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Code Geass R2


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What are your opinions on it.

I thought

It was total garbage. The first season was great! This season was total crap, there were 2 good parts

War with the Federation and the battle for japan

The whole Charels and V.V. thing got stupid, the whole Gods thing was stupid and alot of it looked like the writer was high.

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What are your opinions on it.

I thought

It was total garbage. The first season was great! This season was total crap, there were 2 good parts

War with the Federation and the battle for japan

The whole Charels and V.V. thing got stupid, the whole Gods thing was stupid and alot of it looked like the writer was high.


I loved R2. I in fact preferred it over the 1st season.

Charles and V.V. thing I thought was AMAZING, especially the way things were shown. The moment when Lelouch realizes that his Father was simply trying to protect him and create a better world was amazing. It was even more amazing when Lelouch then responded with his line about how people should have the choice, etc. The entire thing was, well, inspiring. It was quite an... Intricate plot, but I liked it. The ending especially was simply spectacular.

CGV: You'll probably like it if you liked the first season, but beware, there are a LOT of plot twists and similar, although I found them all to be really good.

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So far ^_^

I just saw the ending

<Doom> Well

<Doom> It's over

<Doom> It's finally over

<Doom> The ending was very good

<Zephiroth> Lol

<Doom> Kinda almost made up for the 5 crapfilled episodes and all the BS that ahppened

<Doom> happened**

<Zephiroth> ALMOST

<Doom> XD

<Doom> Yeah

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So far ^_^

I just saw the ending

<Doom> Well

<Doom> It's over

<Doom> It's finally over

<Doom> The ending was very good

<Zephiroth> Lol

<Doom> Kinda almost made up for the 5 crapfilled episodes and all the BS that ahppened

<Doom> happened**

<Zephiroth> ALMOST

<Doom> XD

<Doom> Yeah

Which BS are you referring too? If it's what I think, then it's probably just the way you think. I loved a lot of it, because much of what happened was needed in order to fully allow the ending to sink in. Plus, it really makes you feel for Lelouch a lot more.

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Which BS are you referring too? If it's what I think, then it's probably just the way you think. I loved a lot of it, because much of what happened was needed in order to fully allow the ending to sink in. Plus, it really makes you feel for Lelouch a lot more.

I actually hated the order stuff, the story could have been 10X better without it, and didn't the emperor just

kill Lelouch when Suzaku gave him up

and why


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Reminds me of a certain Fire Emblem game. You know the one with a second season that introduces a whole load of new characters and ends up ruining things by no character getting significant screentime...

Except Code Geass R2 felt like the writers were watching the character popularity polls and writing the episodes to turn the bloody thing upside down. This leads to chasracters not acting as themselves but as the plot needs them to act.

Then of course every episode ends with a cliffhanger. An analogy I like to use to describe it is the Knight Boat stint in the simpsons. If the bandits go onto land they'll be a river or something so knight boat can continue the pursuit. A good example is

one sub vs. an entire fleet of ships...there just happens to be an giant cylander at the bottom of the ocean that will cripple the enitre fleet

Then there is Lellouch the billiant tactician. We never get to see his brilliance only we're told it is. I'm sorrry but

blowing up terrain was getting stale in season 1...the fact the bad guys were still "OMG he just blew up the mountain" in season 2 says everything...or the "you're not tlaking to Lellouch but a recording of him, the real one is right behind you..."

A series worth watching for its entertainment value but not its quality.

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I hope your not being serious with that shit.

I am XD. that was the only couple I liked, I don't like C.C X Lelouch, Or Oggie and his girl, only Leloch X Kallen

Honestly the anime remined me of Radiant Dawn, for the way the story developed

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Code Geass R2 = Most overrated anime of 2008. Come on, it was instantly rated in the top 10 animes on MAL after only the first episode was aired.

Watching CGR2 depressed me a lot. There isn't anything good in this anime (except the animation [even if it was shabby at the end of the anime]) : uninteresting plot (the first episodes were basically ripped off from season 1), uninteresting characters (Lolo was completely useless and lol they have completely forgotten about Xingke at the end of the anime) and too much far-fetched situations. Seriously, I can't count how many times I screamed "What the fuck!?" while watching it, but that's basically what was able to keep me watching CGR2: being able to laugh my ass out before this silly anime.

