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This thread is intended to involve discussion regarding individuals' perspective on homosexuality. While religion clearly plays a role in many peoples positions, try to ensure posts don't debate religious points at the cost of relations to the matter at hand.

Sorry to bring the religious part again but I feel I have to reply to this.

I really couldn't care less about people being gay or not, but I am a Christian and i just want to point this out about for the people saying the bible says nothing about loving/hating gay people. But obviously this has no effect on non Christians.

Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Deuteronomy 23:17, "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."

*by lie it means have sex*

First, that's form the Old testament and I really don't think that the Old testament is really valid anymore, becuase in the new testament Jesus come to change some things, for example, Jesus says "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." when a woman was caught in the act of adultery and according to the Law of Moses she had to be stoned. Jesus came to change some things, this is why I don't think the Old testament is valid anymore, if it were then (as said before) it would be okay to commit incest. We cannot choose what is convinient for us to follow. (If someone can find something related to the homosexual theme in the New testament that'd great)

Now on topic, whith what I've read in this thread and my opinion, I am of the ones who think that you are either born gay or straight, you discover which one you are around the age of puberty, and it is your choice wether you follow your born orientation or not. Does it matter why or how this differences are made, not to me.

TBH I'm uncomfortable around gays, even more if they are doing gay stuff, I find it unnatural and just plain weird. But that doesn't mean I have the right to hate/discriminate them.

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Not against homosexuals. Of course, I'm not a Christian either, so I'm not offended by it in any matter. I'll let people believe in what they want, though I'm for it really.

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I've only read this topic up to page 5, but I'm very pleased that it's going so well. In perspective.

Like said earlier, you believe countless people choose to like someone despite the incredibly large number of people hating and discriminating against them? Some people who started homophobic? Some who have parents who will disown and abandon them for it, despite loving them before they knew? If that's the case, gay people have to be the most hardcore badasses on the face of the planet. But that's not fuckin true.

Whether this applies or not, but I'm fairly certain you don't choose who you love. Least I don't. I currently have VERY strong feelings for a girl, and I really did not want this, especially since I have a gf right now who I love dearly. And it's really fucking things for me. Maybe I'm insane. Maybe I'm just weak. But I know this much; homosexuals do not willingly put themselves through that torture(the treatment, not the liking if men).

The bold applies to me. Just an fyi. I was homophobic until I had my reality check and began appreciating love in all its apparitions. That's also when I came out to myself. Believe me, I had been in denial before that.

And thank you, Jem, for embodying the point I wanted to make yesterday to Florina, and Faiya for writing it out above.

Also, to the example Kintenbo (methinks) raised...try to think yourself in that guy's place (presuming you're straight). Can you imagine yourself turning gay, no matter how convincing those gay men are? That guy turned up liking it because he swung that way to begin with. He just didn't know; hence he experimented.

To Fox, a concrete article might be a better move =/

And Lux, while you say the evidence against your opinion is insufficient, you yourself have presented nada.

About your fat/sleek chicks analogy, allow me to compare. I like both types for the same reason; even though I prefer sleek, it doesn't mean I can't get over the fat. I could look past that and appreciate the elements both "types" have in common. One such 'preference' that applies to me is races; I may not like asian dudes as much as caucasian ones, but that doesn't mean I can't feel attracted to them.

On the other hand, I like either gender for completely different reasons; because they are their respective genders. Meaning I gravitate toward the girlish elements in girls and the boyish elements in guys. I personally believe this goes beyond preference for the reason given above.

Could you tap something you don't prefer? I think so. Would you pork a guy? I think not.

In closing:



Straight Parade=I don't think these exist

Gay Parades=You're a fucking loser

I concur. It's not a choice. No pride involved.

There was more I was gonna say, but...I forgot xP

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He just didn't know; hence he experimented.

best friend of mine had several of his friends experiment on him who all turned out straight; if you never try you'd never know, I had a girlfriend myself when I was younger and that was nice and all, but as I may have mentioned to some at one time, I still ended up preferring to be more intimate with men (I simply wasn't aware of it until I looked closer at the male form and generally felt considerably more drawn to it...though I digress)

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"hey mom and dad, i'm a homosexual"

"oh my, very good! now lets bake you a cake and have a huge party to celebrate, since being a gay is completely accepted and approved by everyone in this society!"


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"hey mom and dad, i'm a homosexual"

"oh my, very good! now lets bake you a cake and have a huge party to celebrate, since being a gay is completely accepted and approved by everyone in this society!"



My god.......

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i'm not really sure when it happened, but some years ago, there was this homosexual guy living in the town i'm going to college right now.

he had accepted his homosexuality, and what does he get from it?

he was brutally killed and raped by some people that, until this day, haven't been tried. they did a good job of hiding their crime, so nobody knows who did it.

and now, i'll ask you this, do you honestly think that people will expose themselves to something like this just on a whim? do you think that knowing that something like this could happened, they would still do it if it was their choice?

and i'm POSITIVE that this isn't the only case. who knows how many people have gone through something similar just because they accepted that they were homosexuals...

