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The line between Dreams and Real life


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Well my friends and I were talking and one of them says "I think that whatever you do in your dream is something you would do in real life, and in a dream you won't do something you won't do" Do you guys agree? I would say yes I do agree.

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Sometimes will dreams predict the future.

Sometimes they are just random, like that one which my house was the set of a pr0n movie, and the other one that I was being chased by a caped monster, and I had to hide under my bed....

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I disagree. I've done a lot of weird things in my dreams, including, but not limited to:

-tried to kill my sister dog. It was self-defense! Don't look at me like that! <_<

-use magic (I'm pretty good with wind, fire, thunder and ice. Water and earth are still problematic)

-turned myself into a pegasus (...)

-and a fish (...)

-and a bird (...)

-and Timcanpy from D. Gray-man (.......................)

-I glomped Soren and other characters on multiple occasions, even though I don't like touching people in real life

-destroyed the world

-re-created the world

-kicked a puppy (again, self-defense! that thing was evil!)


I think you get the point.

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Not really, I don't mind them and dogs usually like me. It's just that some dogs turn into these demonic creatures in my dreams! No matter how many times I try to kill them, they keep coming back! Like zombies! Some cats do it to. However when my rabbits appear in my dreams I have to protect them from people who want to harm them, even though other people havedescribed some of my pet bunnies as "rabid" "feral" and "very fucking insane". They aren't, mind you, they're just misunderstood and have trust-issues. :mellow:

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I know it wasn't a seriously reply. But come on, I kick puppies in my dreams and I have no idea why! XD

Most people would think I kick dream!puppies, because my subconscious doesn't like dogs because of a traumatic experience or something. Where else would it come from? I started way before that boss in Parasite Eve.

Edited by Tamara
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I'm not sure I agree with this. Most of my dreams are completely nonsensical. In one of my dreams, I was hiding behind my bed while a three foot tall alien assaulted me with a flamethrower. The bed wasn't catching on fire for some bizarre reason. I don't see how something like that has anything to do with reality.

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You guys are misunderstanding me

Musashi, if a guy in real life came at you with a flamethrower will you be capable of hiding?

What you do in a dream is limited of what you WOULD do in real life given the situation

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I take dreams like most should: with a grain of salt. And it's a good thing, too, otherwise I'd be living in fear of a zombie Apacolypse happening any day now.

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Well my friends and I were talking and one of them says "I think that whatever you do in your dream is something you would do in real life, and in a dream you won't do something you won't do" Do you guys agree? I would say yes I do agree.

Nope, I cant agree with you. My dream is always opposite to my real life. What I do in my dream is not what I would do in real life.

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Well my friends and I were talking and one of them says "I think that whatever you do in your dream is something you would do in real life, and in a dream you won't do something you won't do" Do you guys agree? I would say yes I do agree.

umm...I'm still a virgin and...well, I had my first dream of being in bed with a strange yet desirable guy when I was 13...sooo...I don't think that'll ever happen lol -since it occasionally recurrs, however recently it tends to be perceived images of people I like- I'm willing to wait for the right person -and maybe that's what my dream also implied, since I was giggling and smiling at him in the midst of the dream despite having no clue who they were, I felt safe...but I digress- ^^

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You guys are misunderstanding me

Musashi, if a guy in real life came at you with a flamethrower will you be capable of hiding?

What you do in a dream is limited of what you WOULD do in real life given the situation

In one dream, I jumped out of the window of a high building to scare the shit out of everyone I didn't like. When I almost hit the ground I flew up again. You should have seen their faces, hehe.

Would I do something like that in real life? Well no, I'm not suicidal and I'm afraid of heights.

Maybe it's because I'm used to being aware that I'm a dream, that my behavior from lucid dreams colored my behavior in normal dreams.

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