Here's some exemples:

-Jeremiah almost getting killed by Lelouch to tell him that he will served under him?

-Over nine thousand Zeros! Was the dog really necessary? Seriously, what were they thinking!?

-Sayokopter and the hat which defies gravity.

-Jeremiah also breaking the laws of physics.

-C.C's explanation of the Geass in episode 15.

-Episode 21 in its entirety:

->It started with a Pokemon reference.

->Lelouch and his poses.

->Throwing away logic and reason...

->A second geass? Has it ever been explained why and how he got it?

->Turbojet Charles.


-->Lelouch taking the throne wearing...his school uniform. XD

-->...and having to brainwash everyone to make them obey him.

-->Suzaku breaking spearheads with one kick.

And there are so many things I'm forgetting...

Now, someone has to explain to me what is so good about CGR2, especially as there are at least 500+ animes that are better than this. IMO, it was only enjoyable for its silliness (and I'll admit the ending was okay but that's the only concession I can make.)


I loved R2. I in fact preferred it over the 1st season.

Charles and V.V. thing I thought was AMAZING, especially the way things were shown. The moment when Lelouch realizes that his Father was simply trying to protect him and create a better world was amazing. It was even more amazing when Lelouch then responded with his line about how people should have the choice, etc. The entire thing was, well, inspiring. It was quite an... Intricate plot, but I liked it. The ending especially was simply spectacular.

IMO, that basically ruined the entire first season. Also Charles' sudden change of attitude wasn't credible at all, because there was absolutely no hint about it in the first season/twenty first episodes of season two. It's like Sunrise thought "Hey that's a cool idea! Let's throw it in there!" like almost everything else in CGR2.

Edited by Marthur
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Code Geass R2 = Most overrated anime of 2008. Come on, it was instantly rated in the top 10 animes on MAL after only the first episode was aired.

Watching CGR2 depressed me a lot. There isn't anything good in this anime (except the animation [even if it was shabby at the end of the anime]) : uninteresting plot (the first episodes were basically ripped off from season 1), uninteresting characters (Lolo was completely useless and lol they have completely forgotten about Xingke at the end of the anime) and too much far-fetched situations. Seriously, I can't count how many times I screamed "What the fuck!?" while watching it, but that's basically what was able to keep me watching CGR2: being able to laugh my ass out before this silly anime.

Here's some exemples:

-Jeremiah almost getting killed by Lelouch to tell him that he will served under him?

-Over nine thousand Zeros! Was the dog really necessary? Seriously, what were they thinking!?

-Sayokopter and the hat which defies gravity.

-Jeremiah also breaking the laws of physics.

-C.C's explanation of the Geass in episode 15.

-Episode 21 in its entirety:

->It started with a Pokemon reference.

->Lelouch and his poses.

->Throwing away logic and reason...

->A second geass? Has it ever been explained why and how he got it?

->Turbojet Charles.


-->Lelouch taking the throne wearing...his school uniform. XD

-->...and having to brainwash everyone to make them obey him.

-->Suzaku breaking spearheads with one kick.

And there are so many things I'm forgetting...

Now, someone has to explain to me what is so good about CGR2, especially as there are at least 500+ animes that are better than this. IMO, it was only enjoyable for its silliness (and I'll admit the ending was okay but that's the only concession I can make.)

IMO, that basically ruined the entire first season. Also Charles' sudden change of attitude wasn't credible at all, because there was absolutely no hint about it in the first season/twenty first episodes of season two. It's like Sunrise thought "Hey that's a cool idea! Let's throw it in there!" like almost everything else in CGR2.

I can kind of understand what you're saying, but I disagree.

The whole point of R2, and Code Geass in general I believe is to show that pretty much every single person, everywhere is doing what they "think is right".

Charles didn't "magically" change, he was like that the whole time.

It just shows that peoples perception of others can lead to them misunderstanding one another.

A lot of the end was all about Zero Requiem, which perhaps you missed.

I don't know. It could be very confusing, so maybe that's what did it. It also was a bit rushed (they probably didn't want to go past the 25 episode safety zone though). But I think that overall they did a good job getting their message across, and wrapping up the series.


Also, whoever said "Lol, Lelouch isn't shown as a brilliant Tactician":

While it isn't Tactics entirely, I think the whole "manage to take over most of the world and fool everybody into thinking that you're evil and having your best friend kill you so that people will free THEMSELVES" was a pretty clever thing to do. :D Plus there was a fair amount of other stuff.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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->A second geass? Has it ever been explained why and how he got it?

