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How bad of an idea was tripping?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. How bad of an idea is tripping

    • Bad
    • Really bad
    • One of the worst ideas ever
    • The worst idea ever
    • I'm a loser and don't think its a bad addition

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P.S: Hadn't seen all of the Tsukihime/MB fans.

Swing by the MB topic in Far From the Forest. :)

On Topic: Tripping into a moving Bomb-Omb or explosive of any type is something that seems to happen to me all the time, everytime it does my friend and I just laugh. I love tripping.

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Sonic can take 3 stocks with his final smash, and Jigglypuff's does absolutely nothing. :( I hate smashballs.

In small stages Jiggs has much mor of a chance and also if you are in teams

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In small stages Jiggs has much mor of a chance and also if you are in teams

Well if you're in teams, you should probably let your partner get the smash ball since there's like a 95% chance he/she will be playing a character with a far more useful FS. As for small stages, it's still crap. Even if you use it in the middle of Smashville, it's easily avoidable.

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I don't play competitively or anything so I just play Peach how I feel like really.

Which doesn't often involve float cancelling too much, especially with IRL friends.

Though I am experimenting with this dodge/turnip throw/slide thingy at the moment.

Edited by Drayano
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I don't play competitively or anything so I just play Peach how I feel like really.

Which doesn't often involve float cancelling too much, especially with IRL friends.

I'm a competitive Peach player and I don't float cancel much either :P

Though I am experimenting with this dodge/turnip throw/slide thingy at the moment.

It's called Glide Tossing, and it's AWESOME!

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Oh that's glide tossing? Was thinking you had to float cancel and throw the turnip or something :x

I'm still trying to get the hang of it since I end up sidestepping sometimes but I'm getting better at it...

When I actually play Brawl D:

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Hmm, yeah the timing is a bit tricky at first. It's good to keep in mind that Peach is tossing it a few frames after she starts sidestepping. Try rolling then tossing IMMEDIATELY after. If you throw the turnip without rolling go a little slower. If you roll without throwing the turnip, go faster.

Also, it only works efficiently if you're rolling forwards. Rolling backwards moves you about the length of a banana peel.

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Yeah because the game knows when you are a noob and make your opponent trip so you can beat him. :rolleyes:

My point being that they don't have a better chance of beating better players beacuse both players have the same chance of tripping so, with your kind of logic we can say that tripping is another mechanic put in the game to make better players kill even more humiliating the inexperienced players.

Also if an inexperienced player goes against an experienced one how is he [inexperienced] suppose to win the smash ball over his opponent?

Items, like your smash ball, were created along with tripping to shorten the pro/noob gap. It wasn't about completely flipping the spectrum of skill by making pros terrible and noobs champs. Smash balls unleash 1-hit ko's in some cases, which is bullshit, and tripping can leave you wide open, also bullshit.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that your argument that tripping doesn't affect players' ability to do well is wrong because it does. I'll give you the fact that it doesn't dramatically change it enough to help a noob beat a pro, but it can cause a pro to lose a stock to slightly less pro pro in a very stupid, uncool, and unfun way. Also, smash balls were a bad example because anyone who plays competitively turns them mutha fuckers off anyway and they can make a pro lose to a noob.

Hmmm I don't unterstand, first I mentioned the Smash balls just because I was quoting someone that mentioned them first. Also my argument never was that tripping doesn't affect player's ability to do well, my point was that both players -whatever their skill level may be- are vulnerable to tripping and thus making the argument of "tripping is for giving a chance for noob players to win" that I quoted wrong. (which even when those weren't the exact words that was the gist of it)

Anyway I played with my friends yesterday and Im better than them (they don't even have a Wii), the items were set to Hammers, bob ombs, smart bombs, poke balls and smash balls, and it was so freaking fun, but still even with those items on and in any random stage I always won, neither tripping nor final smashes prevented me from winning, and that is because I grabbed the mayority of the FS, pokeballs and bombs. I just lost once because of the items but the match was still great. So FS tripping and items in general just add fun to the game.

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The idea is bad. Like, really really bad. It's so bad, it committed rape. I'm trying to think who the victim was...

...Oh yeah, it was Sakurai's reputation though not his standing, I'm sure Miyamoto thought it was the best idea ever. .

