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Those are Ylfort and Cirruchi I think.

Oh yeah...Those two.

Hm. I guess wonderwice is busy playing with his toys. Or something. He's the only person in existence that likes Tousen.

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Oh yeah...Those two.

Hm. I guess wonderwice is busy playing with his toys. Or something. He's the only person in existence that likes Tousen.

It'd be hilarious if he was some sort of Zeroth Espada and ended up owning everyone once they somehow kill Ulquiorra.

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Why is Tousen still alive? Isn't the black guy supposed to die first? I mean there's been at least four deaths in the series and even more epic wounds that should have been deaths but weren't because nobody dies in Bleach. Come on now!

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It'd be hilarious if he was some sort of Zeroth Espada and ended up owning everyone once they somehow kill Ulquiorra.

Lol. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some sort of epic espada, and they just didn't alter the numbers yet.

Or, maybe he's the new number ten and Yammy is a Fraccion now. He pretty much is Uluquiorra's fraccion.

Why is Tousen still alive? Isn't the black guy supposed to die first? I mean there's been at least four deaths in the series and even more epic wounds that should have been deaths but weren't because nobody dies in Bleach. Come on now!

He's alive cause the bear-man saved him. He probably would have been the first person to die.

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Why is Tousen still alive? Isn't the black guy supposed to die first? I mean there's been at least four deaths in the series and even more epic wounds that should have been deaths but weren't because nobody dies in Bleach. Come on now!

I'm sure there was a black guy in the Central 46.

...Too soon?

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Lol. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some sort of epic espada, and they just didn't alter the numbers yet.

Or, maybe he's the new number ten and Yammy is a Fraccion now. He pretty much is Uluquiorra's fraccion.

He's alive cause the bear-man saved him. He probably would have been the first person to die.

Oh yeah, I forgot Kuma and Eddy Gorro from Tekken were duking it out with Haar back in the day.

I'm sure there was a black guy in the Central 46.

...Too soon?


LOL @ a lot of comments. XD

Well, in any case, I don't see why the Vizards would fight on Aizen's side...that'd be really weird, especially since they hate Aizen.

Aizen is the reason they have their powers. If it weren't for Aizen, they'd all be plain old Shinigami, with plain old Shinigami strength. But because Aizen fucked shit up, the Vizards are infinitely stronger.

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LOL @ a lot of comments. XD

Well, in any case, I don't see why the Vizards would fight on Aizen's side...that'd be really weird, especially since they hate Aizen.

Well, they also hate Soul Society.

I don't think they'd help Aizen, but I doubt they'd be thrilled to help SS either.

They said that they owed a favor to Urahara. So maybe they're with him. For one reason or another.

I still think that all the captains save Toushirou will die by the Espada and Aizen's hands. Then everyone in Hueco Mundo will go into Exile and hide.

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They said that they owed a favor to Urahara. So maybe they're with him. For one reason or another.

It has been strongly hinted that Urahara helped them stop complete hollowfication.

Anyways, the current spoiler as of late is that apparently

Ishida comes in to fight Yammi.

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It has been strongly hinted that Urahara helped them stop complete hollowfication.

Anyways, the current spoiler as of late is that apparently

Ishida comes in to fight Yammi.

Ah. Well that's better than Renji. Still kinda dissapointing though.

He's probably on Yammy's level cosidering the trouble he had with Szayel Aporro Grantz. But that might just be because of Szayel's unique abilities and sneakiness.

I kinda like Szayel to be honest. He definetly had the most painful death of anyone in a movie/videogame/book I've ever seen.

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Ah. Well that's better than Renji. Still kinda dissapointing though.

He's probably on Yammy's level cosidering the trouble he had with Szayel Aporro Grantz. But that might just be because of Szayel's unique abilities and sneakiness.

I kinda like Szayel to be honest. He definetly had the most painful death of anyone in a movie/videogame/book I've ever seen.

The thing about Uryuu is, his fighting style is more about speed and strategy than sheer power as we saw with Demora, so I don't know how he's gonna fair against Yammi.

