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Your guilty pleasures

Defeatist Elitist

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Snow boots, with frilly skirts and vests...

Hentai, also porn in general....


Away from that stuff, I gain pleasure from hitting things, like a punchbag.

I could go on...

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More than that, I miss the scenes at the train station with George Carlin and those people going around all over the place saying stuff (since that was my favorite part of the show when I was a kid). What these people have done with Thomas is absolutely atrocious, plain and simple.


Too bad we didn't have Shining Time Station in Canada...

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I guess my guilty pleasure is some modern rap music. Yeah, you may had heard me dissing rap music here and there at times, but for some reason, I like it sometimes like at a party.

Also, I like Coldplay. The Scientist can make me cry at times.

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Snow boots, with frilly skirts and vests...

Hentai, also porn in general....


Away from that stuff, I gain pleasure from being a stalker.

I could go on...

Well, we share so many guilty pleasure...

Rei: for a girl, it's normal. You dont know how crazy those yuri and shoto fangirls in my country....

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I feel happy when some of my classmates do bad in their tests/exams ( I feel good that they do bad not that I did better) but I don't feel any guilt, I should but I dont.

One thing that does make me feel guilty is when I get happy because my friend's relationship with his girlfriend sometimes don't go as good as he would want, I get really happy for a moment when I think they will break up (because I like his girlfriend a lot).

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At least I think so.....

I just got the Thomas VHS'.

Hm. I remember watching it on public television where they had all the stuff in Shining Time. I dislike how the new series keeps the focus so much on Thomas; it was cool when Mr. Conductor and all the other very wierd personalities at Shining Time Station were around to balance things out. But then again, this is a guy who grew up in Miami we're talking about here, so it's different, I'm sure...

I feel happy when some of my classmates do bad in their tests/exams ( I feel good that they do bad not that I did better) but I don't feel any guilt, I should but I dont.

One thing that does make me feel guilty is when I get happy because my friend's relationship with his girlfriend sometimes don't go as good as he would want, I get really happy for a moment when I think they will break up (because I like his girlfriend a lot).

Schadenfreude much?

Actually, if guys turn out to be absolutely stupid, I feel happy when they get in trouble. I knew a kid once who was an annoying little prick, and when he later got suspended for stealing a cell phone and taking a picture of his penis with it, I actually rejoiced when I heard about it.

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Actually, I have another guilty pleasure; Mag Mell

No idea why I like it, but for some reason I really, really like it, and I always seem to scar my ear drums by playing it ridiculously loudly too... :3

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Mine is romances. Can't get enough of them. That's why Twilight being bad devastated me. Actually, I should have guessed. Maybe it would be better to say it pissed me the hell off. :P

TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D8 (< lol, supposed to be hands/fists clenched in excitement =D ... guess I "invented" that just now)

And mine would be this one. Irl I am a very shy, type of guy, and on the net, I like being a little more spoken. Capishe, folks?

I capishe because that's like I am. (Did I use that word correctly? XD)

Also... everyone seems to know me to be very sweet and happy and stuff... But I'm not always like that. On some ocassions, I can get pretty angry. It's either hard to get me mad, or I am mad, but can easily hide my anger. If I'm mad, normally I would keep a blank expression. I'm good at that.

D=< lol, see? I hid it!

And... well, I live with an older brother and am friends with some of his friends, so... this is reasonable... But, yes, guyz, I can be perverted. My brother (his exgirlfriend sometimes) and I make it a game to find as many opportunities to use the joke, "That's what she said" and see who wins. My brother always does it the most XD I'm not good at catching the right moments... and if I do, it's usually only during school when I wouldn't say it to many... mostly because of how I'm shy, like I said above.

... Um... I think that's all. =I

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Ok now this karma bitch just hit me today, I feel happy when bad stuff happens to people right? well today I sat on a table that had fresh paint, not only was I laughed at but my pants got ruined and I liked them.I then sat on a bench in front of the table and hoped for someone else to sit on it and not being alone.... it was so freaking frustrating to be the only idiot who sat on it, everyone else noticed the fresh paint and just go away, arghh. :angry:

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