Marthur, your entire rant is so amusing that it made my day! :D (Compliment)

Anyways, in regards to the quote above? I think that one's pretty self-explanatory. The more Lelouch used his Geass the stronger it became. It became strong enough so that he couldn't turn it off, and then up to the point where it engulfed both of his eyes. Or am I wrong?

Edited by WyvernSageLord
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I'm done watching this series in Japanese.

Thank you for enlightning us with that very ground-breaking comment

Code Geass R2 = Most overrated anime of 2008. Come on, it was instantly rated in the top 10 animes on MAL after only the first episode was aired.

Watching CGR2 depressed me a lot. There isn't anything good in this anime (except the animation [even if it was shabby at the end of the anime]) : uninteresting plot (the first episodes were basically ripped off from season 1), uninteresting characters (Lolo was completely useless and lol they have completely forgotten about Xingke at the end of the anime) and too much far-fetched situations. Seriously, I can't count how many times I screamed "What the fuck!?" while watching it, but that's basically what was able to keep me watching CGR2: being able to laugh my ass out before this silly anime.

Here's some exemples:

-Jeremiah almost getting killed by Lelouch to tell him that he will served under him?

-Over nine thousand Zeros! Was the dog really necessary? Seriously, what were they thinking!?

-Sayokopter and the hat which defies gravity.

-Jeremiah also breaking the laws of physics.

-C.C's explanation of the Geass in episode 15.

-Episode 21 in its entirety:

->It started with a Pokemon reference.

->Lelouch and his poses.

->Throwing away logic and reason...

->A second geass? Has it ever been explained why and how he got it?

->Turbojet Charles.


-->Lelouch taking the throne wearing...his school uniform. XD

-->...and having to brainwash everyone to make them obey him.

-->Suzaku breaking spearheads with one kick.

And there are so many things I'm forgetting...

Now, someone has to explain to me what is so good about CGR2, especially as there are at least 500+ animes that are better than this. IMO, it was only enjoyable for its silliness (and I'll admit the ending was okay but that's the only concession I can make.)

IMO, that basically ruined the entire first season. Also Charles' sudden change of attitude wasn't credible at all, because there was absolutely no hint about it in the first season/twenty first episodes of season two. It's like Sunrise thought "Hey that's a cool idea! Let's throw it in there!" like almost everything else in CGR2.

I would have to totaly agree, for the exeption of

The whole R2 season wasn't bad, just most of it.

The fight for Tokyo (first one) and the battle in the Chinese Federation were good and fun to watch Zero's tactics

The rest was bad. The whole


thing was stupid and once you know Zero's identity it should have been over

Everything with the order was dumb, and the part when they were in C's world was stupid,


was like WTF! Why all that, it was all ridiculous.

At least the ending was great

R1 was great! If it ended with R1 I would be happy, but change the R1 ending

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The whole point of R2, and Code Geass in general I believe is to show that pretty much every single person, everywhere is doing what they "think is right".

Charles didn't "magically" change, he was like that the whole time.

It just shows that peoples perception of others can lead to them misunderstanding one another.

But it wasn't convincing at all. Hell, even Lelouch couldn't believe him. :P In the first season, Charles was basically an adept of the "only the strong survive" theory, but within one episode (21), he starts spouting nonsense about wanting "to create a gentle world" (and then you see some dead people walking around saying "abandon all hope!" :rolleyes: ) I'm sorry, but I really couldn't take that seriously.

A lot of the end was all about Zero Requiem, which perhaps you missed.

I admitted that the ending was good. :[

The Zero Requiem idea

wasn't too far-fetched and I thought its development was well done... But it can't really compensate for the 20+ first episodes, can it?


Also, whoever said "Lol, Lelouch isn't shown as a brilliant Tactician":

While it isn't Tactics entirely, I think the whole "manage to take over most of the world and fool everybody into thinking that you're evil and having your best friend kill you so that people will free THEMSELVES" was a pretty clever thing to do. :D Plus there was a fair amount of other stuff.

Lelouch really isn't a brillant tactician, because his plans rely too much on brainwashing people in order to succeed.

