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America has a new president

General Spoon

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Ah, ok. Anybody know about the old man?

All I got was that we shouldn't be racist. That guy was impossible to pay attention to.

And I still laugh at his "And yella will be mella" line. Why was he giving the speech when he couldn't pronounce yellow and mellow?

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He was giving a speech? What kind of speech? What was he trying to say?

My bad, it was a poem. And I think it rhymed. I think. But like I said before, all I got out of it was "Don't be racist".

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Now is the time to find out what he's capable of! Will he help the nation? Will he hurt it? Will he bring in communism, like this one anti-Obama thing my grandmother got once? (pretty stupid, if you ask me, obviously made just for political attack) We are going to find out!

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Will he bring in communism, like this one anti-Obama thing my grandmother got once? (pretty stupid, if you ask me, obviously made just for political attack)

There's actually a Facebook group about that where we yell at the people who don't know that socialism =/= communism.

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To be honest, I forgot to watch. I was too busy playing Fallout 3 and making plans to hang out with my friend. Then we watched South Park.

So I guess what I'm saying is that it wasn't that big of a deal to me. But I probably would have been the same if McCain (The guy I voted for) won.

Sure it was a historic event. But I don't see Obama as the first black President. I just see him as our 44th president. And treat him as such. (Which would be utter indifference.)

I feel about Obama as I do Bush. I hope they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have, and I hope things turn out better. Even as unlikely as it may be.

Also, Obama is not Jesus. Just pointing it out.

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To be honest, I forgot to watch. I was too busy playing Fallout 3 and making plans to hang out with my friend. Then we watched South Park.

So I guess what I'm saying is that it wasn't that big of a deal to me. But I probably would have been the same if McCain (The guy I voted for) won.

Sure it was a historic event. But I don't see Obama as the first black President. I just see him as our 44th president. And treat him as such. (Which would be utter indifference.)

I feel about Obama as I do Bush. I hope they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have, and I hope things turn out better. Even as unlikely as it may be.

Also, Obama is not Jesus. Just pointing it out.


Well, after Lyle's positively enlightening speech, I'll toss in what I think.

Obama isn't Jesus, but nobody is, except Jesus, and he's nothing special. :P Obama however is definitely a step in the right direction to improving the USA. And if he's taking over after Bush, well, he would have to really screw up.

The way I see it is like this:

Worst Case Scenario: He's an average, run of the mill president, who no-one really remembers.

Best Case Scenario: Once you go black, you never go back.

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Well, after Lyle's positively enlightening speech, I'll toss in what I think.

Obama isn't Jesus, but nobody is, except Jesus, and he's nothing special. :P Obama however is definitely a step in the right direction to improving the USA. And if he's taking over after Bush, well, he would have to really screw up.

The way I see it is like this:

Worst Case Scenario: He's an average, run of the mill president, who no-one really remembers.

Best Case Scenario: Once you go black, you never go back.

Well, I think Carrot-top would be a better president than Bush.

On second thought.....Perhaps someone like Drew Carey would be a better example.

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Obama isn't Jesus, but nobody is, except Jesus, and he's nothing special. :P .

Quoted for truth. I personally don't see Obama as a Christ figure, but then again, I don't believe in Christ. :P I admire the man a lot for what he's done on the campaign trail; Audacity of Hope was also a great read, and anybody who hasn't read that and dislikes Obama seriously needs to read that book.

The way I see it is like this:

Worst Case Scenario: He's an average, run of the mill president, who no-one really remembers.

Best Case Scenario: Once you go black, you never go back.

I'd think it would be hard for the worst case scenario to be worded like that. If anything, it should be worded that he'll be remembered for being black but he'll be known for his post-Presidential activites (like John Quincy Adams, for example).

Actually, for the general elections I viewed the worst case and best cases as this:

Worst Case Scenario: McCain dies, Palin becomes the President, and she fucks the country up even worse than Bush did.

Best Case Scenario: Obama wins, doesn't get assassinated during the Inauguration, and America takes a good step towards improvement.

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He's contributing to global warming.

Say wha-?

I would've expected something along the lines of 'it'll kill him if the racist snipers don't', but contributing to global warming?

You do realize that car emissions put more CO2 into the air than a President that smokes, right?

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Sarcasm >_>

Anyways, its still not good to smoke.

I agree that its not good to smoke even though I smoke

It doesn't create a good image but I think that it will be left unnoticed.

BTW unless if you expect us to mind read, you can't use sarcasm on the internet =/

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