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Why is US boxart always so shitty?


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I think it's more what we're used to. Apparently, people in the US like knowing what's something about at first glance, which is perfectly understandable. Me, I prefer the EU covers. I'm not all for flashy pictures of main characters on front of the box.

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On those examples you listed, I found most of the US boxarts better then the European ones.

Simply placing a logo in the middle with cool backgrounds doesn't make it any more artistic then the other boxarts.

European covers of Japanese games are often very similar to the Japanese version. The Japanese really like their logo's were you can see 'em, but American prefer to put the characters in the spotlight.

(As for shitty US box art: Suikoden)

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American game covers are different: If you've heard of the game, the cover shouldn't change a thing. And if you haven't heard of the game, the cover gives you a bit of insight as to what it's about, so you know whether or not you wanna buy it.

This is why I appreciate our -occasionally unnecessarily detailed- US boxarts; a prime example would be 3 years ago when I bought the first Shadow Hearts; no one I knew ever mentioned the game at all, I looked at the box cover, just the front -didn't examine the back at all- and I thought "hmmm...this might be interesting" simply because I thought Yuri and Alice looked somewhat interesting and not to mention somewhat mismatched, so that there was what made me want to get the game, I never heard of the title and the art of just what the story might involve -those characters- was enough drive to get me to purchase it; it really didn't spoil anything at all because it's not like the names of them were revealed -plus I happened to buy this game used w/o an instruction booklet XD- yeah, so I personally think US boxart is fine -JP boxart is pretty nice when it comes to special releases/collections though-

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I wish the us had the japanese disgaea cases :( They look cooler. And the japanese versions do have a more appealing looking case about 40-60% of time, and pretty cases make me look at the game to see if i will like it

Edited by Yosuke
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^ I was about to post those :(

If I was to make a witty aqsnwer about why US gets badboxart and not Euopre I would say, ours spines have text; not logos...most of the time we also got the shitty art for Shirin the Wanderer and the spine is a logo...I can't really complain I got the game for £5...well £2.50 when you account for GAME reward points :lol:

Would you care to cite some examples of "shitty" US boxart?

inb4 Mystery Dungeon: Shirin the Wanderer

European covers of Japanese games are often very similar to the Japanese version. The Japanese really like their logo's were you can see 'em, but American prefer to put the characters in the spotlight.

(As for shitty US box art: Suikoden)

Which is what I was about to say :) Square-Enix in particular like to do this though they don't always do this. For what it is worth Dragon Quest IV clearly uses the American box as a base (we don't get numbers due to getting the series in this order; 8,4,5,6,9)

A good site for seeing a comparison between boxarts is Gamefaqs. They're not the best source due to compressing images (screenshots are the worst...lets turn 2kb png into an 18 kb JPEG which looks worse) and having a limit on width of 640 pixels but they do have a huge (possibly unrivaled) quantity and no watermarks.

Here is the FFVII


On an off note if you venture away from popular games you'll find it hard to find spines and back covers. I guess I should start venturing into the internet to find covers for random games its been a while since I last did that oh and using this thing called a scanner for items I personally own :lol:

If i'm to close with anything, it'll be this; Angry Kirby. If you don't get what I mean look at the released kirby games and notice a fairly common feature on the American covers I think the trend has died though since Kirby isn't angry on Kirby Super Star Ultra

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I never understood angry Kirby. I guess they wanted to make him look determined, but that look doesn't really get the "I'm a fun game, play me!" message across. I noticed American publishers often try to make characters to look bad-ass, even when those characters are cute incarnate or some funny cartoon animal.

BTW I never knew the Japanese cover of Shiren the Wanderer looked to awesome. It looks so... "we're going on a wonderful and exciting adventure!" instead of "I love to kill stuff while wearing a stupid hat"

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^ America's also trying to make a furry look "bad ass".

BTW I never knew the Japanese cover of Shiren the Wanderer looked to awesome. It looks so... "we're going on a wonderful and exciting adventure!" instead of "I love to kill stuff while wearing a stupid hat"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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ratchet3.jpg vs. ratchet3-j.jpg

The American one doesn't look retarded as cartoony as the Japanese cover. I think this is a point for America.

I disagree. 'Badass' looking anthro creatures on the whole look laughable, childish and stupid to me. The artwork in the Japanese ones look like they're actually having fun and don't have any pretense of badassitude.

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^ America's also trying to make a furry look "bad ass".

I'd say that making a furry look "badass" is a bit better than Lombax who looks like he needs some serious mental help and needs to shave his eyebrows.

But only a little better.

I disagree. 'Badass' looking anthro creatures on the whole look laughable, childish and stupid to me. The artwork in the Japanese ones look like they're actually having fun and don't have any pretense of badassitude.

I don't think a war on an intergalactic terrorist who wants to erradicate all organic lifeforms is a good time to have fun and start smiling like an idiot while your allies are being blown-up and you're sky-diving to your doom.

Edited by Harold
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Does anybody realise I meant in terms of artistic quality, not what sells better?

The FFXII boxart in particular makes me sad for lack of the Judge on the front cover.

It also seems to me that we've reached a stalemate on this one, since everybody who lives in the US seems to like theirs better and everybody from PAL (me and... Starwolf_UK?) likes ours.

The main thing I don't like about the US covers is that most of them (I repeat, most) are very "in-your-face" and are full of colours, whereas the PAL and some JP covers are very non-cluttered and "cleaner" looking.

I don't even think I'll bother anymore since I know the majority of you are American and you'll probably jump me for this... oh well.

Edited by Lachesis
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Does anybody realise I meant in terms of artistic quality, not what sells better?

The FFXII boxart in particular makes me sad for lack of the Judge on the front cover.

I'm seeing more "artistic quality" in American boxart anyway.

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Does anybody realise I meant in terms of artistic quality, not what sells better?

The FFXII boxart in particular makes me sad for lack of the Judge on the front cover.

It also seems to me that we've reached a stalemate on this one, since everybody who lives in the US seems to like theirs better and everybody from PAL (me and... Starwolf_UK?) likes ours.

The main thing I don't like about the US covers is that most of them (I repeat, most) are very "in-your-face" and are full of colours, whereas the PAL and some JP covers are very non-cluttered and "cleaner" looking.

I don't even think I'll bother anymore since I know the majority of you are American and you'll probably jump me for this... oh well.

You're confusing "artistic quality" with your own personal tastes. Oh, and if by "cleaner" you mean "rushed," then yeah, you're absolutely right.

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There's also the people that get impressions of the game from the front cover. First impressions do mean something, and the boxart is a form of first impression.

That doesn't really matter most of the time...usually we have trailers and gameplay vids now to help gamers decide whether they should buy a game or not.

But I do agree that Boxart does have its importance. It could be used as a marketing tool to persuade gamers to buy the game.

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