If you want to see some nice military tactics, and can bear old graphics, you should watch something like Legend of Galactic Heroes, a cult classic from the 80s-90s. This show has an epic story which makes sense from start to end, and has a large cast of fascinating characters (unlike Geass).

That reminds me that CGR2 tried to rip off many many scenes from LoGH, but failed miserably. -__-

Edited by Marthur
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Can we agree that the first season was good?

No...it was just slightly better than R2. ._.

Season 1 actually suffers from the same problems as season 2. The first episodes were good but then, the story just went round in circles. Again, some characters were useless (Remember Mao? The guy who didn't die just because Lelouch ordered the soldiers "to shot him" and not "to kill him"? He wasted at least 5 episodes, all that for nothing) and there were too many WTFs, coincidences and rip off from other animes:

-see above.

-Lelouch's identity almost revealed because of...a cat? D:

-Lelouch telling Euphemia "If I told you to kill all the Elevens" *cling* *Geass activates* -__- (And I won't comment on the fact that it was obviously the most "natural" thing to say.[/sarcasm])


-And of course Nina's infamous masturbating scene. D:< (I could link to a video, but I seriously don't want to. :P )

Edited by Marthur
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But it wasn't convincing at all. Hell, even Lelouch couldn't believe him. :P In the first season, Charles was basically an adept of the "only the strong survive" theory, but within one episode (21), he starts spouting nonsense about wanting "to create a gentle world" (and then you see some dead people walking around saying "abandon all hope!" :rolleyes: ) I'm sorry, but I really couldn't take that seriously.

I admitted that the ending was good. :[

The Zero Requiem idea

wasn't too far-fetched and I thought its development was well done... But it can't really compensate for the 20+ first episodes, can it?

Lelouch really isn't a brillant tactician, because his plans rely too much on brainwashing people in order to succeed.

If you want to see some nice military tactics, and can bear old graphics, you should watch something like Legend of Galactic Heroes, a cult classic from the 80s-90s. This show has an epic story which makes sense from start to end, and has a large cast of fascinating characters (unlike Geass).

That reminds me that CGR2 tried to rip off many many scenes from LoGH, but failed miserably. -__-

No...it was just slightly better than R2. ._.

Season 1 actually suffers from the same problems as season 2. The first episodes were good but then, the story just went round in circles. Again, some characters were useless (Remember Mao? The guy who didn't die just because Lelouch ordered the soldiers "to shot him" and not "to kill him"? He wasted at least 5 episodes, all that for nothing) and there were too many WTFs, coincidences and rip off from other animes:

-see above.

-Lelouch's identity almost revealed because of...a cat? D:

-Lelouch telling Euphemia "If I told you to kill all the Elevens" *cling* *Geass activates* -__- (And I won't comment on the fact that it was obviously the most "natural" thing to say.[/sarcasm])


-And of course Nina's infamous masturbating scene. D:< (I could link to a video, but I seriously don't want to. :P )

Your entire argument against the show seems to bank on some weird things though. Hell, many of those things you listed are part of what makes the show good. Perhaps you're missing the forest for the trees (and I quite like the trees anyway).

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No...it was just slightly better than R2. ._.

Season 1 actually suffers from the same problems as season 2. The first episodes were good but then, the story just went round in circles. Again, some characters were useless (Remember Mao? The guy who didn't die just because Lelouch ordered the soldiers "to shot him" and not "to kill him"? He wasted at least 5 episodes, all that for nothing) and there were too many WTFs, coincidences and rip off from other animes:

-see above.

-Lelouch's identity almost revealed because of...a cat? D:

-Lelouch telling Euphemia "If I told you to kill all the Elevens" *cling* *Geass activates* -__- (And I won't comment on the fact that it was obviously the most "natural" thing to say.[/sarcasm])


-And of course Nina's infamous masturbating scene. D:< (I could link to a video, but I seriously don't want to. :P )

Nina has a.......

The cat thing was kinda funny, the Kill 11's thing was cool and gave a nice plot twist the wallrun was WTF I know, kinda dumb other than that I really led it

Mao was cool, it was to show what lelouch didn't wanna become. I like Mao until he.......snapped

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There's a reason why the show is called "Crack Gay-ass" you know. It's a show with humor and shows you how much the little things you do or say can fuck up your life.

Edited by Eltoshen
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The cat thing was kinda funny

That might be true, but you know, I usually call that a bullshit filler.

