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Final Fantasy 4

Mr.Shiu and Watch

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Final Fantasy IV used to be one of my favorite games. It's still a pretty good game, though it gets pretty old after completing it over a dozen times across three different platforms.

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Rydia comes back. Edward does not, unless you're playing the advance version. I have no clue how it works on the DS version (I would presume it's the same as the SNES version).

Edited by Gustave
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Zeromus apparently has some killer attacks, but nothing's ever gotten to me.

I loved this game, and until I got to try FFIII almost a decade later, this was my favorite of the entire series (FFIX having a nice cushy spot, as later did FFXII). The GBA game, all it had to do was be polished, but the US version is buggy as hell :( FFIV DS is beautiful, and the best version of the game, out of about 17.

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Rydia comes back. Edward does not, unless you're playing the advance version. I have no clue how it works on the DS version (I would presume it's the same as the SNES version).

It is the same as the SNES version except the decant system means some his abilities can live on...

Zeromus apparently has some killer attacks, but nothing's ever gotten to me.

Lets see

Big Bangs seemingly random damage (there is something that determines it but basically there is a huge variance I've seen it do anywhere from 1000 to 4900 damage...), Bio with the poison can get annoying and the low health meteor spam that always gets me in the SNES FF games well not FFVI but FFV has it if you don't destoy all the parts the same time the last part alive will do it...if it isn't nearly dead at this point you'll probably lose

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The ability inheriting in the DS version is kind of annoying; if you know in advance who will leave/die then your first instinct is to not give them augments and thus you won't inherit their good abilities.

If you haven't played it before, you don't know who will leave/die so end up wasting augments on the wrong characters.

it's really one that needed a guide for using the best of the abilities, especially how they toned up some of the enemies.

It is still one of my favourite FF games though.

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I like rpgs, however, I have never tried the FF games, care to explain what this one is mainly about? Is the combat any good, is the story great, etc.

FFIV was the first one on the SNES and introduced a few things, most notably the 'ATB' pseudo realtime combat system.

Basically, a real time bar fills up for each character at a certain speed (depending on their speed stat) and when it is full, they can take an action which in come cases (like the more powerful spells) can take some time to cast after selected, or take almost no time (like just attacking).

It was pretty much used in every FF game from 4 to 9. You can have it also set to 'wait' or 'active' meaning that the timer will pause when you are going through your submenus (like the spell list) or in the case of active, not.

The abilities are granted when characters hit certain levels (or story events) rather than an AP system like in some other FF games so it's easier to track.

In this one, your cast leaves and joins at several story point intervals; there is a final 5 for the last dungeon. In other FF games, they will usually have a fixed cast of more 'generic' heroes that you customise somewhat or a larger cast that allows you to swap in and out several characters in the main party.

The story in 4 is sort of 'classic'. It's not too sophisticated, and sometimes a bit silly but it's compelling enough to follow, which isn't bad for an early SNES game.

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Though, I'm not sure if it was actually confirmed to have changed, but fighting the first Fiend was a real bitch in the (J) version, yet in the (U) it seemed like he was severely toned down. Personally, I never once got hit by his killer status rape that made the fight so dramatic in the (J) version :(

But hey, at least there's a provocation for killing the Dark Elf right away with his own tricks :P

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Now I'm stuck on


how do I defeat him.

Has he killed all your guys yet? (not storyline death, just using his instant death spell in the battle on everyone but your main character).

You'll need to use the scan ability once that part is over and your new party member joins.

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Zeromus apparently has some killer attacks, but nothing's ever gotten to me.

Yes, but he's kinda hard.

But you can turn him into a frog, if I'm not mistaken.

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Has he killed all your guys yet? (not storyline death, just using his instant death spell in the battle on everyone but your main character).

You'll need to use the scan ability once that part is over and your new party member joins.

I do that but


Goes down in 2 hits then the boss destroys Cecil.

Edited by Begniongeneral.
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