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What Do You HATE About Each FE Game?


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FE3: Very little evolution from FE1 and FE2

FE4: Easy, No Trade, Easy money to repair Weapons

FE5: Bad RNG, Bad Balance, Weak Lord ¬¬

FE6: Tried to be a ReStart to the series... Could At least keep some features form FE5

FE7: Nice no Great but had it Charisma

FE8: Nice idea, but horribly played out, with everything unmet.

FE9: Just the Maniac Mode Being out and Greil isn't on Trial Maps

FE10: Generic Supports, could have at least more Convo conversation between New Characters

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Dark Dragon: The remakes make this game obsolete.

Gaiden: I hate the map designs.

Mystery: The gameplay still has the clunky feel of the NES games. Most of the characters lack depth as well.

Genealogy: Big maps and big chapters make for a boring game. I seriously cannot play this game without getting bored.

Thracia: Some of the characters lack depth. Other than that, no problems here.

Seals: This feels like a major step back compared to Thracia.

Blazing: See above.

Stones: It has the same feel as the previous two games, despite trying something different.

Radiance: Too many overpowered player characters.

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FE1-3: Haven't played

FE4: For now, the second Gen has dissapointed me, and some characters are way too broken *cough*Celice*cough*

FE5: Only played the first three chapters. God knows that this is the worst RNG ever.

FE6: Plot and characters are uninteresting, and sometimes it feels inferior to Thracia

FE7: Sometimes the plot may get boring, and the music is not that good

FE8: Easy and too short. Also, branched promotions are useless.

FE9: The battle animations and the fact that the skills dissapear when you remove them

FE10: The lack of supports, most of Part 2.

Edited by Arashi-chan
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FE7: Gets boring after many playthroughs

FE8: Characters look ugly, music is distracting, not enough chapters

FE9: Graphics weren't that great

FE10: Story took a huge U-turn after part 3, and Ranulf spoiled you hard; made it feel like you were being dragged to the last endgame.

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FE10: Story took a huge U-turn after part 3, and Ranulf spoiled you hard; made it feel like you were being dragged to the last endgame.

oi! i hear ya there..that pissed me off! (i almost forgot about that)

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Fe6: I really don't mind it.

Fe7: The only things I hate are the fans that are always the type to say that the pairings they support are the "correct" pairings when there are no "correct" pairings. Especially since that the characters in those pairings that are preferred by those fans, don't make a lot of sense, and they don't even get a lot of face time with each other for crying out loud!!!

Fe8: Too easy. Too boring.

Fe9: Could have implemented the graphics a little bit more.

Fe10: They could have worked on it a while longer.

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FE7: The bad story, hard to train units (without arena abuse), some generic characters

FE8: TOO SHORT!, confusing story, easy difficulty

FE9: Slightly predictable story (boring middle), bad battle animations, cheap characters

FE10: Bland new characters, hard to use characters (Vika/Tormod, I'm looking at you), jumpy story (Ike suddenly became the main character after Part 3)

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FE7: The bad story

FE7 did not have a bad story, actually. To boot, it's the one of the only FE games where I feel bad for the main lord. (Except FE4, but te fact that the 2nd Gen is all happy-happy-joy-joy kind of killed the tragedy of the first part...)

Edited by Midir
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What makes FE7's story bad? I thought it was incredible, if it's because it's cliched, than that's just stupid (and besides, it was supposed to be a prequal, what else were they supposed to do?).

FE7 was awesome! Cliches are cliches because they were good to begin with :D

Now, if I have to admit to anything bad in FE7, it's gotta be...

Nothing, because I love that game to pieces.

FE8 on the other hand...crappier story, unappealing characters and lords, unnecessary monsters.

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What makes FE7's story bad? I thought it was incredible, if it's because it's cliched, than that's just stupid (and besides, it was supposed to be a prequal, what else were they supposed to do?).

This. You know how many movies, books, and games are so popular and beloved despite a cliched back setting. If you think about it, EVERY Fire Emblem is cliched. God, this ain't the GameFAQs version of the Fire Emblem forums.

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FE7 was awesome! Cliches are cliches because they were good to begin with :D

Now, if I have to admit to anything bad in FE7, it's gotta be...

Nothing, because I love that game to pieces.

FE8 on the other hand...crappier story, unappealing characters and lords, unnecessary monsters.

FE7 was cliche, FE8 was extremely cliche.

Is there a difference ¯\(°_o)/¯

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Fe6: Well this game just went way too far! Cuz guess what, he hardly expresses any doubt at all, he never makes a mistake, is never flustered, always is able to say the right things at the right time. Plus, he never, ever, EVER, throughout the whole fucking game, shows any sign of any negative emotion, is never stressed, tired, hungry. And just to drive the final nail in the coffin, every single one of his support conversations seem to be all about how everyone is wrong, and how he's always right!! Honestly, it feels like half the game is about people singing Roys praises, about how "wise" and "talented" and "charismatic" he is! All that at the age of 15...even his own fathers illness doesn't faze him! HE'S FUCKING PERFECT!!!

And speaking of gameplay balancing, how about the magic triangle huh? Anima magic has so much more options than either Light or Darkness that it's ridiculous! It has 5 spells compared to the 3 or 2 spells for the other two, and not only are they stronger and more accurate than either, their weight is so little that no anime user has ever to fear any sort of penalty at all! That's just way too much power.