And Szayel, when I read the part from his point of view, I started to feel sorry for him, but then remembered that he knocked up Nemu.

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It has been strongly hinted that Urahara helped them stop complete hollowfication.

Hinted at, or confirmed? *re-checks TBTP manga*

Anyways, the current spoiler as of late is that apparently

Ishida comes in to fight Yammi.

Disappointing, to say the least.

Ah. Well that's better than Renji. Still kinda dissapointing though.

He's probably on Yammy's level cosidering the trouble he had with Szayel Aporro Grantz. But that might just be because of Szayel's unique abilities and sneakiness.

Szayel was a broken doucher. The only reason Ishida didn't OHKO him was because his powers were nulled by Szayel's bitchassness.
I kinda like Szayel to be honest. He definetly had the most painful death of anyone in a movie/videogame/book I've ever seen.

Did they really have to carry that battle on so long? I mean, it started a few weeks before the filler break, and lasted for like a month after they came back. I almost quit watching because of it.

The thing about Uryuu is, his fighting style is more about speed and strategy than sheer power as we saw with Demora, so I don't know how he's gonna fair against Yammi.

He's gonna fight, nobody said he was gonna win ;)

And Szayel, when I read the part from his point of view, I started to feel sorry for him, but then remembered that he knocked up Nemu.

Are you trying to say you wouldn't have?

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The thing about Uryuu is, his fighting style is more about speed and strategy than sheer power as we saw with Demora, so I don't know how he's gonna fair against Yammi.

And Szayel, when I read the part from his point of view, I started to feel sorry for him, but then remembered that he knocked up Nemu.

Well, if Yammy is slow as he looks, Uryuu has a good advantage over him. Plus he'll have Ichigo and Orihime backing him up when needed. So I think Uryuu has a good shot.

And yeah, Szayel totally had the most painful death of any character from anything I've ever read/watched/or other form of intake.

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Well, if Yammy is slow as he looks, Uryuu has a good advantage over him. Plus he'll have Ichigo and Orihime backing him up when needed. So I think Uryuu has a good shot.

Well it's sorta like Sheik vs DK in Melee. Sure, Sheik can theoretically run circles around DK, hit him from afar and then come and hit him up close before DK can react, but if DK can land a hit it's pretty much doom for UryuuShiek, since he's so zetta strong.

And yeah, Szayel totally had the most painful death of any character from anything I've ever read/watched/or other form of intake.

I don't know about literal pain, IMO that award goes to Renji vs Byakuya (even though Renji didn't actually die... but did you see how much blood there was? That has to be the most painful attack in the entire show, and realistically I don't think a human even has that much blood in their body, they'd surely die from that much blood loss), but definitely internal pain. I mean, having to stay there for thousands of years just waiting to get stabbed? I'd spend the entire time crying, probably.

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I'm so glad that they didn't repeat that theme of Orihime going: "Even though you tried to kill me, I'm going to help you, and heal you! Because I'm a bleeding heart like that!" It would have pissed me off.

In fact, my respect for Yammy has gone up, just because he was the one to kill the bitch. Who knows if the other one is still alive, but she wasn't as bad as the girl who will be now known as "That dead bitch that Yammy killed."

Also, you know that Yammy isn't dead yet. Though since it's one of Mayuri's mines, it'll probably force him to release.

Though I see an awful similarity to Urryu and Mayuri's mine, and Byakuya and Yourichi's fancy dance steps.

Also, Urryu has seemed to have forgotten that Mayrui killed his grandad.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Well, what if it's just a normal mine and Mayuri just said it was a special arrancar mine in order to get Uryuu to test it out or something.

That would be in more character for him.

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Excuse me for thinking everything that can blow up something is freaking awesome.

I'm not saying it wasn't, just that it was different.

Well, what if it's just a normal mine and Mayuri just said it was a special arrancar mine in order to get Uryuu to test it out or something.

That would be in more character for him.

Maybe...hadn't thought of that.

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