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FE3, Book 2 tier list

General Spoon

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Ah, he did mention Angelic Robes. My bad.

Still, let me pwn Laylea anyway.

What the heck? You say that you should use a Power Ring on Chainey, then you go on to say that you don't even use him!?

I only give the Ring to Sheeda. But if I were to ever use him, he would be another choice.

Wouldn't JEORGE CARLIN qualify for Fuck 'em tier? Not everybody has the patience to have Gordin hobble over to him, plus it wastes time. Not to mention killing him is easy since he's helpless at melee and he gives you some nice EXP to boot.

And I still say Chiki should go to Fuck' em tier because guys like Roshe don't cost 18k just to be on the team.

Yeah. No amount of levelling in the Dragon Valley is going to save him to becoming into a good unit.

Edited by Laylea
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Wouldn't JEORGE CARLIN qualify for Fuck 'em tier? Not everybody has the patience to have Gordin hobble over to him, plus it wastes time. Not to mention killing him is easy since he's helpless at melee and he gives you some nice EXP to boot.

And I still say Chiki should go to Fuck' em tier because guys like Roshe don't cost 18k just to be on the team.

Before changes are made, let's just sort this out.

First off, he's BOY JEORGE. Secondly, the only other time he shows up is at a time when his gang of archers will royally fuck you up. They're all in a forest, they all pounce at the same time, and it's hard to attack him since they can cover his sides, leaving only his back and front exposed, the back you aren't reaching before a sniper fires at you and the rest join in on the gangrape. This leaves one person to attack him, someone attacks at range. Not only is this dangerous, it's stupid because afterwards, the rest of the snipers will just fill you with arrows. To get Partia earlier than early, you need to take care of a bunch of snipers when you're barely capable. Not to mention the prick healer behind them has a reserve staff (I think, could be Libro). It's not exactly hard for Gordin to hobble his ass over to BOY JEORGE at the bridge, unless you're making him a wall for the paladins and generals (you dolt). He may have just a band of snipers, but at the time, those snipers can murder you and you can't escape.

Only reason Astram is killable is because there's a way to make him isolate himself and you are much better equipped/better by then. Not to mention Astram is redundant, Jeorge on the other hand is like the second best archer. It's not out of the question to choose between him and Kashim. The difference between early Miracle Blade and REDICULOUSLY early Partia is the difference between walking into a forest filled with snipers to kill one of them and killing some random dude while taking a stroll.

Chiki doesn't belong in Fuck 'Em tier because we're still gonna recruit her. Fuck 'Em tier is for units we just flat out kill for the prizes. Chiki comes with a great big bag of money. We're gonna recruit her. She's recruited, does nothing, but makes your bank account swell faster than ...something that swells real fast. She's helping, just indirectly. On the other hand, Fuck 'Em tier is filled with pricks who are better off being killed than wasting your time recruiting them.

Other things to think about: For how much you have to prepare for killing Jeorge early, it's severely innefficient and risky, while I can safely kill Astram without a thought as Marth can usually take the castle once you do/something goes askew. Finally...who the hell can even use it by then? It's ok to get it early to use sparingly every now and then, but it's just sitting there being useless. By the time it is usable, Jeorge would be recruitable anyways.

I REALLY need to keep it brief...

No objections to Kashim being above Yubello and Elren?

EDIT: Just noticed Laela...

My reaction to the ring statement....Speed rings are good for slow people. Sirius is godly. Milk goes bad when left out for a long time. Any other obvious statements we can make?

Jeorge is hardly bad, considering he's the 2nd best archer in the game...Automatic use of Partia makes him god in the dragonvalley with all the annoying flying dragons. One shots the sucker, Partia levels him fast, I fail to see how he's bad at all. He'll be good for basically being leagues ahead of everybody for a good while.

Edited by Grandjackal
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I'm not so much referring to killing JEORGE CARLIN early [yeah screw you I'm still calling him that] as much as I am killing him instead of recruiting him. Saves you the trouble of having CAPTAIN GORDIN hobble over to him and even gives you a nice chunk of EXP.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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I heavily disagree with the idea of a "screw 'em" tier. Character placements need to be based on IF we use them. They'll be penalized for having benefits if killed early, but if we put them in their own fail tier, then we have to put many other characters most people don't usually need there as well, slowly dissolving the whole point of having a tier list in the first place.

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Chiki for Bottom Tier??? What madness is this?

Costing 18k in a game where finances are tight.

That's what kind of madness this is.

EDT: Hey um, can Sheema become the new Est, if at all possible? >_>

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Costing 18k in a game where finances are tight.

That's what kind of madness this is.

Doesn't she come with the DivineStone? You don't need to buy any of the other stones (Dragon, Fire, Ice, Flying). She's still awesome with Divine Stone. Too good for Bottom Tier imo.

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Doesn't she come with the DivineStone?


and that divinestone is 18k

She's still awesome with Divine Stone.

