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um.... guyz?

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I have a question for you... It is silly, but since I have never seen one before...

What does a mole look like? Like, is it a different color from your skin? Is there anything else I should know about them? (I'm not talking about the animal)

And guys...... please... this is a serious question.

I'd ask my dad about it... but I'm kinda scared to... I can't really explain why. For some reason, asking on here just feels... more comfortable I guess. And something I think about what my dad's reaction and answer would be lets me know that it may do no good asking him.

And... no pics please! X[ ............. Unless I ask =D, which I haven't yet. Plus, sometimes when I type stuff in google images, it gives me many things all look different and I don't know which is the true thing and what's not...

So... can anyone please tell me?

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It's kinda like a freckle that actually has height, like a pimple or zit. I don't think there is anything medically bad about them, but if you look it up on Images you'll probably see some freak pictures of some giant mole. Don't trust Images, look it up on Wikipedia or some kind of encyclopedia to see pictures of a normal mole (which isn't weird or freaky at all).

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It depends, really. If a mole is cancerous it may change in color or shape over time; a normal mole is just a little spot that's usually darker than the rest of the skin. It looks like a little freckle.

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Um...... kinda had cancer in mind...

did it just appear all of a sudden? Was it there all along?

If it wasn't, you should check yourself out right away.

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I have a question for you... It is silly, but since I have never seen one before...

What does a mole look like? Like, is it a different color from your skin? Is there anything else I should know about them? (I'm not talking about the animal)

And guys...... please... this is a serious question.

I'd ask my dad about it... but I'm kinda scared to... I can't really explain why. For some reason, asking on here just feels... more comfortable I guess. And something I think about what my dad's reaction and answer would be lets me know that it may do no good asking him.

And... no pics please! X[ ............. Unless I ask =D, which I haven't yet. Plus, sometimes when I type stuff in google images, it gives me many things all look different and I don't know which is the true thing and what's not...

So... can anyone please tell me?

What does it look like.

Um...... kinda had cancer in mind...


You wanna PM me next time my BFF THINKS SHE HAS CANCER!?!

Also, I think Bizz gave a pretty acurate description.

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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okay, let's see...

It depends, really. If a mole is cancerous it may change in color or shape over time; a normal mole is just a little spot that's usually darker than the rest of the skin. It looks like a little freckle.

changing color or shape... hasn't done that... Whatever I see... it doesn't change color... it's just the color of my skin... I think...

did it just appear all of a sudden? Was it there all along?

If it wasn't, you should check yourself out right away.

It was a sudden appearance. I'm thinking that if anything on here convinces me... then I will talk to my dad about it. I know that's what I should do because yesterday my Biology teacher said something about it.

He said something similar to, "One day you will see the mole. You ignore it, then several months later you're dead."

That scared me so bad because I got something that I didn't nkow what it was, and thinking... what if it's a mole??? =oooo

It's like a freckle. Cept it sometimes has hair. Just a little though. It's nothing hideous. Even the worst ones are unpleasant at most. Nothing too freaky.

lol I think you're talking about the wrong thing. XD


Edited by Freohr Datia
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What does a normal mole look like?

A normal mole is solid tan, brown, dark brown or flesh coloured. Its edges are well defined. It's usually smaller than 5 mm (1/4 inch) in diameter and has a round or oval shape. It should be flat or dome-like.

How can I tell if my mole isn't normal?

The main thing to look for is any change in a mole that you have or the appearance of a new mole. Most normal moles appear by age 30. Any moles that appear after age 30 should be watched carefully and brought to the attention of your family doctor. Skin cancer doesn't have to start around a mole. It can also appear on previously smooth skin. Don't wait for the area to hurt - skin cancer rarely causes pain.

Signs of skin cancer

ABCDE rule

A for Asymmetry: A mole that, when divided in half, doesn't look the same on both sides

B for Border: A mole with edges that are blurry or jagged

C for Colour: Changes in the colour of a mole, including darkening, spread of colour, loss of colour, or the appearance of multiple colours such as blue, red, white, pink, purple or gray

D for Diameter: A mole larger than 5 mm (1/4 inch) in diameter

E for Elevation: A mole that is raised above the skin and has an uneven surface

Other signs include

A mole that bleeds

A fast-growing mole

A scaly or crusted growth on the skin

A sore that won't heal

A mole that itches

Not mine btw

Edited by Noremac
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Hmm... Well, Nore gave quite a bit of help there =D

I've been trying to remember this for the pst 5 days or so, but didn't remember till now. I have a couple of more things that I will ask. If I feel this is something I should look into if I feel convinced that what I have is one, then I'll talk to my dad about it.

