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What do you give Ilyana, Neph, etc. to carry to the GMs?

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I usually give Ilyana a blue gem, red gem, celerity (for Rhys), shriek, fortune, silver lance, elthunder and something else that I can sell or a weapon someone can use.

Nephenee, Brom, Heather and Haar get stuffed with a bunch of steel weapons, laguz stones, olivi grass, a speedwing (for Boyd), nullify (for Haar), spectre card, and anything else that can be sold for a lot of money or weapons someone else can use.

Lethe and Mordecai get concoctions, torch, antitoxin, discipline, and a few other things.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Usually, I have Ilyana send over Beastfoe (the players guide does often offer bad strategies).


I actually follwed this not knowing that the Beastfoe scroll would be more recommended to stay in Micaiah's army's inventory, as her team will need this alot more. I mean what the hell are these strategy guys thinking. Players guides are usually a little faulty cuz they only played the entire games only once. I do give Ilyana the Speedwing (Ike might need it for the BK battle in 3-7), the Energy Drop, and the Paragon Scroll.

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Why the hell would you ever consider giving each and every one of your characters gems? They take up your characters inventory (which is bad in some occasions). Those gems were only meant to be sold for profits...

Allows the Greil Mercs to actually have money in their hands.

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Usually, I have Ilyana send over Beastfoe (the players guide does often offer bad strategies).


Yeah that guide really has bad strategies and it gets on my nerves because a turn by turn strategy guide takes all the fun out of it, if it just had advice it would be better. The book also has some incorrect information in it.

On topic I have Ilyana give the celerity skill. Nephenee, Haar, Brom, and Heather give whatever they're holding at the time.

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I don't think the DB really needs celerity so I usually give Ilyana that. No one's going to be using her and Tormod's magic so give them to her so Soren can use them. I take shriek off of Vika and fortune off of Meg, give them to Ilyana so the GMs can sell for a lot of money. DB doesn't really have money problems, well at least mine doesn't.

3-2 is basically a shopping spree with the silver card. You can buy a whole bunch of items with all the money you get for selling stuff you don't need. So I basically stuff all of those characters with items that can be sold for a lot of gold. I honestly spend too much time thinking of what to give these guys to send over.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Ilyana: None. The GM chapters are so much easier than the DB chapters it's not even funny, and the GMs are by no stretch of the imagination poor.

Neph/Brom/Haar/Lethe/Mordecai: Everything I can get their grubby little hands on.

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For Ilyana I give her the gems, arms scroll, seraph robes and sometimes an energy drop. The energy drop is usually for Ulki while I sell everything and buy enough weapons for half price to last me through part 3.

Brom/Nephenee/Heather/Haar bring the talisman to sell, a hammer, and the brave lance being the notable things.

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I always give Ilyana the Red and Blue gems, and usually the Imbue, Saviour and occasionally the Celerity scrolls, as well as her Thunder/Elthunder tomes since I don't often use her that much.

From Part 2 I'll usually end up passing the Hammer, but it's really whatever the four are holding at the time. I don't tend to pay a whole lot of attention to that :x

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Gems go over from part 1, Nullify and Discipline go over from part 2. Maybe stat boosters, but I generally don't use them.

I also should have transferred Calill's Meteor so that she wouldn't use it all in 3-9 and maybe Geoffrey's Brave Lance since you don't get it back until 3-9 or 4-5.

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Ilyana gets nothing because the DB needs it.

Part 2 people get Nullify, Silver Greatlance, and some other stat boosters and Vulneraries, etc.

I don't get what nullify is for.

Anyways i give everything the Db and Crimea is not going to use. (in crimea's case, I take everything.)

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I don't get what nullify is for.

Anyways i give everything the Db and Crimea is not going to use. (in crimea's case, I take everything.)

Nullify cancels all bonus damage to your units, such as a horseslayer not inflicting horrendous damage on a paladin such a Titania or Oscar. It's very useful for pretty much the whole game.

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I usually give Nullify to Haar since there are a few thunder sages in part 3. No one else needs it until part 4 or until you get all 3 falcon knights in 3-11. You could also give it to Janaff or Ulki but they shouldn't be getting hit in the first place.

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Ilyana: Nothing. Period. For some reason, I gave her Paragon as a skill for my current playthrough (on Normal).

Neph, Haar, etc. : Again, probably nothing. I like a challenge. But if I had to, give them nice sellable items.

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