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Holy shit


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So like, I got the best idea for a random story ever and I want to halt the almost-completeness of chapter eight just to spend about a day typing it all up because it's great

oh and also I'm really tired

I fell asleep yesterday in first period without even realizing it. I was dreaming that I was awake and watching the video we were watching, and then my teacher frightened me which woke me up and talked to me and I told him I didn't mean to but he didn't listeeennn and I cried

And even though I wanted sleep last night I was up until one in the morning finishing the packet HE GAVE TO US instead of going to sleep right after playing Abyss because I waited until the last minute and realized it was half-done 8D


when I get home, I'm going to sleep or something

After my walk though, because I feel fat.

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You fell asleep in school? Definately something wrong with you....

A lot of people do it. D8

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A lot of people do it. D8

There must be something wrong with A lot of people....

I mean, really, I get no more than 6 hours of sleep and I'm never tired. Falling asleep in school basically means you're a lazy ass who is so lazy that I honestly cannot comprehend it.

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There must be something wrong with A lot of people....

I mean, really, I get no more than 6 hours of sleep and I'm never tired. Falling asleep in school basically means you're a lazy ass who is so lazy that I honestly cannot comprehend it.

I usually get a little more sleep than that (like half an hour or something) but perturbing my schedule even a bit makes me tired D8

Also, thanks, my confidence levels went down again

Edited by Bizz
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I usually get a little more sleep than that (like half an hour or something) but perturbing my schedule even a bit makes me tired D8

Also, thanks, my confidence levels went down again


Troll is not effective on Bizz.

Bizz's confidence level goes back up, amirite?

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There must be something wrong with A lot of people....

I mean, really, I get no more than 6 hours of sleep and I'm never tired. Falling asleep in school basically means you're a lazy ass who is so lazy that I honestly cannot comprehend it.

You must still be in elementary school, then.

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You must still be in elementary school, then.

considering how he acts, I wouldn't be surprised...

Once in 2nd grade I fell asleep. We were watching a nice quiet movie on the rug, and it was my day for the big pillow... so...

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considering how he acts, I wouldn't be surprised...

Once in 2nd grade I fell asleep. We were watching a nice quiet movie on the rug, and it was my day for the big pillow... so...

In Kindergarten, during naptime, I never fell asleep and always talked to my friend. The one time I do fall asleep, I sleep for about two hours, 1 hour after naptime was over XD

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In Kindergarten, during naptime, I never fell asleep and always talked to my friend. The one time I do fall asleep, I sleep for about two hours, 1 hour after naptime was over XD

practically same thing for me.

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My high school ought to include nap time. Especially considering the unholy hours they demand we be there. It's been found in studies that teenagers' brains are wired to stay up later and wake up later than any other age group. And yet my idiot school district has the high school on the earliest schedule. Have to be there 7:20 every day (and 7:10 or earlier if you're a wind ensemble geek like me). Why am I not dead yet.

DH reminds me of this kid who pretends I'm his friend at lunch every day. (That's not a good thing.)

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Hmm... I've been losing my sleep recently... but I live where all these snow storms are at (though, they are in a pretty wide range, so... there are probably many who are in the areas they hit). I felt ready to collapse one night, then the next day the storms cause me to have school closed... Then today it's closed. Tomorrow we have a 2 hour delay. I'm feeling so refreshed from all this catching up! =)

Aw, the meanie teacher made you cry??? D=

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