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Chirstian Fiction

Steven Tyler

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Yesterday, a friend of mine and myself decied to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" at a local mall's theater. We got to the mall and notice the movie didn't start until an hour so, to kill some time, my friend wanted to go to this bookstore to see if they have this book he wanted.

So we were browsing in the store and we came across some Bibles. I was like cool and whatever since I had some at my house, so I really didn't need one and I put the bible back. I went to the other section right next to the Bibles and that section read as "Christian Fiction".

I pointed this out to my friend and the both of us, having Christian Morals, started laughing our butts off! My friend was like "Wait, I thought Christians like you didn't believe the Bible wasn't fiction!" And I was like "It doesn't help the fact that there are Bibles right next to the Christian Fiction and normal fiction areas." and then we started laughing a bit more.

More to come.

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<Snow_Storm> You know how some immature Atheists like to put Bibles in the Fiction section?

<Snow_Storm> There was a book called "Why Evolution is True".

<Snow_Storm> So, me being the counter-troll I am, I put that book in the "Sci-Fi/Fiction" area.

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The bible is pretty crappy fiction: one of the main characters is hypocrite, the other is a Gary-Stu.

Edited by Shuuda
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So, is that bookstore going to hell or what?

lol maybe!

Either that or the bookstore is hell. Did the cashier have horns?

I didn't get a nice look. :P

Wow...someone is going to hell that's for sure :P

Anyway that was a cool story Snow, thanks for sharing.

<Snow_Storm> You know how some immature Atheists like to put Bibles in the Fiction section?

<Snow_Storm> There was a book called "Why Evolution is True".

<Snow_Storm> So, me being the counter-troll I am, I put that book in the "Sci-Fi/Fiction" area.

I'm trying to get the rest of the transcript from Smart.

Anyways, like Will stated from me, I had place this book about Evolution in the Sci-Fi/Fiction area and I did. However, I think one of the employees of the store caught me and I put it back to it's rightful place.

Or and it also doesn't help the fact we saw a group of schoolchildren chanting like cultists in a kid's store.

On another ironic tale: After the bookstore, my friend and I went to an Apple store pretending to be indie fags. While we were browsing through the store, we saw the most ironic thing; A freakin' P.C. near the software and I saw a few employees in the backroom using P.C.s

Yeah, it was a night of irony for me.

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<Snow_Storm> You know how some immature Atheists like to put Bibles in the Fiction section

That's not immature, it's obsessive-compulsive: for such individuals, everything should always be in its proper place.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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And yet you find anthologies of folktales in Nonfiction.

To clarify: the Bibles weren't *in* the "Christian fiction" section, but next to it?

Well, it's not as bad as it could be, though I raise my eyebrows at the fact that they differentiate "Christian" fiction from other fiction. What, can't a work of fiction following or perhaps emphasizing Christian morals be considered alongside fiction that doesn't specifically do so? I could maybe understand warning customers about books that are overly preachy or idealized, but there should be no reason to separate good literature which includes faith from good literature which doesn't.

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