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I just started using Ebay and I'm excited to see what I can sell! My account is bluecatemblem88, so if you're ever bored (I know you are) go see what I am selling. Right now it's just old textbooks... but soon...

Who else has Ebay?

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I just started using Ebay and I'm excited to see what I can sell! My account is bluecatemblem88, so if you're ever bored (I know you are) go see what I am selling. Right now it's just old textbooks... but soon...

Who else has Ebay?

yes I do but I never have used it once lol

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I've never sold anything on Ebay, but I buy things off of it occasionally. It's where I bought my copy of Fire Emblem: Gaiden and a few art books for several obscure games.

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I buy things every once in awhile. I shall never forget one thing though: ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. AVOID AUCTIONS. THEY SUCK.

And that's what I have to say on the matter of eBay.

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I can see the avoid actions mentality these days with so many sniping methods open (programs, websites, eBay itself? etc) and not to mention blatent shill bidding that eBay staff are simply "we're too busy rolling in money to care".

From lurking at enough forums I've heared enough eBay horror stories to put me off for life :P I've also heared many eBay shops are thinking of closing up as the listing fees are getting too dear to be worth bothing but if you shut up shop who do you go to? I suppose Amazon marketplace is good for most things...

It is a shame there is no serious competition in the West. At least Asia has Yahoo Auctions (which you can't snipe, try it and the auction stays open for longer).

Not to mention eBay might as well be called Pirate Bay as far as GBA games, DS games and anime DVDs go (<- These are the worst as its not just HK Bootlegs with shit for subs or stolen subs but you also get people charging money for fansubs burnt onto DVDs...I don't know what is sadder eBay not caring or the fact people are prepared to pay).

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No, I don't have an Ebay account. Besides, if I did, I'd spend it all on bidding for contemporary music novelties as opposed to the stuff other people are using.

That said, I wonder if anybody's auctioning a harpsichord on Ebay...

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My parents have an Ebay account, and I just recently used it to sell all my old Bionicles for money. Now I'm using that money to go on a trip to Florida with my orchestra.

And I buy all sorts of stuff on Ebay and Amazon. Just about all of my game systems came from there (except DS and Wii). I get a lot of books there too.

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I have a bid on the first thing I put in on the market! It's my old econ book and it's selling for $10 so far

Boy does this get addicting...

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