Mao was cool, it was to show what lelouch didn't wanna become. I like Mao until he.......snapped

Same here, because wasting 5 episodes wasn't necessary to make Lelouch realise that.

*-Of course popularity means some great shows will never shine. Legend of the Galatic Heroes (the impression I get is this will never be liscenced due to one of the parties being uncooperative)

I was under the impression that it will never be licensed because:

1) It's old.

2) It's long.

I don't think any company would risk to license an anime that has these two "problems".

A shame really, seeing that even today's animes can't even compare to its production qualities.

and Future Boy Conan are examples I would use (though, the latter does have some popular as it is "hey gais Hayo Miyazaki" going for it).

And it was also licensed and aired in some European countries. I think it was pretty popular back in the 80s-90s in France.

From what I remember it wasn't in the TV broadcast. It was added to the DVDs along with more boob bounce it is quite normal for things to be re-animated and scenes re-drawn we just see it more often since the TV rips have a bigger audience/digital preservation.

And that's really low. ._. (adding more fan service I mean) Especially when I see that there are great shows like Noein that had to re-animate and add scenes in the DVD version only to improve the story.

Your entire argument against the show seems to bank on some weird things though. Hell, many of those things you listed are part of what makes the show good. Perhaps you're missing the forest for the trees (and I quite like the trees anyway).

If you want me to sum it up, here are the reasons why I think Code Geass is a bad anime:

1) Because it's a purée of everything a fanboy/girl could hope for:

It has a (badly-written) political plot, fan service, high school teenagers, more fan service, mechas, even gay fan service, CLAMP's art style to attract the Tsubasa fangirls, and guess what...? Even more fan service.

I'm really under the impression that Sunrise is taking its viewers for idiots... and the worst part is that they are actually taking the bait. :(

2) Moreover, the story really is badly-written. It's full of ideas that aren't exploited to their fullest, questions that aren't really answered, useless characters (Mao, Lolo, Jeremiah in R2, Sayoko in R2, Xiangke, Marianne, Anya, Gino etc.), coincidences, WTF, fillers and it's full of terrible deus ex machinas.

3) One other thing that I don't like about Code Geass is the lack of believability.

Don't take this the wrong way. I can enjoy anything that has an unrealistic plot (dragons, robots, psychic powers, demons, creatures that replace animals and can be caught using magic balls). The problem is when it isn't believable. Want some examples?

-The one million Zero thing. Nice idea, huh? But is it believable? Hell no, because they never explain how Zero managed to produce one million masks + costumes in such a small amount of time. When you think about it, it's really silly, because it's impossible to be done in terms of logistic. It's just one more of these ideas Sunrise threw in because they thought it was cool.

-Would you put a freaking mask on a dog? No because it serves absolutely no purpose. Whoever thought about that deserves to be shot. >:[

-Is it believable to see someone taking 50 bullets and miraculously survive (only to die two episodes later in one of the worst deus ex machina possible)?

-Would you believe that there are still ninjas living in the 21st century?

-And finally this.

->Did they have to draw her in that very uncomfortable position?

->Since when strait jackets stop at thighs level?

->Why is her belt undone?

->Why is there food when she has a gag?

->Why is there food when her hands are tied behind her back?

->Is this acceptable? Yes, because it allows the fanboys to drool over her picture, but really, no.

In other words, Code Geass is bad because it's just a giant fanboys' bait that has no consistency at all.

There's a reason why the show is called "Crack Gay-ass" you know. It's a show with humor and shows you how much the little things you do or say can fuck up your life.

I'm not sure if this is a sarcasm, but you know, I actually think that Code Geass would have been a great show if it was planned to be a parody. The problem is Sunrise intended it to be a serious and realistic anime, and that's where it fails terribly.

Edited by Marthur
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That might be true, but you know, I usually call that a bullshit filler.

Same here, because wasting 5 episodes wasn't necessary to make Lelouch realise that.

I was under the impression that it will never be licensed because:

1) It's old.

2) It's long.

I don't think any company would risk to license an anime that has these two "problems".

A shame really, seeing that even today's animes can't even compare to its production qualities.

And it was also licensed and aired in some European countries. I think it was pretty popular back in the 80s-90s in France.

