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What Do You HATE About Each FE Game?


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FE4: The huge maps, definitely. I love the characters, the story, the music... everything about it but the maps. :/

FE5: Xavier and the screwed up RNG.

FE6: Not much replay value.

FE7: Same as 6, but better!

FE8: Too easy, no depth. My least favorite FE game.

FE9: I just didn't really like the slow pace and graphics.

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FE1: Oh god... Exp issues with sisters.

FE2: My eyes hurt a little bit after playing a wee bit too long. Abuse takes forever to do.

FE3: Nothing. It's perfect.

FE4: Shallow 2nd Gen, little dept, too easy

FE5: Am I allowed to say buggy? RNG is whack. The game's not hard at all, just really bloody annoying.

FE6: Forgettable

FE7: Story gets old fast

FE8: Boring/Easy

FE9: Too short? It left me wanting more, but I don't think it was sequel deserving.

FE10: >_>

FE11: Blank characters.

Edited by Azel
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FE4: Low replay value because you can pretty much use every character at once.

FE6: Too many recruitable enemies, only seize missions, enemies don't drop items, too many villages, lack of promotion items, etc.

FE7: No real problems with this one.

FE8: Too easy, not enough characters.

FE9: Also too easy, boring and repetitive animations, repetitive music.

FE10: No problems except the lack of Berserkers and real supports.

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FE3: Boring as hell, you get crap characters way too soon, and I'm not counting Jeigan.

FE4: Nothing at all, just Epilogue!Ishtar, Rerecruiting Yuria, and Non-Narga!Epilogue!Yurius

FE5: Earlier chapters, like Ch.4, cruel RNG.

FE6: Repetitive classes, dear god. 3 Thieves, 3 Heroes(2 being potential), 4 Snipers(2 potentials), FREAKIN ZEALOT.

FE7: Nothing much, just some boring characters.

FE8: Easy, boring, easy, lame characters, easy, bonus characters suck....

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FE3: Imbalance in weapons. Star Orb shards and the Star Orb itself >_>. Easy

FE4: Imbalance in weapons once again. Easy. That stupid glitch where !Levin Sety loses half his SPD in chapter 10 or some time around that.

FE5: The RNG often likes the enemy too much >_>.

FE6: The magic users sucks. Ditched many things from FE5. Trial maps could've been better.

FE7: Easy.

FE8: Too easy. Branched promotions kinda lame due to class imbalance. Slayer makes things too easy. Tower and Ruins ftl. Short.

FE9: US didn't get Maniac mode =\. BEXP is abusable >_>.

FE10: Imbalance between the groups. I don't mind having to use different teams but it would've been nice if they had included a better way to balance the teams out than a Laguz Massacre chapter. Battle saves in small chapters.

FESD: NM is piss easy.

Edited by Levin
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FE7: Most of the maps look the same, characters and enemies of the same class have the same sprites just different colours, battles animations are slow and the game is kinda boring with them off, not much diversity between enemies, promotion items

FE8: Same as FE7. Too easy, don't care for any of the characters, doesn't require as much strategy as other FEs, not much diversity between promoted units since they all end up owning the enemies, fighting the same monsters over and over again gets boring, music is repetitive

FE9: if you remove a skill, it's gone forever and you can't give it to someone else, no bar to show how close you are to reaching the next weapon level, battle music is too repetitive, if you give a skill to someone and it doesn't work out for them, the skill is wasted cause you can't reassign it

FE10: No support convos, not enough base convos, some characters that could support in PoR don't have any conversations, Micaiah has no authority stars which makes her chapters annoying at times, forced characters into endgame when they aren't even forced onto the maps, most characters have very little availability and need lots of favouritism to be good, imbalance between classes, cat laguz transformation guage goes down too fast

All FEs except 10: No battle saves. If you get screwed by the RNG, you either continue with a dead character or restart the whole chapter. Characters can level up without getting a single level up in any stat.

Edited by KSFF2150
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All FEs except 10: No battle saves. If you get screwed by the RNG, you either continue with a dead character or restart the whole chapter. Characters can level up without getting a single level up in any stat.

