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Shut up about Obama.

Destiny Hero

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We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved.

The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.

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We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved.

The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.

Somones got their Knickers in a knot! Indeed.

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He's hyped up because its his inauguration day. It was the same with Michael Phelps during the Olympics and Britney Spears during the release of her new album (which rocks). Everything dies down after a while...

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- Kayne West

Everyone! D. Hero has learned some of the basics of Government! Let's give him a hand!

So like, this isn't a history changing event, huh?

Edited by Snow_Storm
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We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved.

The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.

This is an historic event you little dipshit. If you don't like what's happening, fine, you have a right to; however, people actually care about what's happening in American politics. You're in America, so quit bitching about hearing what's going on in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.

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This is an historic event you little dipshit. If you don't like what's happening, fine, you have a right to; however, people actually care about what's happening in American politics. You're in America, so quit bitching about hearing what's going on in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.

Damn you are Clint Eastwood.

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The president has little power alone, but now congress is full of democrats as well. The democratic party does have a lot of power now.

But I agree with destiny hero. Obama is, in fact, not Jesus coming for the second time. He's just a man, and will not solve all of the nations problems with one wave of his magic change wand. He'll try, but people are practically expecting him to bring back the dead.

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Destiny Hero can't help if he's the decent of a family of slave owners and his ancestors are using his body as a vessel to voice their opinion.

While I may agree this dude isn't the Second Coming or anything special and he's just another politician, but when's the last time you saw a black man in the highest office?

Edited by Snow_Storm
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We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved.

You forget he's the one who carries out the laws; Congress would be nothing if they didn't have the Executive branch. And you also forget that the President of the United States holds one of the world's most prestigious (and important IMO) political stations.

The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.

Says the guy who isn't even old enough to registe to vote. ;)

Destiny Hero can't help if he's the decent of a family of slave owners and his ancestors are using his body as a vessel to voice their opinion.


Or, I'll bet that he's posessed by L. Ron Hubbard.

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We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved.

The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.


I don't think I've seen anyone here say that he's a savior or that he's Christ-incarnate. People are merely celebrating the ousting of W. and the inauguration of our newest president. Also, he's the first African American to beomce President, so people have a right to cheer.

Plus, lol at the last fraction of a statement. It's not the "drug-addicted brain-dead morons" who're causing all the problems. It's corrupt politicians and greedy bankers who lent out much more money then they had, hoping to make a profit.

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Plus, lol at the last fraction of a statement. It's not the "drug-addicted brain-dead morons" who're causing all the problems. It's corrupt politicians and greedy bankers who lent out much more money then they had, hoping to make a profit.

Finally, somebody who says the truth! :D

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This is an historic event you little dipshit. If you don't like what's happening, fine, you have a right to; however, people actually care about what's happening in American politics. You're in America, so quit bitching about hearing what's going on in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.

*claps* get this man a trophy for we have a winner!

(and im not being sarcastic)

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