Costing 18k and not killing anything is inequivalant to awesome.

Buying dragonkillers for like 5k and actually killing dragons is very awesome.

Chiki can't do the one thing she deprives the team of 18k for her to do. Even worse? She doesn't JUST screw the game out of 18k, she screws the team out of 18k in a game where money is actually an issue.

Chiki sucks.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Before changes are made, let's just sort this out.

First off, he's BOY JEORGE. Secondly, the only other time he shows up is at a time when his gang of archers will royally fuck you up. They're all in a forest, they all pounce at the same time, and it's hard to attack him since they can cover his sides, leaving only his back and front exposed, the back you aren't reaching before a sniper fires at you and the rest join in on the gangrape. This leaves one person to attack him, someone attacks at range. Not only is this dangerous, it's stupid because afterwards, the rest of the snipers will just fill you with arrows. To get Partia earlier than early, you need to take care of a bunch of snipers when you're barely capable. Not to mention the prick healer behind them has a reserve staff (I think, could be Libro). It's not exactly hard for Gordin to hobble his ass over to BOY JEORGE at the bridge, unless you're making him a wall for the paladins and generals (you dolt). He may have just a band of snipers, but at the time, those snipers can murder you and you can't escape.

Doing this isn't recommnded, at all. And that we aren't going to kill one of the most useful archers in the game. Well to get the Libro Staff from the Priest, it'll be impossible without massive level gaining in the arena with Oguma. I don't kill Astoria, because I don't really see any need for the sword until his joining time anyway. Plus saving Hammerine Staff uses is a plus. Sheema, no. I can use her in the arena to scrape funds.

Edited by Laylea
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And that we aren't going to kill one of the most useful archers in the game.

Being one of the most useful archers in the game isn't exactly saying a whole lot.


I'd take Est over Sheema anyday. Go for it.

You know what's sad? I don't think you're lying >_>

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Not true, it only really applies to characters that start as enemies. Warren isn't getting killed because early on, there is a crapload of dragon knights. Having more bowmen to weaken them is a nice boon. Elren can be decent.

Reason we're putting Samson there is because Sheema is required to recruit him in the first place, she causes a whole chapter to go more slowly thanks to Gra soldier roadblocks, which I'd prefer to kill for the exp. After recruiting her is the only time I can get that exp and I'm sitting there wasting time hunting them down when I could just killer her and Samso and end the chapter right then. Samson would be fine if he weren't recruited by Sheema. But he's stuck being basically Samson+Sheema. If anything, it's Sheema to blame. He's not worth it because it's just easier to kill them both. They either go together or die together.

As for BOY JEORGE...Why kill the second best archer in the game? He's a decent guy to choose from outside of Kashim. He can be of help as a 2nd archer too. Besides, with the clog blocking you from the fort+Marth taking his sweet time due to recruiting Banut (we want the gem for the money) , Gordin will have reached him before Marth gets to the fort anyways. That is unless Gordin started way in the back. Let's not forget, Jeorge is like the only guy who can even use Partia for the dragonvalley.

Fuck 'Em Tier shows worth. They're useful. They're just useful being killed is all. Worth more dead than alive.

But if we can't agree on it, at least make them the new bottom tier and make the current bottom tier go up to low.

EDIT: Being the most useful archer is better than being sucky anything else. I just don't think George sucks enough to warrent getting killed.

Laela Laela Laela...How come every time I post, you are always behind me? Saving Hammerne staff is a plus? So we're just not gonna use it because it's the Hammerne staff? That's such a waste. There's plenty of reasons to use the Miracle Blade in dragonvalley. Double exp dragons, it's free unlike dragonslayers, and plenty of people can use it so everyone gets a nice padding of exp. Those that use swords anyways...

Edited by Grandjackal
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Being one of the most useful archers in the game isn't exactly saying a whole lot.

No. But if you don't feel like using him, you can still use him to level in the arena in Chapter 15 to scrape funds for the promotion items in Chapter 18's secret shop. If for any reason to buy the promotion items in Chapter 5's Secret Shop, it would be for the Bishop Rings. Because there are less of these than any other. Yep, only three free ones in the whole game.

Chapter 9 Boss Yodel drops it.

Chapter 14 A Devil Sword Thief enemy drops it.

Chapter 20 Treasure Chest

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meh, I'm kind of torn here.

Guys like Roshe would certiantly be more useful than Sheema in the fact that you can just bench Roshe. To even recruit Sheema and Samson you have to slow down. Even PRIVATE RYAN is just handed to you from the start, he sucks, but he's only slowing you down if you use him...I think I do side with Fuck Em tier after all. But ONLY for characters that don't penalize you just for keeping them alive.

But if you don't feel like using him, you can still use him to level in the arena in Chapter 15 to scrape funds for the promotion items

Will you please tell me what portion of "no arena abuse" is so hard to understand?

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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meh, I'm kind of torn here.