Edited by Grandjackal
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The idea is bad. Like, really really bad. It's so bad, it committed rape. I'm trying to think who the victim was...

...Oh yeah, it was Sakurai's reputation though not his standing, I'm sure Miyamoto thought it was the best idea ever. .

Er, Sakurai doesn't like Smash being thought of as a competitive series, so yeah, it makes perfect sense that he'd add a random and potentially match-threatening aspect to Brawl outside of the players' control.

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Some people actually like tripping? If that's the case, maybe there should've been an option to turn off tripping or something.

You know, something tells me there won't be an option to turn items off in SSB4...

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Er, Sakurai doesn't like Smash being thought of as a competitive series, so yeah, it makes perfect sense that he'd add a random and potentially match-threatening aspect to Brawl outside of the players' control.

I'm aware. But how do you make a fighting game non-competitive? The main objective is to compete. It's what turned brawl into a boring luck-fest. Even casually speaking it's boring. Crap like the fan being inexcapable is just stupid is just frustraiting rather than fun. Just sitting there waiting for the opponent to stop smacking with the fan isn't fun. Neither's chasing down a flyer at new pork city, the game convolutes many things that could have been made simpler and probably been more fun, all the crap that's loaded onto the disk itself that people would find boring (coin launcher. Was the lottery not boring enough or something?), repetitive (SSE...if there is one aspect in a game that I never wanna touch again...) or that pointless "map maker" just made the disc space needed so huge they had to double layer it which not only makes it load like mollasses, but messed up a lot of Wii systems. Throw in all the glitches in it and it's just noticeable badly designed this game actually is. The whole problem is he purposefully made it this way. Well...everything outside the glitches obviously (who the hell adds random glitches on purpose?).

Man...sorry about that ><;; I make an original point and I go off on a tangent. Forgive me, I have a bad habit of running my mouth. Didn't mean to be or sound rude. I just cannot be nice about that game. But opinions are opinions..So my apologize.

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I'm aware. But how do you make a fighting game non-competitive? The main objective is to compete. It's what turned brawl into a boring luck-fest. Even casually speaking it's boring. Crap like the fan being inexcapable is just stupid is just frustraiting rather than fun. Just sitting there waiting for the opponent to stop smacking with the fan isn't fun. Neither's chasing down a flyer at new pork city, the game convolutes many things that could have been made simpler and probably been more fun, all the crap that's loaded onto the disk itself that people would find boring (coin launcher. Was the lottery not boring enough or something?), repetitive (SSE...if there is one aspect in a game that I never wanna touch again...) or that pointless "map maker" just made the disc space needed so huge they had to double layer it which not only makes it load like mollasses, but messed up a lot of Wii systems. Throw in all the glitches in it and it's just noticeable badly designed this game actually is. The whole problem is he purposefully made it this way. Well...everything outside the glitches obviously (who the hell adds random glitches on purpose?).

Man...sorry about that ><;; I make an original point and I go off on a tangent. Forgive me, I have a bad habit of running my mouth. Didn't mean to be or sound rude. I just cannot be nice about that game. But opinions are opinions..So my apologize.

When I say competitive, I mean in the context of "tourneyfags." That was my mistake, I should have been more clear on that.

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When I say competitive, I mean in the context of "tourneyfags." That was my mistake, I should have been more clear on that.

Casual or tourneyfag-wise, only good thing about this game is music. It serves neither side and disaapoints both. My friend HATES playing melee with me. He loved Brawl at first. After a week, he wanted to play melee again.

It's alright though, context can be lost, it happens. But to make the points brief for a change...

Uncompetitive due to speed, physiques and general hugeness of things.

Casually boring due to bad or just bland stage design, convoluted modes, and untested aspects of the game like items (I can't stress the fan enough...how they let that pass is just mind-boggling).

Points made without the tl;dr.

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You guys are bitter, idk why your calling us "tourney fags". Is it because we like competition and are good enough to compete?

Your all bitter because your not good at the game(s)


No, the term tourneyfag applies because I think it's aggravating how people piss and moan about how Brawl stinks in competitive play when the game was not designed to be played on a competitive level in the first place.

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