FE4 had save states/battle saves. As does FE11. I'm giving FE11 a hard time, it really did bring some refreshing ailments into the series such as skipping enemy's turn and online mode. Sometimes IS thinks too much of what else they could fit in a game and fail to realize that characters are blank. Completely blank.

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Fe:8 Not enough depth too short/easy (i even found it somewhat dissapointing on hard)

Fe:9 Many Characters weren't given enough backround for my liking

Fe:10 no real backround building for characters , generic support conversations, and switching teams inbetween chapterw

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Fe1: Barely any character death as well as an extreme lack of character depth

Fe2: Way too many battles, and a pretty poor script. That wouldn't be a problem, but there were just too many that weren't unique at all (the one in chapter 3, where you fight three paladins comes to mind...).

Fe3: Haven't played it.

Fe4: The second generation for having some pretty flat characters, not to mention falling right back into a "typical" Fire Emblem story, which shows a real lack of creativity. Another thing that really irks me is the fact that they can't go too indepth into the childrens past, simply because there mother is ambiguous, which really hurts character development.

Fe5: Haven't played it.

Fe6: Oh boy, now we're digging into some shit...well, first of all, Roy. Now, normally, I don't mind a character that some might call slightly "Mary Sueish". As long as they talk like a normal person, as long as they can actually express fear or doubt, or regrets. Basically, someone who's just realistic enough to be considered a normal person.

Well this game just went way too far! Cuz guess what, he hardly expresses any doubt at all, he never makes a mistake, is never flustered, always is able to say the right things at the right time. Plus, he never, ever, EVER, throughout the whole fucking game, shows any sign of any negative emotion, is never stressed, tired, hungry. And just to drive the final nail in the coffin, every single one of his support conversations seem to be all about how everyone is wrong, and how he's always right!! Honestly, it feels like half the game is about people singing Roys praises, about how "wise" and "talented" and "charismatic" he is! All that at the age of 15...even his own fathers illness doesn't faze him! HE'S FUCKING PERFECT!!!

Another thing that bothers me is how generic the legendary weapons are. It worked in Fe4, at least there all the weapons represented some kind of dragon, and only those with the right royal blood could weild them. Plus, they were super badass. Well, in this one, they don't even bother to tell us how they were made! All we know is, twelve heroes used it once. That's it. And everyone who has an S-rank in that weapon can use it. It's almost like the only reason they were even there was because of their tradition of having weapons, not because they actually put any thought into it!

The gameplay itself isn't too bad. But could they have had any more weapons? Seriously, they had so many damn weapons in that game! It wouldn't be a problem if they were unique in any way, but so many of them are absolutely worthless once you find better weapons, that half of them just end up rotting in your caravan. And the Hard Mode difficulty in this game fluctuates so much, and is so inconsistent, that it's just ridiculous.

And speaking of gameplay balancing, how about the magic triangle huh? Anima magic has so much more options than either Light or Darkness that it's ridiculous! It has 5 spells compared to the 3 or 2 spells for the other two, and not only are they stronger and more accurate than either, their weight is so little that no anime user has ever to fear any sort of penalty at all! That's just way too much power.

Also, there's the characters. Seriously, do you think that's enough? They have like 65 characters for gods sake. But the way the game is set up, your only realistically using 20 at the most anyways. Why include so many characters in a game where your probably only going to be using about 15 at a time anyways?! It's ridiculous!

And finally, there's the story. Now maybe I'm a bit biased, and here's why. When I played FE7, it was my very first Fire Emblem game, and it was one of the best games I had ever played. The story was incredible, the gameplay was always fun, the challenge was almost perfectly balance, almost all the characters were incredible, and the script still stands as one of the best ones I've ever seen in a video game. I freakin loved this game!! And when it ended on a cliffhanger, I waited desperately for the sequal to be released. And I waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, AND WAITED!!

By the time FE9 came around, I was like "where the fuck is the sequal"?! I was really sad when I found out that the sequal I was looking for was actually, in fact, a PREQUAL ONLY RELEASED IN JAPAN!! But when I found out about emulators and stuff...I was so excited, you wouldn't believe it.