Guys like Roshe would certiantly be more useful than Sheema in the fact that you can just bench Roshe. To even recruit Sheema and Samson you have to slow down. Even PRIVATE RYAN is just handed to you from the start, he sucks, but he's only slowing you down if you use him...I think I do side with Fuck Em tier after all. But ONLY for characters that don't penalize you just for keeping them alive.

Right. Sheema and Samson have been mentioned, and Astram due to keeping him alive means not getting the Miracle Blade at a great time, and he's reasonably easy to kill in the desert. I can honestly say I can't see there being any more than these three here. Reason Astram being top is because killing him nets you the biggest prize. Samson middle because he can actually be usable if recruited, just not useful enough to warrent Sheema's requirements, and Sheema for being fail and slowing you down when you could just kill her, along with being the reason Samson doesn't get to live either.

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You know what's sad? I don't think you're lying >_>
I'm serious. Sheema is more fail than Est. Take all of Est's problems, now add even WORSE join time, WORSE joining conditions, LOWER MOVEMENT, and FAR LESS LEVELS TO GROW IN.

That's really sad, to be worse than Est, not just in one area, but in several.

I think I do side with Fuck Em tier after all. But ONLY for characters that don't penalize you just for keeping them alive.
Fine. Only for characters like Sheema & Samson then. They do penalize you by forcing you to spend extra turns, though I can likely argue that Samson at least gives you a usable unit for going through the trouble, while Sheema doesn't, so I still opt for Samson to be in Bottom Tier.

Astoria? Definitely not. You're not being penalized for not killing him, you simply aren't getting an early Miracle sword.

Chiki? No. Her weapon is expensive, but it can be sold for the money. She doesn't slow down an entire chapter just to recruit her. Bottom tier material, maybe low if she's lucky.

George? Not really. For the same reasons as above.

Edited by Chainey
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Fine. Only for characters like Sheema & Samson then. They do penalize you by forcing you to spend extra turns, though I can likely argue that Samson at least gives you a usable unit for going through the trouble, while Sheema doesn't.

Astoria? Definitely not. You're not being penalized for not killing him, you simply aren't getting an early Miracle sword.

Chiki? No. Her weapon is expensive, but it can be sold for the money. She doesn't slow down an entire chapter just to recruit her. Bottom tier material, maybe low if she's lucky.

George? Not really.

George and Chiki are a definite no along with Elren and Warren. Astoria though...Not getting the Miracle blade for the dragonvalley chapters, ripe with dragons that give huge exp if legendaries are used is pretty evil. It's not just a powerful blade, but the buttload of experience your sword guys can get with little effort. All it takes is to bury Astoria in the sand...

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i'll leave him where he is for now

reposting the list because I feel it might get a revision soon

=Top Tier=







=High Tier=












=Mid Tier=









==Low Tier==









=Bottom Tier=









=Bishop tier, based on hawtness=





=Fuck 'em=




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no miracle sword for five is still worse than just putting PRIVATE RYAN on the bench, though

sorry i didnt edit my other post im tired

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Astoria though...Not getting the Miracle blade for the dragonvalley chapters, ripe with dragons that give huge exp if legendaries are used is pretty evil. It's not just a powerful blade, but the buttload of experience your sword guys can get with little effort. All it takes is to bury Astoria in the sand...
I know, you lose out on an amazing extra if you kill Astoria, but you also aren't penalizing yourself by recruiting Astoria. You're actually penalizing yourself from recruiting Sheema, and you gain very little for it.

Astoria is a "not win" and "win" situation. Sheema/Samson is a "lose" and "win" situation.

I think Astoria should hang in the actual tiers, even if he's in bottom or whatever, because I think his circumstances are much better than Sheema/Samson's any day.

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I'm serious. Sheema is more fail than Est. Take all of Est's problems, now add even WORSE join time, WORSE joining conditions, LOWER MOVEMENT, and FAR LESS LEVELS TO GROW IN.

Not to mention, no weak enemies to fight except for her own soldeirs in Chapter 17 & 18 the Thief reinforcements in Chapter 18.

Astoria? Definitely not. You're not being penalized for not killing him, you simply aren't getting an early Miracle sword.

Not to mention saving Hammerine Staff uses to use for other things, and for Dragon Valley when the Star Orb is lost.

Chiki? No. Her weapon is expensive, but it can be sold for the money. She doesn't slow down an entire chapter just to recruit her. Bottom tier material, maybe low if she's lucky.

Why bother to sell it, when you can sell the free Red Dragonstones. You get two free ones, and they sell for the same price as the Divine Stone (Which I would NOT sell). Chiki is only useful with the Divine Dragonstone, and the Time Dragonstone (Which you can buy in the Secret Shop in Chapter 14.)

George? Not really. For the same reasons as above.

Yeah, besides killing him will lose a useful Bow user, as well as a Star Orb fragment that he carries with him. So killing him is completely out of the question.

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