best snack ever and I hope that someday you may rule the world.

Pixie Sticks: Gtfo and stop tempting me like Chocolate over there. Bitch.

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For reals:

I always know Masu Lyle and Matt are here. They all have 4 letters in their names.

I miss talking to Luxord, I think he's busy with his real life?

I also fear for the forum. You see, back when I was a mod I was anticipating when the board would become a virtual hellhole. Now I fear a totalitarian hellhole.

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Wait... Me saying the moderators are doing an inadequate job when it was true makes it easy for me to be imagined as inhuman? Perhaps you worded that wrong...

Maybe I did. It's not what you say; it's how you say it.

Don't worry about it, I don't think I'm making much sense.

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For reals:

I always know Masu Lyle and Matt are here. They all have 4 letters in their names.

I miss talking to Luxord, I think he's busy with his real life?

I also fear for the forum. You see, back when I was a mod I was anticipating when the board would become a virtual hellhole. Now I fear a totalitarian hellhole.

I know how you feel on that last one...

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For reals:

I always know Masu Lyle and Matt are here. They all have 4 letters in their names.

I miss talking to Luxord, I think he's busy with his real life?

I also fear for the forum. You see, back when I was a mod I was anticipating when the board would become a virtual hellhole. Now I fear a totalitarian hellhole.

Bold1 I'll PM you.

Bold2 I know how you feel.....,...

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Masu: Needs to stop acting all macho and stuff to impress people. He should really just be himself. When he is, he's a lot cooler.

Gatrie: He's my bro. Yeah he can be a douche, but hey, everyone is from time to time. He's hardly the worst of you all.

Cynthia: Meh. I'm impartial. Sometimes I agree with her/him with a passion, sometimes I disagree just as much. I don't hold grudges with her/him so our relationship is fine.

Hika: Kinda immature, but that's part of his charm. He's fine the way he is. Even if he is a douche.

Raven: I'm not sure how to describe my opinion on Raven. I guess I kinda look up to him, yet at the same time see him as an equal? I dunno, but I like him.

Red Fox: I like her a lot. She's really smart, and fun to talk to, but I don't think she likes me all that much. =/

Zeph: At first I thought Zeph was cool, then I though he was lame, then I wondered where he went, then I thought he was lame again, then I thought he was cool, now I still think he's cool, but in a lameish sort of way. XD

Song: I love Song. She rocks. Almost too nice.

Princess Kilvas: I guess I don't really need to say much, as everyone knows I love her, but she needs to have a little more confidence in herself.

Doom: DOOM DOOM DOOM......DOOLY UM DOOOM. He's okay. Don't ask about that first sentence. *Cespenar reference.*

Bianchi: Bianchi rocks. We have too much fun together. She doesn't show up as often anymore. I kinda miss her.

Fury: My current favorite newbie.

Vincent: If there was ever a member I was a fanboy of, it would be him. *Waves Vincent flag.*

Quetz: I'm impartial.

Destinyhero: It's kinda funny. People despise him, yet because of that, he's become one of the most well known members

Fireman: I love him, but there's always a fear that one day, he'll stab me in the back....

Bizz: Bizz and I talk on aim/MSN a lot. We discuss various things. She rocks.

Branded: The only one of Masu's friends that isn't a crazy wacked out spammer. Clearly he's the words of wisdom kid of the group.

Matt: See Gatrie. Cept he's not as dramatic.

CGV: We don't talk as much as we should. But I like him. Kinda the same way I see Raven.

Nightmare: We had a breakthrough in our relationship the other day. It was very touching. See Fury for details.

Arc: He was my first friend here besided Bianchi. He rocks, and I miss Metal Rabbit.

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of fucking course lyle likes my nee-chan :/

We had a bonding experience.

Just ask her or Nightmare.

Plus, you have so many god-damn nii-chans in this forum it's no wonder I'm friends with at least one of them. <_<

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We had a bonding experience.

Just ask her or Nightmare.

Plus, you have so many god-damn nii-chans in this forum it's no wonder I'm friends with at least one of them. <_<

Nii-chan=big brother >_>

Nee-chan/=/Nii-chan and I only have 1 nee-chan foo.

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