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Hard Mode Run


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I'm replaying this game on hard mode. Now I feel like I'm becoming one of those dick waving fanboys who act like they're gods of gaming for doing something like this. Anyway any tips you may have to keep me from getting raped?

Edited by Hibari
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You want to use Nolan and Zihark and try and get NolanxZihark A support by 3-6 if possible. Try shoving, trading, standing next to etc to build up the support quicker.

Keep unit amounts to a minimum if possible so that the Exp cut, while not too bad, doesn't harm you too much. Keeping the Dawn Brigade to something like Micaiah/Sothe/Nolan/Zihark/Jill/Volug works decently, with Tauroneo, Nailah etc being used if you need them. Be warned that you get absolute crap for Bonus Experience in Hard Mode so don't expect to be able to give as many BExp levels as usual.

I'd also only really go for Soren as an optional mage, or Calill if you feel you can train her. Rexflame's +3 Spd bonus is always good.

It isn't really that different from Normal Mode. Just take chapters slow and safe. 1-3 and the like aren't as hard as people tend to think.

Edited by Tinny
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Use a lot of healers, especially Laura and Mist. Promoting some people a little early, like Laura, Calill, and Soren, isn't a bad idea. I mentioned those three because of their healing utility. By part 4, I had two healers for every team.

Just use good units and careful strategy. Don't attempt to use crap like Meg, Fiona, and Lyre.

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You want to use Nolan and Zihark and try and get NolanxZihark A support by 3-6 if possible. Try shoving, trading, standing next to etc to build up the support quicker.

Keep unit amounts to a minimum if possible so that the Exp cut, while not too bad, doesn't harm you too much. Keeping the Dawn Brigade to something like Micaiah/Sothe/Nolan/Zihark/Jill/Volug works decently, with Tauroneo, Nailah etc being used if you need them. Be warned that you get absolute crap for Bonus Experience in Hard Mode so don't expect to be able to give as many BExp levels as usual.

I'd also only really go for Soren as an optional mage, or Calill if you feel you can train her. Rexflame's +3 Spd bonus is always good.

It isn't really that different from Normal Mode. Just take chapters slow and safe. 1-3 and the like aren't as hard as people tend to think.

It's not so much the difficulty that deters me as much as it is I feel like a big headed 12 year-old on GameFaqs that expects to be worshiped for beating the game.

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It's not so much the difficulty that deters me as much as it is I feel like a big headed 12 year-old on GameFaqs that expects to be worshiped for beating the game.

Would knowing players that have beaten the harder difficulties/ranks among the series fix that?

BTW, am I the only one who thought this thread was gonna be about the girls in the game after reading what's under the title? >_>

Edited by Levin
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Would knowing players that have beaten the harder difficulties/ranks among the series fix that?

Meh, probably not. But I think Faiya's done HHM before and he's alright. I think I'll be fine.

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Can't you just, y'know, do this in the other topic?

To be honest. I thought that that topic would go the way of my others and die after a few minutes so I set this up. But if you could merge the two that would be fine. *thumbs up*

EDIT: Thank you.

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It's not so much the difficulty that deters me as much as it is I feel like a big headed 12 year-old on GameFaqs that expects to be worshiped for beating the game.

I'd be pretty impressed if you could beat it on Hard. Hell, I had a hard enough time beating this game on Normal; if you beat it in hard, all that respect you'd get would be well worth it for most people. ;)

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I'd be pretty impressed if you could beat it on Hard. Hell, I had a hard enough time beating this game on Normal; if you beat it in hard, all that respect you'd get would be well worth it for most people. ;)

Ah...thanks. I'll do my best.

Anyway I just finished the prologue of part one so I'll just give my input now:

Part One: Prolouge

Stage: Took about four or five tries to complete for reasons I don't feel like discussing, mostly anal retentiveness on my end. A nice beginning all in all.

Micaiah-Lv.2 Light Mage
HP: 15
Str: 2
Mag: 7
Skl: 8
Spd: 7
Lck: 11
Def: 3
Res: 5
Comments: As far as mages go, she's alright.  Not good, not bad.  It may have been better to pt a few shamans in to help train her but meh, not my game.

