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FE3, Book 2 tier list

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I think it's well established that Gordon > Chiki and Kashim > Gordon. They'll be moving around based on adjacent characters at this point.

I can see Kashim going above Elren, unless Elren's usefulness outweighs Kashim's.

Oh, NOW someone else brings it up. I'll let Nathan and Paisan-o Sweet Tooth continue with Chiki, since they seem to be great inseperable lifelong lovers starbound by destiny.

Kashim's great stats and mobility and greatest benefactor of dragonvalley parthia use AND earlier use of making defending the twins go form troublesome to a cakewalk AND laughing at the entire Kahdain military>being outclassed by every other mage. I almost find it hilarious. YUBELLO and Kashim is a debate.

EDIT: Wait, he needs a manual to use Parthia, my bad. Greatest benefactor, but needs resources for that in the first place. My bad. Still better than Elren being meh.

Edited by Grandjackal
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Greatest benefactor? Try only. I can't think of one character in this game that actually gives a damn about Weapon skill in this game. Apart from Doga. But he sucks anyway. And he only really needs it for Gradius. Which you can just give him the other manual for.

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Greatest benefactor? Try only. I can't think of one character in this game that actually gives a damn about Weapon skill in this game. Apart from Doga. But he sucks anyway. And he only really needs it for Gradius. Which you can just give him the other manual for.

Not the only. Gordon benefits from it. His growths don't COMPLETELY blow. Just Ryan isn't using it and George doesn't need it except for weakening the fire/ice dragons. Kashim still benefits greatest though. But still not the only.

For how late you get Gradius, wouldn't Doga have the weapon level by then anyways, or does he literally average out to less than able? Not that it matters much, Gradius has a whole 4 chapters of use.

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Also, Palla might actually have a chance of>Sirius...

There's a dragon whip in C7, Palla's probably gonna get it because Shiida sucks and Catria could use a few more levels for the one in C9. She gets a hueg defense boost from it and she has the shield to negate arrows [granted she's sharing it with catria but meh she'll rape any archer before they get close to her anyway] Anyawy, over Sirius, that means she wins move because of flight, and now wins durability, plus she has access to the lady sword on indoor chapters for all the good that does her.

It's very possible, anyway.

edit: god damnit i'm an idiot I thought I was editing my last post

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Also, Palla might actually have a chance of>Sirius...

There's a dragon whip in C7, Palla's probably gonna get it because Shiida sucks and Catria could use a few more levels for the one in C9. She gets a hueg defense boost from it and she has the shield to negate arrows [granted she's sharing it with catria but meh she'll rape any archer before they get close to her anyway] Anyawy, over Sirius, that means she wins move because of flight, and now wins durability, plus she has access to the lady sword on indoor chapters for all the good that does her.

It's very possible, anyway.

edit: god damnit i'm an idiot I thought I was editing my last post

Oh, for the MANUAL. Ok. Not like you don't get three over the course of the game (bridge general, wastelands, some other place I can't currently remember).

....Wow...I brought up Paula being over Sirius and NOW it's being discussed!? Come on...She was basically equal to him without the whip anyways. Flight alone should put her above him.

Edited by Grandjackal
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winning offense, durability, and move>>>>>>>>>>>>melee counter

also level leads and partia spam. Yeah he's not the only one who can do it but he's bar-none the best bow user so he'll certainly get to do it far more often than he won't.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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This is quite possibly the only time a Pegasus Knight is the best character in any FE game.

Kashim bumped up.

=Top Tier=







=High Tier=












=Mid Tier=









==Low Tier==










=Bottom Tier=





=Bishop tier, based on hawtness=








=Worse than Est=

(Insert large gap here)


Edited by Chainey
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Does anyone disagree with Kashim being above Elren?

winning offense, durability, and move>>>>>>>>>>>>melee counter

Only that his movement is dwindled in the sand and trees that Elren does well in. Kashim can move two spaces in the sand as well as the trees that Elren has normal movement in the sand. I'm sure that he can only move three spaces in the trees though. Kashim has better durability, gets mounted upon class change, but Elren has better movement in the terrain than Kashim does except river terrain than Kashim can move a space in. But Elren has better Terrain movement in more enviroments than Kashim does.

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Especially since enemies can rip Yubello a new asshole for a good while.

I had him overleveled by dragon valley with orb use (Leo + Cancer is my favorite combo, though I guess he didn't have anything HP boosting. Do Gemini and Aquarius do that?), the fire dragons were close to one shotting him...Should say a bit about him normally.

Think he'll dare to bring up luck, even though Kashim's an archer?

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Now you're just confusing "Chainy" with "Ayanami" or whatever her name is. FE3 Player/Darth/Chainy/wtfe he wants to be called has more common sense than to use luck in an argument.

....Unlike SOMEBODY ELSE I know...

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Now you're just confusing "Chainy" with "Ayanami" or whatever her name is. FE3 Player/Darth/Chainy/wtfe he wants to be called has more common sense than to use luck in an argument.

....Unlike SOMEBODY ELSE I know...

Yeah, you're right. Though Ayanami I think is just messing around, since she eventually comes around to agree with things she fought against to make other rediculous claims/ makes shit up. She CAN'T be serious.

Personally, I find it funny.

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Really now...

Really now...

What, we're suddenly not allowed to make jokes at your expense? Lighten up a little, I've been here for barely much time, but it's obvious I'm a lighthearted lovable oaf! Now lemme see a smile there Shannan...

In all seriousness though, yeah, there's much putting Kashim above Yubello. Any thoughts?

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My only thought is that I'm just going to wait until more discussion before posting a new list that way there is a more major update.

What, we're suddenly not allowed to make jokes at your expense? Lighten up a little, I've been here for barely much time, but it's obvious I'm a lighthearted lovable oaf! Now lemme see a smile there Shannan...
*activates Starlight Hit*
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