Since I wasn't that experienced in emulators, I had to spend two whole days just trying to figure out how to get the Rom, and how the hell to download all this stuff. But when I finally got it, I read some reviews, and thought "ok, slightly worse story, harder gameplay I guess, but I can handle hard!" you know, stuff like that. I was willing to overlook any flaws I saw, I just wanted nothing more than to see the continuation of a great story.

And then...I got what had to be one of the blandest, most cliched story I've ever seen in a video game! All the characters were as flat as pancakes, the story was full of nothing but cliches, Roy was, as I mentioned, perfect, and almost everything that made FE7 so cool was now gone! Seriously, it's almost like an entirely different company made this game!

It's ironic that one of my favorite final boss themes ever is Idouns theme, but in the words of the great Angry Video Game Nerd, "it was like waiting for a donkey to take a shit all over your face"! So disappointing....

Fe7: Too awesome for me to criticize, especially after that big shit storm I unleashed.

Fe8: Well, I've played it up to about Chapter 7, and my only complaint is that the writing went down slightly. But other

than that, I really cannot see why everyone complains of this game so much. I'm playing on Hard Mode, and from

what I've seen, people are seriously exaggerating about how easy it is. It may not be the hardest Fire Emblem, but

some of the enemies are fairly strong, and it's actually given me a good run for my money quite a bit!

Fe9: Don't remember it well enough.

Fe10: The somewhat frustrating at times gameplay, not to mention the fact that your pretty much required to choose

who your going to raise and bring into the final chapter right as the damn game begins. Well, that, and how many

useless skills I've seen so far (and keep in mind, I'm only in Chapter 2-1 right now). And then there's the really

irksome decision of making support conversations generic.

Fe11: An extremely, EXTREMELY amauterish script. It's so damn simple, it's like a 12 year old wrote it! It was ok in FE1, but

this is the year 2009, and if you seriously cannot improve it, there's something seriously wrong!

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Fe6: Oh boy, now we're digging into some shit...well, first of all, Roy. Now, normally, I don't mind a character that some might call slightly "Mary Sueish". As long as they talk like a normal person, as long as they can actually express fear or doubt, or regrets. Basically, someone who's just realistic enough to be considered a normal person.

Well this game just went way too far! Cuz guess what, he hardly expresses any doubt at all, he never makes a mistake, is never flustered, always is able to say the right things at the right time. Plus, he never, ever, EVER, throughout the whole fucking game, shows any sign of any negative emotion, is never stressed, tired, hungry. And just to drive the final nail in the coffin, every single one of his support conversations seem to be all about how everyone is wrong, and how he's always right!! Honestly, it feels like half the game is about people singing Roys praises, about how "wise" and "talented" and "charismatic" he is! All that at the age of 15...even his own fathers illness doesn't faze him! HE'S FUCKING PERFECT!!!

I wonder if I have enough room to quote this. Celice can has a persona?

FE6 has plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon.

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out of the ones i played (all the way through):

FE7-uhh i dont have alot of issues with this one...

FE8-well...lets see, the story is bland and the actual game itself is too short..the battle music is damn repetitive...

FE9-Not being able to see when your weapons level up, or no numeral indications of hit percentage and such in the battle sequences bother me.

FE10-inbalance between teams, support system is the LOSE!!!!!! too many overpowered laguz, main character (Micaiah) promotes too late...

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FE1: First-time ideas, like paying for storage, as well as horrid level designs (and not even compression to force it).

New Ankoku: Nothing really new.

FE2: Crappy map design.

FE3: Ugly graphics, palettes. Clunky in presentation and control. Really, I'm surprised IS could do that bad.

FE4: The game can get stale, especially in the second generation.

FE5: "Rushed" game. Mechanics seem unfinished and broken.

FE6: Game can get dull at times, and many areas feel generally ugly-like.

FE7: Overall crapfest in all areas.

FE8: Nice idea, but horribly played out, with everything unmet.

FE9: Nothing I can think of.

FE10: Having the game split killed the story, as well as made the game feel short (even if it did have a large number of chapters.