And that's really low. ._. (adding more fan service I mean) Especially when I see that there are great shows like Noein that had to re-animate and add scenes in the DVD version only to improve the story.

If you want me to sum it up, here are the reasons why I think Code Geass is a bad anime:

1) Because it's a purée of everything a fanboy/girl could hope for:

It has a (badly-written) political plot, fan service, high school teenagers, more fan service, mechas, even gay fan service, CLAMP's art style to attract the Tsubasa fangirls, and guess what...? Even more fan service.

I'm really under the impression that Sunrise is taking its viewers for idiots... and the worst part is that they are actually taking the bait. :(

2) Moreover, the story really is badly-written. It's full of ideas that aren't exploited to their fullest, questions that aren't really answered, useless characters (Mao, Lolo, Jeremiah in R2, Sayoko in R2, Xiangke, Marianne, Anya, Gino etc.), coincidences, WTF, fillers and it's full of terrible deus ex machinas.

3) One other thing that I don't like about Code Geass is the lack of believability.

Don't take this the wrong way. I can enjoy anything that has an unrealistic plot (dragons, robots, psychic powers, demons, creatures that replace animals and can be caught using magic balls). The problem is when it isn't believable. Want some examples?

-The one million Zero thing. Nice idea, huh? But is it believable? Hell no, because they never explain how Zero managed to produce one million masks + costumes in such a small amount of time. When you think about it, it's really silly, because it's impossible to be done in terms of logistic. It's just one more of these ideas Sunrise threw in because they thought it was cool.

-Would you put a freaking mask on a dog? No because it serves absolutely no purpose. Whoever thought about that deserves to be shot. >:[

-Is it believable to see someone taking 50 bullets and miraculously survive (only to die two episodes later in one of the worst deus ex machina possible)?

-Would you believe that there are still ninjas living in the 21st century?

-And finally this.

->Did they have to draw her in that very uncomfortable position?

->Since when strait jackets stop at thighs level?

->Why is her belt undone?

->Why is there food when she has a gag?

->Why is there food when her hands are tied behind her back?

->Is this acceptable? Yes, because it allows the fanboys to drool over her picture, but really, no.

In other words, Code Geass is bad because it's just a giant fanboys' bait that has no consistency at all.

I'm not sure if this is a sarcasm, but you know, I actually think that Code Geass would have been a great show if it was planned to be a parody. The problem is Sunrise intended it to be a serious and realistic anime, and that's where it fails terribly.

Honestly, at this point I'm just going to have to say that it probably just isn't floating your boat. I realize some parts were exploited less then they could have been, but at least they kept it short, and I still manage to enjoy it and draw stuff from it. That also seems to be the opinion of the majority of the people running things, so hey.

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Honestly, at this point I'm just going to have to say that it probably just isn't floating your boat. I realize some parts were exploited less then they could have been, but at least they kept it short, and I still manage to enjoy it and draw stuff from it.

Well, I can understand people enjoying the show and I respect your opinion, but you know, what I can't stand are people shoving meaning on Code Geass and making it looks like it is the most amazing masterpiece ever done in Japanese animation, while the show is only noise and pictures.

That also seems to be the opinion of the majority of the people running things, so hey.

Most of the positive comments I've seen on the show consist of "lol amazing". And IMO, if people can't see all the faults I have already mentionned, I can't hardly believe that their opinions are truly valuable/objective.

And as far as I know, being popular doesn't necessarily mean that something is good.

Edited by Marthur
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Code Geass R2 = Most overrated anime of 2008. Come on, it was instantly rated in the top 10 animes on MAL after only the first episode was aired.

That happens with pretty much any popualr anime these days. Thankfully, time wears these things down (and so a quality anime is tested by how highly rated it is compared to its age*). The worst is when you get get top 10 wars that was precisely the reason a certain anime site had to remove the top 10 (it still exists; you can't see the list).

*-Of course popularity means some great shows will never shine. Legend of the Galatic Heroes (the impression I get is this will never be liscenced due to one of the parties being uncooperative) and Future Boy Conan are examples I would use (though, the latter does have some popular as it is "hey gais Hayo Miyazaki" going for it).

Nina has a.......

From what I remember it wasn't in the TV broadcast. It was added to the DVDs along with more boob bounce it is quite normal for things to be re-animated and scenes re-drawn we just see it more often since the TV rips have a bigger audience/digital preservation.

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