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Chapter 17


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she doesnt really block that store. you can get to it by moving the lords right of their starting position.

She does in Hector mode and HHM. I thought she did in Eliwood Hard, too? I don't really remember, I haven't played EH in ages. Anyway, the point is: Dart's for killing Vaida.

Lyn with bows is pretty great. Being able to actually use Hector again is also great. I'd give it to whoever will give you better party balance/you like best, assuming they're both level capped.

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I almost always promote Lyn first and start building up her bow rank but that is personal preference really. You'll be able to promote the other one in about 2 chapters afterwards so it doesn't make too much of a difference.

You could always go for Lyn as a psuedo-Swordmaster. Even if she doesn't get the crit bonus...

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I have lyn at lv 17 and hector at lv 20, theyre both good. I think ill get lyn to lv 20 and use it on her so she has a chance at getting to lv 20 promoted.

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I have lyn at lv 17 and hector at lv 20, theyre both good. I think ill get lyn to lv 20 and use it on her so she has a chance at getting to lv 20 promoted.

No unit will get to level 20 promoted without massive abuse. Hector's a better choice in Eliwood mode, and Eliwood's a better choice in Hector mode. Lyn can wait.

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I always have trouble with this one. I can never actually beat until my 3rd or 4th try T_T

Is that normal mode or hard mode, and which mode? Hector's or Eliwood's?

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Please tell me you used Dart.. PLEASE.... Next to Hector, he's the most broken axe-user in the game.
because I don't think he cares enough about ranked runs... here's what I have to say.

I wouldn't call him broken; he has some problems with his defenses (not HP, which he'll max out early anyway) and his early equipment sucks. You can buy him an iron axe from like chapter 13 or 14 and then give it to him, but if you don't his early AS will be terrible. If you give him one, he won't be bad... but then he has a terrible skill stat as we go further and axes are somewhat inaccurate as a whole. :/

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My characters were really underleveled. Also I attempted at using Dart... but he fell short and I had to promote him at lv 13. He makes a nice guard for merlinus though =D .

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My characters were really underleveled. Also I attempted at using Dart... but he fell short and I had to promote him at lv 13. He makes a nice guard for merlinus though =D .

Lol, its ok to promote people before they reach level 20. I, however, don't that, I usually promote when they reach level 20. Those that don't get there dont get promoted.

Also, I just swept past this chapter a while ago. I had no trouble at all, and it was the hard mode. Here is what I did. I sent Lucius to the right side, where it is obvious you should send him. To the left, I sent Sain, Guy, Florina and Lowen. After Lucius cleared the way, I followed with Eliwood and Matthew and took care of stealing the Guiding Ring. Eliwood criticaled the boss in his second attack. Simple. :P

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Why did you evolve Dart, he could gain more Luck, to gain more vantage on his promotion bonuses?

Also, don't use him as a Merlinus guard. Use Oswin, it won't hurt him.

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What is so hard about this chapter? I really dont have trouble at all when playing it, not even Hector's mode.

I always have trouble with this one. I can never actually beat until my 3rd or 4th try T_T

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