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FE3: Crap graphics and just really boring from the little I've played.

FE4: Status staves relying directly on res/mag comparisons and the huge maps causing foot units to fall behind (example in Chapter 2, especially)

FE5: The biased RNG, fatigue to a small extent and making it incredibly hard to recruit one character (Xavier)

FE6: Very boring earlygame, but about Chapter 8+ I don't really have any problems with it.

FE7: Nothing especially.

FE8: Too short, monsters being the bulk of the enemies you face in the lategame chapters.

FE9: TOO SLOW, if it just had Radiant Dawn's Off animations then it would be one of my favourites. It also doesn't really pick up until about Chapter 11.

FE10: The Dawn Brigade needed way more chapters than what they have now. The incredibly long other phases in some chapters like 3-E and 3-P make it tedious and the amount of reinforcements on some chapters like 1-6-1 are ridiculous.

FEDS: Very boring earlygame.

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FE4: No Rescue or Trade options? Come on!

FE6: The fact that you can't use items in the preparations screen.

FE7: Can't really complain here.

FE8: Too easy, and it was somewhat underdeveloped plotwise.

FE9: Takes a pretty long while for the story to get very interesting.

FE10: Part 2.

Other than bringing Yune's coming closer, what the hell was the point of all that?

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Out of the ones I've played

FE3: Clunky at times, and the fact that every chapter(except final) in Book 1 uses the same god damn music.

FE4: Huge maps and the second gen is bland.

FE5: Haven't played it very much, but I'll say RNG issues and fatigue system

FE6: RNG issues again (Not as bad as FE5), and early game is ugh

FE7: Not much I can think of

FE8: Very easy, and many enemies late game are monsters

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FE1: Hate the fact that I haven't played it.

FE2: Hate the fact that it wasn't made later on a better console with better graphics but all in all the same game.

FE3: ..haven't played it enough to comment

FE4: The way the story is told (though I know it has to be that way at the pace it is going..) and the 2nd gen being less interesting in some ways than the first.

FE5: Hmm... bad ending.

FE6: ..haven't played it enough to comment

FE7: Nothing really interested me much in this. What I hate most is probably the overall graphics (apart from what still resembles FE5) and how they changed the portrait style of 3-5 to the gba style which I just can't see myself liking for some reason.

FE8: ..haven't played enough to comment

FE9: The story around the middle of the game.

FE10: Umm, can't think of anything?

FE11: Hate the fact that I don't have a DS and don't want to emulate it.

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FE1:Boring compared to FE3 and 11

FE2:To many maps and how there are two lords but in two differant teams

FE3:Promotion items come too late

FE4:In the first generation you have to change playing style to pair people

FE5:Too annoying

FE6:Every map is a seize map

FE7:S rank weapons come too late

FE8:The game is too short

FE9:The battle stats Hit, Damage, and Critacal can't be seen in the battle screens

FE10:The groups swithch too much so when a group comes back the're underleveled

FE11:The crazy gaiden chapter requirements

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FE1: Got bored with it quick and training healers is a bitch.

FE2: Too confusing for my tastes

FE3: Poor, poor Hardin . . .

FE4: LARGE maps and easy A.I.and no sound room.


FE6: Forgettable and not that much replay value

FE7: Nothing really expect for the cliche story but then again, just because it's cliche doesn't mean it's bad.

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FE1: Shadow Dragon (and even Mystery of the Emblem) makes this game dismissible

FE2: Very easy, boring overall (not as boring as FE8)

FE3: Looked and felt chunky

FE4: Lack of map variety (no indoors, etc), somewhat easy, very overrated

FE5: Terrible RNG, easy-as-hell final boss

FE6: Mediocre Music, bland plot/characters

FE7: Somewhat easy, some boring characters, and most overrated in the series

FE8: Very easy, bland plot/characters, failed attempt at using skills, too short. Now that I think about it, it's worse than Gaiden.

FE9: Felt incomplete in some aspects, some broken skill combos (such as vantage/resolve and wrath)

FE10: The Bengion Senators, boring story, lack of character development, the Fail Brigade

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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