1. How often does a cancerous mole change color? Or is it erratic (like... very very erratic? If not, please tell the range of times)?

2. ... um... I was thinking about asking about size, but then... looks like Nore got that.

3. Do cancerous moles only appear in certain places, or do they appear anywhere?

4. If it changes colors... is it like, easy to tell that it's colored, or does it have a tint of what color it becomes?

I think this will do. Could someone ask before I have to get off?

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1. i do not know.

3. They can appear anywhere.

4. I do not know.

You MIGHT want to have it checked out, it probably is nothing but there is a very slight possibility, I am paranoid so i would have gotten it checked out a long time ago, but you probably can just check in the next few weeks or so, just to be sure.

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1. i do not know.

3. They can appear anywhere.

4. I do not know.

You MIGHT want to have it checked out, it probably is nothing but there is a very slight possibility, I am paranoid so i would have gotten it checked out a long time ago, but you probably can just check in the next few weeks or so, just to be sure.

Hmm... yeah, since I see I'm not getting answers that easily... I may talk to my dad then if noone's sure.

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You should see a doctor...not asking SF... =/

Just because...it could be serious O_O

lol I know...

It's just that... first I'd have to talk to my dad about it and if he doesn't quite know about moles... he'd either think it's not it and not be too serious enough or he'll go crazy about it... And I fear both results. That's why I'm asking here, and if nobody convinces me it's not a mole, then I'm going to him.

So basically, I just find here much more comfortable than talking with him, but I will if needed.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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lol I know...

It's just that... first I'd have to talk to my dad about it and if he doesn't quite know about moles... he'd either think it's not it and not be too serious enough or he'll go crazy about it... And I fear both results. That's why I'm asking here, and if nobody convinces me it's not a mole, then I'm going to him.

So basically, I just find here much more comfortable than talking with him, but I will if needed.

Okay...I am sure your dad won't get too worried or something if he doesnt know much about moles. He will probably might not take it seriously...idk

I wouldn't get too worried. The doctor will explain everything.

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Okay...I am sure your dad won't get too worried or something if he doesnt know much about moles. He will probably might not take it seriously...idk

I wouldn't get too worried. The doctor will explain everything.

I said him not getting worried about it is one of the things I fear too.

If he doesn't worry, he'll just say he doesn't want to waste gas on it and will tell me to leave it alone.... Then I die...

See the picture I'm creating out of that? =D

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I said him not getting worried about it is one of the things I fear too.

If he doesn't worry, he'll just say he doesn't want to waste gas on it and will tell me to leave it alone.... Then I die...

See the picture I'm creating out of that? =D

Ah...idk...but I don't think you even need to tell your dad. Is it really essential? Haven't you got anyone to explain this to?

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Ah...idk...but I don't think you even need to tell your dad. Is it really essential? Haven't you got anyone to explain this to?

the only guardian I have

*shivers terribly*

I finally went to the worst possible action... I went on google images. Since I've never seen them before, I went to look... I really didn't want to... But I was desperate...

And... It looks nothing like they showed on there... idk, I'm going to reread through all this then decide...

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It's kinda like a freckle that actually has height, like a pimple or zit. I don't think there is anything medically bad about them, but if you look it up on Images you'll probably see some freak pictures of some giant mole. Don't trust Images, look it up on Wikipedia or some kind of encyclopedia to see pictures of a normal mole (which isn't weird or freaky at all).

oops didn't see that. I'll go to Wikipedia

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(sorry if this ends up a triple post)

well... from what I've gathered...

the picture looks nothing like what I have. It looks like moles must have a solid color and mine isn't. It's transparent and doesn't have a color at all.

Mine doesn't itch, it's not as large as I've seen so far that it has to be...

From what I see... I may be just overreacting, like I thought I was.

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(sorry if this ends up a triple post)

well... from what I've gathered...

the picture looks nothing like what I have. It looks like moles must have a solid color and mine isn't. It's transparent and doesn't have a color at all.

Mine doesn't itch, it's not as large as I've seen so far that it has to be...

From what I see... I may be just overreacting, like I thought I was.

Only a doctor can confirm this. I am not sure if anyone here has vast medical knowledge to determine what you have.

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