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No time to read through this whole topic at the moment, but I'm bisexual, I didn't -choose- to be bisexual, and I have no issues with homo/bisexuality. I'm too easy-going to care, even if I wasn't bi. Not to mention that the only reason to hate/disapprove is religion or blind stupidity. Sometimes--Oftentimes both.


i'm not really sure when it happened, but some years ago, there was this homosexual guy living in the town i'm going to college right now.

he had accepted his homosexuality, and what does he get from it?

he was brutally killed and raped by some people that, until this day, haven't been tried. they did a good job of hiding their crime, so nobody knows who did it.

and now, i'll ask you this, do you honestly think that people will expose themselves to something like this just on a whim? do you think that knowing that something like this could happened, they would still do it if it was their choice?

and i'm POSITIVE that this isn't the only case. who knows how many people have gone through something similar just because they accepted that they were homosexuals...

I probably should not mention this, but in the town Matt and I grew up in, there was a lesbian girl, who was chased around by a bunch of homophobes every day. I shudder to think what may have happened if she got caught. One day, Matty tried to stop them, and got beaten up for it. People do things like this all the time. Edited by Aera Cura
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This gloriously sums up the general opinion of the layman.

almost assuredly

provably biological.

The misconceptions that are ocurring here are staggering. Staggering.

Something's wrong with your avatar. Where's the monocle?

On topic: I'm neutral on homosexuality. I'm not gay, so I'm not sure how I'd be "for" or "against" it. Gay marriage, however, is another bag.

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I probably should not mention this, but in the town Matt and I grew up in, there was a lesbian girl, who was chased around by a bunch of homophobes every day. I shudder to think what may have happened if she got caught. One day, Matty tried to stop them, and got beaten up for it. People do things like this all the time.

The sad part is, some of the most extremely homophobic people are actually gay themselves and have been raised in an environment where they feel they deserve to die for those feelings. Thus, they beat gay people to distance themelves from their 'fatal defect'.

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To Fox, a concrete article might be a better move =/



And don't spout that "you can't trust Wikipedia" shit at me. These are solid articles, and if you actually have the patience to read through each of them, you can find some good information in there.

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Matty tried to beat me for telling you guys about him getting beaten up. XD

The sad part is, some of the most extremely homophobic people are actually gay themselves and have been raised in an environment where they feel they deserve to die for those feelings. Thus, they beat gay people to distance themelves from their 'fatal defect'.
Too true. That is what makes me so sad. And mad... :X
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and, may i also add, people should actually consider what homosexual people have to say about homosexuality. after all, it's easy to say "its a decision" when you don't know what goes through the mind of someone who is gay.

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I don't get why homosexuals are prevented from doing certain things like getting married.

I mean, the way I see it, history is just repeating itself: Native Americans, women, blacks, asians, "New" Immigrants. At first, they were allowed to vote or get married or have rights either, but now they can.

100 years from now, we'll all look back at how stupid we were and just laugh it off...

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I don't get why homosexuals are prevented from doing certain things like getting married.

I mean, the way I see it, history is just repeating itself: Native Americans, women, blacks, asians, "New" Immigrants. At first, they were allowed to vote or get married or have rights either, but now they can.

100 years from now, we'll all look back at how stupid we were and just laugh it off...

are you kidding me? the very thought is an abomination!!!!! since religion and government are practically the same, and since religion doesn't approve of homosexuality, then, by simple logic, government shouldn't approve of homosexuality and as such the government is in the right to strip away gay people's rights such as marriage!!!!! [/sarcasm]

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are you kidding me? the very thought is an abomination!!!!! since religion and government are practically the same, and since religion doesn't approve of homosexuality, then, by simple logic, government shouldn't approve of homosexuality and as such the government is in the right to strip away gay people's rights such as marriage!!!!! [/sarcasm]


After being in DC today all I can do is hope Obama is gonna do something about it...

Hopefully... he's going back and forth on the matter. :(

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are you kidding me? the very thought is an abomination!!!!! since religion and government are practically the same, and since religion doesn't approve of homosexuality, then, by simple logic, government shouldn't approve of homosexuality and as such the government is in the right to strip away gay people's rights such as marriage!!!!! [/sarcasm]

Er, there are numerous religious sects, including multiple branches of Christianity, which accept homosexuality entirely. Blanket statements like "religion doesn't approve of homosexuality" only adds to the problem.

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Can't you be influenced into being gay? Like being around a bunch of gay people or being extremely feminine. Not trying to sound ignant or anything.

I bet that person was probably already gay, and was just denying it. Happens all the time, so it'd be no big surprise.

Here's an idea: Try thinking about guys sexually and see if you're into it. Don't you find it to be plain weird? Turn it around, and as a gay guy, thinking about girls sexually is weird in the same sense.

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