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Mist or Elincia


Mist or Elincia  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you prefer Mist or Elincia?

    • Mist
    • Elincia

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I voted for Mist.

Mainly because she comes early in the game and you have more time to level her up.

Elincia has some advantages too. She comes late in the game but she makes a good mobile healer and plus she has her own weapon Amiti.

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Yeah the outcome would have been different if Elincia came early.

Not really if you could pick any one unit to go with Ike as well as what you said she'd be better.

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Not really if you could pick any one unit to go with Ike as well as what you said she'd be better.

I do sometimes take Elincia to the endgame when I am in need of a good mobile healer. But thats the only main reason I use her.

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Yeah the outcome would have been different if Elincia came early.

You could always use bonus experience for a level or two. Elincia's speed is pretty good considering she starts as a second tier unit, so you could always face some berserkers or warriors to level her up.

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Elincia was a great help in the final chapter...mainly in hard mode.

The one time I brought her to the endgame Elincia was very useful casting Physic because she has higher magic than Mist.

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Mist (faster access to Boots, too). I already have a bunch of staff users at my disposal, why on earth do I need another? I have used Elincia before, her supports and amount of BEXP needed is not necessary, she's really useless in the final chapter unless you really want to abuse Psych staff for whatever reason, she can't kill anything with that crappy Amiti of hers and most likely might die given two hits from any enemy. Mist isn't any better in combat, but some good training can earn her really nice forged swords or the Sonic Sword (same could be said about Elincia, but... she comes with D rank in swords.)

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Mist wins by far. Elincia isn't that great mainly because of her atrocious availability. She would be much better if she was actually around.
I still wouldn't say she's bad though. Healing is always good.
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If you don't use her how is she useful for the fight?

Besides spamming her healing for a couple chapters to get her to level 10 and promote her, I don't use her either. I don't actually see the use of training healers. They are able to heal anyone to full health by about lvl10 with a mend or physic staff. And they usually get killed in one battle regardless of their level, so I just use 'em when I don't have a vulnerary on hand. Especially because you get a ridiculous amount of money in PoR, so you can buy pretty much infinite healing items.

On topic, I vote Mist. She's around for most of the game and is helpful during the BK fight, regardless of level. The fight is much harder without her. Elincia is just as good as Mist at healing, but lacks in availability. And having a sword that attacks 4 times doesn't matter when all four attacks do 0 damage.

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