Edward-Lv.5 Mymridon
HP: 20
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 12
Spd: 13
Lck: 8
Def: 5
Res: 0
Comments: I once boasted that I could take any myrmidon or swordmaster and make them own regardless of what anyone said.  I made Zihark just as good if not better than Mia, Guy was unstoppable and even Marisa could old her own in a crowd of enemies.  Then I met Edward, who clearly doesn't understand what it means to be a myrmidon because he gets hit by everything and it's dog.  You'd think he'd just eat through a stage filled with axe wielders but no he does everything but that.  He get's pushed to the brink of death more times than a main hero in a Shounen manga/anime.  At least he had Wrath to help him out.

Leonardo-Lv.4 Archer
HP: 17
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 12
Spd: 10
Lck: 6
Def: 5
Res: 4
Comments: Not as death prone as fans tend to think.  Took only one hit and kept going.  I find Cancel useless at the moment, however.

Edited by Hibari
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Part 1 hard mode is a bitch. It gets a lot easier in part 3. Part 2 is ok, I only had trouble on 2-1 and 2-E. I'm using the same characters that I usually use in normal mode with similar strategies. Just make sure you know what you're doing and don't make any careless mistakes.

Make good use of Rhys and Mist in part 3. The GMs WILL be taking damage and it's nice to have healers so you don't have to waste turns using vulneraries. Just make sure they're out of enemy range.

Edited by KSFF2150
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I'm on my own hard mode run right now myself, but for that I think I'll save it to my own thread.

I know what you mean about the arrogant 12-year-old/nerd type; spend a bit too much time at a game and OH MY GOD YOU'RE ONE OF THEM!!!

Still, best of luck.

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Well Part 1 will give you a hard time so, its best to level up Nolan and Zihark. Remember to use Laura, she makes a pretty good healer and you will of course need to rely on her in Part 3. I wouldn't think of leveling up too many units in Part 1 since you won't have time for them to be ready for Part 4.

In Part 2, use Haar, Nephenee and Elincia. Those three make a pretty good team. You will need a good mobile healer for the end game.

Part 3 you don't need to worry too much about which units to choose from Ike's team.

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I once boasted that I could take any myrmidon or swordmaster and make them own regardless of what anyone said. I made Zihark just as good if not better than Mia, Guy was unstoppable and even Marisa could old her own in a crowd of enemies. Then I met Edward, who clearly doesn't understand what it means to be a myrmidon because he gets hit by everything and it's dog. You'd think he'd just eat through a stage filled with axe wielders but no he does everything but that. He get's pushed to the brink of death more times than a main hero in a Shounen manga/anime. At least he had Wrath to help him out.

I don't know whether or not you're aware of this, but the weapon triangle doesn't exist on hard more in Radiant Dawn.

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I don't know whether or not you're aware of this, but the weapon triangle doesn't exist on hard more in Radiant Dawn.

Yeah I know, but the hit% were pathetic, only a few were over 60.

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Yeah I know, but the hit% were pathetic, only a few were over 60.
That's not pathetic, they have over a half chance of hitting you there. If FE factors in another RNG, then it's higher than it looks.
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That's not pathetic, they have over a half chance of hitting you there. If FE factors in another RNG, then it's higher than it looks.

Hm, you have a point there. I'll just have to play smarter. Well anyway:

Part One: Chapter One

Stage: Seven tries. Oddly enough I got the guys to move from the escape point. Weird.

Micaiah-Lv.3 Light Mage
HP: 16
Str: 3
Mag: 9
Skl: 8
Spd: 8
Lck: 11
Def: 3
Res: 6
Comments: Was never even attacked, making me rethink my enemy attack hierarchy.  

Edward-Lv.5 Mymridon
HP: 20
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 12
Spd: 12
Lck: 9
Def: 6
Res: 0
Comments: Died more that last time, but that was just poor placement on my end.

Leonardo-Lv.5 Archer
HP: 17
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skl: 13
Spd: 10
Lck: 7
Def: 5
Res: 4
Comments: Boss wanted him dead for some reason.  Did not Cancel at all.

Nolan-Lv.9 Fighter
HP: 29
Str: 12
Mag: 0
Skl: 11
Spd: 10
Lck: 7
Def: 9
Res: 3
Comments: Reminded me that I suck with fighters.  I still find it funny how he's the leader and yet he isn't a prepremote.

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