Actually the first time that Roy battles a dragon he does freak out and loses his coolness, Elphin has to calm him down. Also at the last battle he is kinda desperate to know the truth of the dragons.

Anyway as fo the topìc:

FE6: I don't like that every chapter is a seize one but still the game is fine.

FE7: Nothing that bothers me.

FE8: Don't like the branched promotions nor that it has a World map, also the stroy isn't something special (though the character of Lyons is really cool)

FE9: A little too slow, the models of the characters look kinda bad, though I may be biased because I got used to the GBA ones. No support archive is bad.

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Actually the first time that Roy battles a dragon he does freak out and loses his coolness, Elphin has to calm him down. Also at the last battle he is kinda desperate to know the truth of the dragons.

You know you would have a point there Edorian...except guess what? Right after that, Elphin goes on to say this.....

"No, it is a perfectly understandable reaction after fighting something like that. But now...we know something that we did not before."

See? The game pretty much went out of its way just to tell us that Roy was not, in fact, making a mistake or doing anything wrong, or doing anything that would suggest any flaw in his leadership. And you do make a fair point on the dragons, but I still find it really pathetic that that's the only sign anywhere in the game of Roy not being the perfect leader....

Well, ok, I guess I.....faintly....remember some other example of him being less that confident, something about Sue telling him that his aura is out of wack or something...but other than that, he's a Mary Sue to the freakin max...

Edited by FionordeQuester
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My New Hate List:

FE1: It's Cliched (14 year old take up arms and save the world.. His master is an old man who just horrible while the younger folks are more powerful despite being fresh members of the army.)

FE2: It's Cliched (Monsters in city and crap)

FE3: It's Cliched (Evil Emperor, princesses are kidnap)

FE4: It's Cliched (Kingdoms are good and empires are evil cliche, there's some soliders who are of royal blood who don't like being royal and the hero falls in love with the mysterious maiden despite not knowing her pass.)

FE5: It's Cliched (15 year old kid take up arms and save his motherland and avenge his parents. His master is still young so that means he still can kick ass.)

FE6: It's Cliched (15 year old kid takes up arms and save his motherland, the world and every girl falls in love with him)

FE7: It's Cliched (A prince who doesn't like being or royal blood, the young maiden who the hero suddenly fails in love with despite not knowing her background until later in the game, that mysterious guy who has a soft heart)

FE8: It's Cliched (Monsters)

FE9: It's cliched (Silent, cold hero)

FE10: See above but add the cheery heroine

FE11: See FE1.

Since ALL video games, anime, cartoons, novels, comics, and movies are cliched, I refuse to play, read or watch them

Edited by Snow_Storm
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My New Hate List:

FE1: It's Cliched (14 year old take up arms and save the world.. His master is an old man who just horrible while the younger folks are more powerful despite being fresh members of the army.)

FE2: It's Cliched (Monsters in city and crap)

FE3: It's Cliched (Evil Emperor, princesses are kidnap)

FE4: It's Cliched (Kingdoms are good and empires are evil cliche, there's some soliders who are of royal blood who don't like being royal and the hero falls in love with the mysterious maiden despite not knowing her pass.)

FE5: It's Cliched (15 year old kid take up arms and save his motherland and avenge his parents. His master is still young so that means he still can kick ass.)

FE6: It's Cliched (15 year old kid takes up arms and save his motherland, the world and every girl falls in love with him)

FE7: It's Cliched (A prince who doesn't like being or royal blood, the young maiden who the hero suddenly fails in love with despite not knowing her background until later in the game, that mysterious guy who has a soft heart)

FE8: It's Cliched (Monsters)

FE9: It's cliched (Silent, cold hero)

FE10: See above but add the cheery heroine

FE11: See FE1.

Since ALL video games, anime, cartoons, novels, comics, and movies are cliched, I refuse to play, read or watch them

I lol'd hard.

Which is why the cliché argument falls flat on its face; these days, it's been hard to avoid clichés.

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Man, I think I killed this topic with my cliche rants.

Anyways, although Fire Emblem is a good series, there are some things I do hate about it.

Why am I reminded of the phrase "nothing new under the sun"?

And why does anyone consider it a bad thing that there is nothing new under the sun?

On a different note, I agree with you about hating some things about the series, though honestly they're mostly related to losing units and having to start the whole chapter over...

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On a different note, I agree with you about hating some things about the series, though honestly they're mostly related to losing units and having to start the whole chapter over...

This is the thing I hate most about most FEs. It sucks to spend an hour or so on a chapter and then having one of your characters die just when you're about to finish due to the RNG being in the enemies favor. It also sucks to make one stupid mistake that leads to a character dying. I can understand hard mode not having any battle saves but normal and easy should.

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FE8: Ross. The final boss is a PUSHOVER. I don't like Ross. Little pansy...

FE9: I can't kill the BK. Nasir ALWAYS pops up and goes, "lulz you can't beat him imma burn him and collapse the building mmk?".

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And why does anyone consider it a bad thing that there is nothing new under the sun?

Because they are idiots who expect that every piece of media HAS to be new and original. Would you rather play a video game that's heavily cliched, but with great gameplay, or a game with no cliches but shitty game play, characters, and story?

I hate the fact that FE4 kinda plays with the death thing seeing you can bring back dead units with a staff.

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I hate the fact that FE4 kinda plays with the death thing seeing you can bring back dead units with a staff.

In a way, you hardly can die in FE4. With broken units and all. >.>

And the 1st Gen died but I couldn't bring them back to life. ;_;

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