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When will Ichigo learn? Whenever he attempts to talk trash he gets is ass kicked.

And now he had to be saved by Orihime of all people.

Here's hoping that Kenpachi comes along and beats the shit out of Uluquiorra instead.

Also, Grimmjow is still sitting in a pool of his own blood. Did the writers forget about him?

Also, and I only want to see him so he can be killed, but what happened to Yami?

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Here's hoping that Kenpachi comes along and beats the shit out of Uluquiorra instead.

Also, Grimmjow is still sitting in a pool of his own blood. Did the writers forget about him?

Also, and I only want to see him so he can be killed, but what happened to Yami?

Kenpachi's probably looking for Unohana so he can get healed up.

Grimmjow needs twenty more chapters before the writers remember him. Maybe he'll show up after Loli and Menoly again.

Yammy, as so eloqently stated on GameFAQs, is under his bed crapping himself since all the stronger people are dying.

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Kenpachi's probably looking for Unohana so he can get healed up.

Grimmjow needs twenty more chapters before the writers remember him. Maybe he'll show up after Loli and Menoly again.

Yammy, as so eloqently stated on GameFAQs, is under his bed crapping himself since all the stronger people are dying.

I don't think Kenpachi cares all that much about being healed, but I suppose that makes sense.

Maybe Grimmjow decided to screw it and go get drunk and find some whores. Limping as he does so.

I'd believe that.

Actually, now that I think about it, what if he's looking after Wonderwice? I forgot about that guy.

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I don't think Kenpachi cares all that much about being healed, but I suppose that makes sense.

Maybe Grimmjow decided to screw it and go get drunk and find some whores. Limping as he does so.

I'd believe that.

Actually, now that I think about it, what if he's looking after Wonderwice? I forgot about that guy.

Kenpachi was gonna have his wounds healed by Orihime originally, but Stark kinda screwed that up for them.

And Wonderwice, I still to this day wonder where Kubo's gonna go with him.

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Kenpachi was gonna have his wounds healed by Orihime originally, but Stark kinda screwed that up for them.

And Wonderwice, I still to this day wonder where Kubo's gonna go with him.

So do I. I don't think Bleach is near done by a long shot. There's a lot of little mysteries that need to be covered.

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Do you think we might be seeing something of a "Royal Guard" arc sometime in the future?

Who's to say? I doubt Kubo would bring it up just to never go further into it.

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no I bet yammy will stop ichigo's fight so he can fight him and then Uluquiorra will protect orihime

I dunno. I'm kinda hoping for a double team for some reason.

Ichigo and Kenpachi, Ichigo and Grimmjow,

So long as it's not Ichigo and Renji.

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I dunno. I'm kinda hoping for a double team for some reason.

Ichigo and Kenpachi, Ichigo and Grimmjow,

So long as it's not Ichigo and Renji.

lawl no it will be ichigo and chad

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what about ganju

He doesn't show up enough. And he doesn't pretend to be a badass. He knows when he's out matched. He doesn't pretend to be a tough guy when there are tougher guys around him.

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Did you guys already forget about the negative arc? The vizards are a-coming. But we can't know for sure if they're going to Huece Mundo or if they'll stay in the Real World and get involved with the Aizen vs Gotei 13 battle (and if the latter happens, which side they'll be on). I'm hoping for a Shinji+Ichigo vs Ulquiorra+Yammy battle

Edited by Vince with ShamWOW
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Did you guys already forget about the negative arc? The vizards are a-coming. But we can't know for sure if they're going to Huece Mundo or if they'll stay in the Real World and get involved with the Aizen vs Gotei 13 battle (and if the latter happens, which side they'll be on). I'm hoping for a Shinji+Ichigo vs Ulquiorra+Yammy battle

I doubt that they can get to Hueco Mundo at this point. They'd have to get to Urahara, who is in Karakura town, which is in Soul Society, which the Vaizards have been banned from.

Also, Urahara is possibly asleep right now.

I think the Vaizards are doing something else right now.

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Well the Vizards were in Karakura Town when it was moved, were they not? That means they were moved along with the town, right? And I wouldn't be surprised if they kept Urahara awake, since he already knows about Soul Society and his reason for being banished has been disproven since Aizen left.

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